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Thursday, February 27, 2014

To educate

What is a good teacher? I have seen and personally know several good ones in my life time to be able to tell the difference. There are too many good teachers who have to put up with more than enough out of teenagers today not to mention the red-tape paperwork that they are subjective to complete.

You are a parent. You have one or two children. Well a teacher has 28-35 they have to contend with on a daily basis. Did anyone ever once consider place yourself in their shoes? It is a hard but rewarding job. They spend hours (more the 8 hours) trying to educate children to take their place in society.

I say this tongue and cheek: Why the hell is our society and our government no doing their part to make sure that the teacher succeeds? The more we heap red-tape on top of teachers, and do not pay them enough, means the less chance they have to perform their job adequately.

Many teachers are tired. Why? Because: they have to work more than two jobs in most cases where only one family has a salary. They also have families they have to support and feed as well.  

This is the same issue as the minimum wage. We want to complain but what are we doing to help out. How many parents volunteer to help with lesson plans, to help by researching ideas to help the teacher, how many make copies? How many of you help the teacher raise your child? Yet I hear this out of so many parents: “I don’t want government involved in me raising my children!” It is a public education, the government is involved. Our tax money goes toward education.  

What does the parent do other than drop off and pick up? Think long and hard; and, if your child turns out to be a “dumb ass” don’t blame it on the teacher, start with yourself as a parent.

A person with a BA starting salary in the US (2013):                                     $45,327 (Private Industry)

Government job for a person with a BA starting salary:                                  $56,130
(Elementary education BA-federal level)
–Average Teachers Salary-starting**
                Texas                                                                                           $34,234
                Alabama                                                                                       $36,301
                Mississippi                                                                                    $31,187
                Louisiana                                                                                      $38,655
**Texas is based differently district to district; Alabama differs from county to county; Louisiana is based on parish to parish; Mississippi is based on rank “A” status.

So if private industry and the federal government pay more on a starting level what is wrong with the states? Wait a minute, I know the answer: Well, we set aside budget money for “the roads.” We better make sure our rides do not get too messed up until we can buy a new one.

Well here is my answer; you can’t buy a new kid when they become damaged.

In my research I find that more money was put into the roads than into educating our children. We put more money into building better government offices than into educating our children. We put more money into the political party and conferences with televised events than into educating our children.

What is going to happen tomorrow when our children don’t know anything?

Dear Federal, State, and Local Governments,
Why are you not putting in enough money to insure our future, the children? More resources and better pay for teachers. Please get rid of all your BS paperwork, some of those ridiculous rules and regulations and let teachers teach.  There are a lot of good teachers teaching; (again) let them teach.
If parents don’t like what is going on in their schools, stop your complaining and get more involved.
John & Jane Q Public

Please see what you can do to help your teacher.

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” (Psalm 127:3)

If we believe the children are our future, we must invest in that future. Do not destroy the profession of teaching those children.

Keep in prayer Teresa Bufkin’s mom in her fight on cancer; Stuart (Pete Prescott’s son) is doing well and was sent home early from the hospital after his surgery; keep in prayer Ashley Larson as she continues to heal; keep in prayer the family and friends of Melinda Denny who was called home to be with God; pray for each other.

God bless each and everyone to stay safely in His arms. 

Mississippi $30,900-35,020 (based on “A” rank)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Just because it looks good doesn't mean it is good.

How many of the people my age or a little older grew up seeing a plastic bowl of fruit on the tables of our mothers or grandmothers?  I was really young the first time looking at these luscious purple grapes that looked so real and so delicious at my paternal grandmother’s house. They sat in a wire type silver bowl. One day, when no one was looking, I snatched one and put in my mouth. There was no sweet nectar. It was bland and very chewy. I spit it my hand and it was still round: not squashed like most food and blah as I viewed the content in my palm intently.  I knew I couldn’t eat it; so, I dried it off and put it back with the others.

Hypothetically, fruit are a lot like people. Just because it looks good, doesn’t mean it is edible.

“…But, the fruit of the Spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23)

A person can invest themselves in relationship with a vast array of people that interact in their lives daily but that doesn’t ensure that the investment is wise. Sometimes the relationship has no taste and it is not the “real deal.” Put it back and only invest in the reality of something that is the spiritually ripened.

When we make decisions in life, are we making it off of past experiences or superficial ideals?

Keep in prayer the family and friends of US Navy Commander Alphonso Doss (Pensacola) who was taken home on February 12th; it was announced today that his death was ruled a homicide. “Support for Sophia” announced this morning that Sophia went home to be a baby angel. Keep her family and friends in prayer. Ashley Larson is improving and is in great spirits; but, still is in need of prayers to continue improving and to help her financial needs to be met. Keep each other in prayers.

God bless each and everyone.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I was protected as always without doubt

I will read something and remember an event that has either been suppressed or just forgotten.

When I lived in North Carolina there was a time when I held two jobs. This wasn’t the first time I have held two jobs in my life time. In 2008, I drove a taxi-cab on my days off from working in a hotel – an administrative employee with more than five “hats.” My children needed additional money for high school that year and it was my job as a parent to see they get it. My friends and associates from work were very concerned for my safety; but, I had been trained to know what to do and how to behave. I also kept my Bible on the front seat of the cab which I felt would be protection. It protected me one night.

I had picked up two men from a strip club to take them to their hotel at about 2:00 a.m. They were funny. One of them was very “amorous.” When we got to the hotel, one gentleman paid me for the fare and went on inside. The amorous man stayed in the back seat and talked while making advances. I wasn’t scared. He even offered to pay for my time to the sum of $500. It would have been money I could have used too. I repeated numerous times that I was not interested. He gave me a $100 bill, dropped his pants, and slid into the front seat.

He asked me: “Have you ever seen anything this great before?”

I told him: “Please get your naked butt off my Bible.”

I was calm. He got out of my cab, pulled up his pants, and left. I had Clorox Wipes in the cab and sanitized by Bible cover. He left his $100 bill sitting on my seat next to my Bible. That night after all was said and done, all expenses for driving the cab paid, I had more than enough money to pay for what my children needed and plenty left over.

The word of God protected me. Since then, I have never ever doubted the presence of God.
There have been times when I have been so broke that I didn’t know where the money was coming from to feed my family. God pointed me to some Christian friends who helped me out. I did pay them back so they could help others. It seemed at times there were dark clouds circling just me. There were times I had no car and had to walk everywhere including in the snow or rain just to get groceries. There were times I just wanted to give up. There were times when all our needs were met. Not once did God leave my side.

(This is one of my favorites.) “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1)

Keep in prayer Stuart, son of Pete Prescott, who will be having surgery this week. Ashley Larson is doing much better today; her temperature is down and she is in better spirits. Thank you all for responding last night to the prayers. They made a difference. Keep each other in prayer.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

God does exist... Everything else is just conjecture

One day while I was sitting in class it occurred to me that something was missing in my thought processes about science and theories, etc. The science that we know is relatively new: coming into its own in the late Renaissance and earl Baroque periods. Yet in classical studies there was architecture, studies of the heavens, water management and much more—which was in some cases way before the time of Christ.

While I was reading Blackstone’s “Commentaries on the Laws of England” – 1765, He opens up the discussion about natural law. My perception is that all forms of life (every living matter) are governed by natural laws. Nothing is left to chance or the will of itself; but, there is an order or rule as created. God created that order and rule.  

The history of the evolutionary thought was formed sometime in the pre-Socratic era. (Socrates died in 399 B.C.) The theory (best I can remember) became popular with Charles Darwin around 1842. The way I understand it, though, that the science we know actually didn’t start taking off and flying until the 1600s. I know that Darwin has been misunderstood in history period. We never descended from apes, we just have similar DNA components; for that matter I learned in Biological Anthropology that we have similar DNA components to a banana and many other living organisms for that matter. Evolution has occurred without us really knowing it. Evolution is change; changes in the genetic pool. DAH!!!

In 1800 the average height of a man in North America was 5’7. In 2003 the average height is 5’11. Since height is determined by genetics (genes), do you think man have evolved into being taller?

The Big Bang theory didn’t come about until the 20th century. That theory (if I am not wrong) is approaching its 100th year.

What I am getting at is that all the theories that we learn in science, only a few can be attributed to Biblical passages and happened years before the word of sciences came into play. I am absolutely sure without a doubt in truth that God does exist.  Everything else is just mere conjecture. A theory, a thought, an idea is had by all; but, only one God exist which is something greater; He is a faith, an understanding, and a hope. When He (the great creator) molded every living thing on this earth He supplied the inter-dependence that we experience and made the order of natural law in which we abide.   

“Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.” (Psalms 90:1)

On the 22nd I mentioned that Joseph Davis was missing through a post from Consuella Thomas-Price to keep him in prayer. Please keep in prayer the family and friends of Joseph Davis. His mental health was not good and was recently called home to be with God. Keep Natalie Hightower on her fight with cancer. She has not been feeling well. Keep in prayer Larry Gill who had a misstep that cause numerous injuries or him; we hope he recovers quickly. Keep in prayer for Dinna Nance Cunningham who has not been well. Keep in prayer Ashley Larson on her battle with cancer and recuperation from her recent surgery. Keep in prayer Brielle and Kyrie (picture of the twins) they were born 12 weeks early with some complications. Brielle was not expected to live until she was placed in the same incubator with her sister and since then she has stabilized. Pray for each other.

God bless you all while staying safely in His arms. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Examine your motives

I ran across a really interesting concept while reading on one of the text books assigned. This one passage had a tremendous amount of interpretation. “Christians require pastors or ministers to instruct and guide them but not as a priestly class set apart.” (Russell Kirk, “The Roots of American Order”, Pg 235) The first thing that came to mind is why? 

Believe it or not I have always been anti-establishment when it comes to modern ecclesiastical doctrines. I am of the opinion that religion is not treated with the same original spiritual purpose as it was originally intended. It has transformed into something that I just cannot understand--sometimes. The religious communities are full of intrigue, drama, hatefulness, and the imperfections as standard society. So why go to church? Therefore, I stopped.

I never expect anyone to be like me and my habits; I question my intentions (often) if they are right or wrong. However, people do need that Christian interaction on their own given terms—which in most cases meaning going to church as scheduled. I personally worship God and Jesus and attempt to spread that word every waking minute.

Why do Christians require pastors or minister? (a) Could it be Christians need to be with others in a community—to fit in and be needed or (b) could it be Christian laziness and narrow mindedness? People need to be with others in a Christian community to fit in for their purpose of their continuation in spiritual traditionalism. There is nothing wrong with that.  

Here is my reasoning. The minister or pastor is like a parent. They guide and help us mold our spirituality. Their position is much like a parent with many children.  A lot of times, people get a really good feeling when they hold hands and pray together; or, sit at a table and share food with good like minded company. This doesn’t mean that you like everyone there. Not every single person in the room is going to like each other, but they are tolerant of each other’s “spiritual sibling.” Sometimes the spiritual siblings do not like the parent. Not all spiritual parents are fitted to a specific religious community. Then you really have a lot of drama! The only difference is that we cannot fire our biological parents; though, we can learn from them.

Next part of the answer: are you a lazy Christian? What do you do to learn or do you just leave it all up to the minister or pastor to instruct you? “Sit in the pew and open your Bible to the page instructed? Today we are going to speak about ‘blah, blah, blah’…” and then you doze off just a little bit but you are listening to the whole thing. How? Your Bible sits on the chair or table until Wednesday. You eventually read the program to find out the events of next Sunday. Oh goody! Been there and done that. In my lifetime I can name a lot of people who have done this too.

Are you attending church because that is what your neighbor/friend does? Is it because of socialization? Is it to get more business contacts or to become a better known person in your society? A person needs to know why they attend church and what are they getting out of going? If you can’t figure it out then you really need to examine: (1) your soul or (2) maybe you aren’t comfortable with your spiritual community. Either way-- question your motive. Be honest with yourself.

The true reason to worship God and Jesus is for our soul: with faith and grace comes hope: with hope comes a will: with a will comes the opportunity to spread through physical actions: with physical actions come charitable work and suffering. Being a Christian is easy: sustaining one’s Christianity is the most difficult task in your life—emotionally and physically. Christianity isn’t just a way of thought; actions have to be included.

Michael Miller shared with me “Last man standing.” “Walter D Ehlers, the last living Medal of Honor recipient from the Allied invasion of Normandy during ‘Operation Overload’ in 1944, passed away in Buena Park, CA on Thursday of natural causes at the age of 92; please, keep his friends, family, and fellows in arms in prayer.” I mentioned this young man on February 9th, and this is a follow up after contacting a family friend Wendy Ladner-- with a very heavy heart on this subject, God called home a very special young man in the community of Jones Co., Mississippi—Austin Blake Savell. His father works at Jones Co. Jr. College in Ellisville, MS. Blake had surgery and he never woke up. God needed him more on February 19th. No matter what the situation, when a child passes through the arms of his parents, it is the hardest loss of all. Keep his friends and family in prayer.  Remember to pray for Ashley Larson who is still recovering but appears to be much better. Keep in prayer each other.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7) Examine what you are fighting for? Is it life everlasting?

Remember this is just my thoughts and no one has to agree, but I request everyone be respectful of each other if not yourself.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Baked chicken, a speech, and a lot of people

I have come to the conclusion on the topic subject I will be presenting in April.  It will be on how the Kingdoms of King Alfred (English) and Charlemagne were introduced to Chivalry and why it was so strong during Charlemagne’s Carolinian reign and not as strong during King Alfred’s time.  The historical information on this will surprise many people. I know the answer but to write about and present it is another deal.

I suppose that is why I have been trying so hard to walk and get just a little more weight off. Reason one is this presentation; reason two is I want to walk at graduation across that stage. My children will be taping my presentation that evening. If you are Houston on April 17th, it is an Academic Symposium and if you would like to attend just let me know. Other than class presentations, I haven’t spoken on a stage since 2007 and that was to an audience of more than 500 people with chicken lodged in the cleavage of my breast and bra.

Okay… I am sure I have told this but here is a brief story of what happened. The presentations at a fundraiser in 12/2007 were during the dinner. I had a piece of chicken on my fork when one of the organizers tapped me on the arm holding the fork and chicken went down my shirt. Needless to say I didn’t have time to retrieve it. The gentleman at my said told me he couldn’t tell and I will do fine. I had my speech memorized and didn’t need the notes. When it was all said and done and I exited the stage, I started trembling something fierce.

“The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? The Lord is on my side as my helper; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.” (Psalm 118:6-9)

Keep in prayer the friends and family of Barbara Russell—Ambassador and Queen of the Darling Red Hatters of WPSCC Chapter—Philadelphia. She went to sleep and woke up in heaven on February 19th. She will be missed so dearly here with us but God needed her more. Keep prayers for the safety of Joseph Davis (via Consuella Thomas-Price); he has been missing and has health issues. Keep in prayer for Dinna Nance Cunningham who has not been well. Please, keep each other in prayer.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Truth has to spiritually honorable

Today has been much better. I prayed a lot last night to lay my worries down. I studied and outlined some material for class and rested.

                I was having trouble last night in class, expressing myself totally, which is sometimes nothing unusual for me. Of course I question just about everything from A to Z in my studies. The topic was communion. I question the rituals practiced since they technically are nothing more man’s commemoration in association with certain events in the Bible. Sometimes I feel different (no funny jokes about me being “different”) because I look at too much at the realistic truth. The Bible never instructed any man to follow of the commemorated events that are practiced at church. To get my thoughts together I had to talk it over with another a professor this afternoon—who is accustomed to my peculiarities. (I also think he understands that there are times my turnips are not on the elevator like they should be.)

                There are specialized traditions that are part of a community that helps people feel part of a group. Even though there are no biblical mandates, the rituals are said to be a show of respect for authority, wisdom, and unity of the spiritual community.  The spiritual community means the church in which we chose to worship in. It is true that society (generally) does have a general lack of Ecclesiastical history because of a specific doctrine they follow. I suppose what I am getting at is that religious based traditionalism and symbolism can be a very beautiful event.  The doctrine is a guidance in which a person worships in their religious community.

                Worshiping God and Jesus can be the most wonderful events in any person’s life. Understanding the philosophical theology behind the tradition and how it all came to be is absolutely magnificent! Sharing knowledge of our ideals can be very rewarding even if many do not believe like you do. You are sharing part of yourself.

                 Keep in prayer 498th Mobile Transportation Unit who left today on their 3rd tour in Afghanistan: may God guide them and keep them safe always. Keep in prayer Ashley Larson who is recovering in Florida. She was up and on the walker this morning; we want to continue in prayers for and with her fight on cancer; keep my uncle Mike Walters in prayer. Lift each other in prayer as well.

                Paul stated: “Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you.” (I Corinthians 11:2) Paul instructed (even though I don’t always agree with what he has written) honorably to the best of his ability in accordance with what he understood was godly and what Jesus would have wanted him to do as a disciple. He felt it was important for the future of Christianity. However, Jesus said: “And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?” (Matthew 15:3) If your tradition emulates the true spirituality of God or Jesus then you are honoring the gifts and blessing he has bestowed on us. Truth in our hearts has to be spiritually honorable.

                Remember my opinion; you don’t have to agree. I will though respect your opinion if you respect my.

                God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

He will wipe my tears

This has been an extremely difficult day for my family. It is coming to a close because the sun has gone down and all the souls are at rest. I am not much on the world of research this evening because I have two feet in my mouth as well as my personal thoughts. (Two backward feet--both left)

Keep in prayer Ashley Larson, who is in Florida, recuperating from a major surgery. She is still in a lot of pain, but time will tell. Jeff Griffin went on to the doctor is taking medicines to combat his respiratory infection—pray that he recovers quickly because his music and thoughts are such an inspiration to so many. Amanda (via Phyllis Parker Arden) made it through her outpatient surgery well and is at home healing—please keep in prayer for her. Pray for Nikki Bacote, a dear friend of mine in North Carolina. She is not well; we hope that she recovers quickly. Last but not least, my Uncle, Mike Walters, is in the hospital with COPD complicated pneumonia. Mike has been getting chemotherapy in Arkansas for his Leukemia. It deeply hurts to think of Mike suffering. He is truly such a wonderful uncle and still in my mind seems so young but he is in his 60s and his illness has aged him terribly. He has had a hard life. When he finally found happiness and something to look forward to, he gets Leukemia.

I think that is really bothering me more than anything. We do not always understand, but should accept because we have to have faith that God is going to see us through this screwed up world we reside in. We are not sheltered from life and bad things happen to good people without an explanation. Not everything in life is explainable and that is why we have a never ending faith.  

“There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.” (1 Samuel 2:2)

God will dry my tears and ease my emotional pains as he has always done. “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:4)

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What is wrong with this picture?

    In 1852, United States, at least a 14 year could be accepted at a major university if they pass the entrance exam of Latin, Greek, Ancient and Modern Geography, English Grammar, Arithmetic, and Elementary Algebra.

    Since the Elementary and Secondary Education Act passed in 2002 many of the arts programs were cut in schools. Many of you know it as “No Child Left Behind” Act; because of this many art programs were cut. As I have previously mentioned art is in more forms than just communication, painting, music, dance, and drama. Art is an expression of a person which everyone possesses.  

    Upon research I found the average intellect of a child 14 should have knowledge of Science, Mathematics, Geography, History, and Social Science. To find a definitive answer as to the average, I would have to check out the statistics and curriculum for all states.

    In 2012: “The US ranked 26th in Math…17th in science and reading” according to the figures of the 2012 Edition of PISA, Program for International Student Assessment. Vietnam participated for the first time in 2012 and had a higher average in math and science than the United States.  Anne Duncan (US Education Secretary) stated: “The picture of educational stagnation.”  

    Last summer I audited a class in English 101, college level freshman English. I took English all through high school. When I graduated from school back in 1979, my lack of education in academics was 70% my own fault. I can maybe name four teachers through my high school years that channeled my learning. My parents were not really supportive; they believed a woman’s world is not necessary education but marrying well was the purpose of a college education. When I graduated from high school, I was not college material or marriage material because of my rebellious nature. The remainder of the percentage would be 15% parents and 15% school. I was somewhat rebellious in high school not to mention very naïve.  I now hold an AA and BA. I am working on my MA – all with a GPA over 3.0. My future might see a PhD in there somewhere.

    In 2002 my son and I was told by a teacher, “Due to your son’s auditory dyslexia, he will never be able to graduate from High School. He might go ahead a try to prep for the GED and then join the military. That is where people like him go.” (Harrison County, Mississippi) He graduated in 2009, with a standard high school diploma. (Forsythe Co., NC) He kept taking the tests for 4 years until he passed the requirements. He will be graduating in August with a Culinary Arts Degree. He is thinking about continuing on to get his Bachelors in Business with an emphasis in Restaurant and Hotel Management. It took him longer than average but he did it.  He also stated he may take a break. The decision is his.
    Given the facts I just presented what is wrong? I think education is slipping just a bit, what do you think?
For every one of my son, there are 20(+) being over looked because of over-crowded classrooms, budgetary cuts and exhausted teachers who have to deal with too much red tape, paper work, and not enough freedom to teach like it should be. Every child is a sponge that soaks up knowledge.

    Since 1852, the education hasn’t increased but decreased. We have less that think, less communications, more mental illnesses and so forth. What caused this? We stopped being worried about our country. There is no longer strength in nationalism. There is no uniformity, no union of solidarity. We are no longer one nation under God. We no long revere the teaching profession like we should. This is a major problem in society. From 1996 –2001 there have been 18 school related shootings. From 2002-2013 there have been 43.   

    “My name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to my name, because my name will be great among the nations,” says the Lord Almighty. (Malachi 1:11)

Keep in prayer Jeff Griffin who has not been well. Keep in prayer Ashley Larson—she had her surgery today and is well but in a lot of pain. Keep in prayer the friends and family of Hailey Owens who was abducted and found dead, Springfield, Mo. A coach was charged in her death. Keep in prayer Amanda (via Phyllis Parker Arden). She is having another surgery. We pray for the best for all concerned. Keep each other in prayer.

Please not this is just my opinion. I respect yours, so please respect mine.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Changes come with knowledge and learning

I would like to see if you can relate to or recognize these statements that have been paraphrased with our modern social conditions:

    The long period of peace and uniformed government has gradually extinguished the industry and the creativity of the people as well as the military discipline and valor of the soldiers.
    The indulgence of the wealthy which originally conjoined to the extremely affluent and members of hierarchy was later extended to the justices causing total corruption in morals.
    The enrollment of mercenaries in the services allowed exclusion of the aristocracy from service; while the burden is shifted onto the lower socio-economic masses. Meanwhile the mercenaries were encouraged to grow in power and influence.
    The multiplication of oppressive taxes was countered and evaded by the rich placing the burden on the lower socio-economic class. The poor fled to the woods and mountains to become rebels and robbers.

Have you figured it out? Does any of this sound familiar? There are two primary causes as to the fall of the Roman Empire and the four reasons listed above were the secondary causes to the fall. I know that history cannot repeat itself; however, we should be worried about the similarities. This information was taken from the works of Edward Gibbons (1737-1794).

One of the problems in this country is that we have stopped thinking, stopped the Socratic debating, and stopped trying to work within the system to make the necessary changes. The communication is no longer a “gap” but a non-existent verbal exchange for a building up weltering infected explosion of violence. This is a world-wide epidemic. It needs to end. We must look to ourselves to improve as a collective group inward then outward with total cooperation among all societies.

Much of the problems started way before our time and I can’t help attribute it to the secularization and the separation of theological philosophy. During the pre-middle ages, it was almost considered one in subject. We have allowed our children not to be trained in the arts, which covers more than just music and a genre on canvas. A good example is that poetry sets the tone for the thoughts of men as well as the melodic version sets the popularity. Any art can express what is deep in the recesses of our souls therefore keeping those recesses from festering into something out of control.

What is even worse, the ecclesiastical history is not known but hidden behind individual doctrines of a group’ rendition on how worship is to be conducted. The ecclesiastical history is the most wonderful knowledge to obtain and it shouldn’t affect one’s faith ever but draw them closer in the realm of God.

In the meantime, clean your cranial state of thought, open your mind and expand your horizons, the word of God is an epic tale of drama, mayhem, sex, murder, and so much more. Research it. You will find that modern archaeology can prove many of the stories in detail. It will also enhance a part of your life that you really may not have known existed.

Up until my freshman year of high school, I attended religious schools and was forced to read, study, and memorize parts of the Bible. But, it wasn’t until I cleared all preconceived notions to learn what I never knew.        

“Teach me knowledge and good judgment, for I believe in your commands.” (Psalm 119:66)

Keep in prayer each other; please remember Ashley Larson in prayer for her surgery tomorrow that she comes through it and all is successful; keep in prayer the friends and family of those killed in the auto-accident out toward Big Creek Lake outside Mobile, Al.

Remember this is just my opinion. I respect your opinion, please respect mine.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Our knights of Valor

It has been a wonderfully productive day. I started to get on another research project; then, I put it down and turned on the artist side of me. I needed to relax. I did too. I enjoyed every minute of it. “Tomorrow is another day” so says Scarlet!

I just read the news article on the 4 year old boy “Found Wandering in Jordan.” It is disturbing to think of what might have been going through the mind of that little boy. Were his parents as concerned? Will he ever reconnect with them or are they dead? War has many victims other than those just killed.

I read of our service men who have returned, injured physically and emotionally. I wonder will anyone in war time ever heal. It changes the faces on this earth and the hearts of so many involved which also includes families. Whether it is a war on the streets or on foreign soil, those involved are friends, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, and little children—when one goes to war so does their families.

Edward Gibbons stated: “Whatever titles a despot may assume, whatever claim he may assert, it is on the sword he must ultimately depend, to guard him against his foreign and domestic enemies.” (“The History of the Decline and fall of the Empire” Vol. 7, pp 33)

We may not always agree with our military actions, our justice systems, our police, or agencies that are suppose to guard this country from harm; but, who else is going to fight the battles that need to be fought; who else is going to pick the dead bodies off the street; who else is going to stop the psychotics from doing detriment to society? Who else is going to hold the hand of a parent who lost a child? We may think we are tough individuals with our arms at our side and in our homes, but they are taking the actions and suffering for us – the military, the police, the justice systems, and so forth.

 Always remember no one person is perfect in their duty nor are all honorable, but the system works to the best of its ability. If we do not like it, the best way to change a system is to change it peacefully from within and not against.

Say “thank you” to our protectors for they are truly our valor knights who try to honor us in their service.

“I have command my holy ones; I have summoned my warriors to carry out my wrath—those who rejoice in my triumph.” (Isaiah 13:3)

Keep in prayer Jim Kiser for God to show him the open door in his future. Keep in prayer Ashley Larson who is tentatively scheduled for surgery in Florida on the 19th and that all goes well. Keep in prayer each other.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms.

Friday, February 14, 2014

I am not bau-humbug but just a realists.

Please do not think I am a “hum-bug scrooge” when it comes to Valentine’s Day. It is a day to me like any other. I fail to see how flowers and chocolates on one day of the year depict the appreciation for the people we love so much. To me it is just a highly commercialized form of capitalism. Many of you might say that I would feel differently if I was in love or seeing someone, but I do not think so. I have loved and I have been loved. I am also no expert on the subject matter because all my coupled relationships have gone down the crapper; but, that doesn’t mean there isn’t romance in my life. Romantic at heart comes in various forms and it is a wonderful attribute for each of us to acquire.

What I am about to share with you is very interesting. According to my research Valentine’s Day is named for a Christian martyr and dates back to the 5th century, but has its origins in the Roman holiday of Lupercalia.  

St Valentine was a holy priest in Rome who assisted with martyrs in the persecution under Claudius II. He was taken prisoner and sent to Rome. Claudius II tried to get him to renounce his faith as ineffective. He refused. He was beaten merciless and then beheaded on February 14, 270 AD.

Why was Claudius II upset? Could it have been because of the Roman festival on February 15th under the leadership of a (pagan) priest Luperci?  The origins of the festival are uncertain. The festival is also associated with fertility and the god Faunus.   Each Lupercalia started with a sacrifice of specific chosen goats and dog. After the sacrifice, the bloody knife would touch the head of each and then be wiped off with “wool dipped in milk” while two young men laughed. After a feast, two “thongs” cut by Luperci would strike any woman they saw and it was suppose to make a woman fertile.

In 494 Pope Gelasius made a similar form of this festival as the “Feast of the Purification.” In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius marked February 14th as a celebration in the honor of St. Valentine.      


That is the origin of Valentine’s Day.

I will not tell you happy Valentine’s Day. I will tell you that you have my greatest love and admiration from my heart and soul.

“The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
(Mark 12:31)

Keep each other in prayer. 

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Chasing the Blues

It has not been the best week for me. There are times I really get blue. All anyone has to do is look at me and I will cry. There is no rhyme or reason as to why. I am in more pain than normal and haven’t been able to rest like I should. There are also days I have trouble speaking or really doing anything. I suppose this is what everyone calls depression. I am physically sick because I am depressed or I am depressed because I am physically sick. The cycle continues and this too will pass. In the words of the character Scarlet O’Hara: “Tomorrow is another day.”

I will force myself to leave the confines in which I have built and get back to the living. There are many things that need to be done this weekend and I will get them all done.

Now that being said and done, I am not alone in my feelings because there are millions of people who feel the same way at one time or another. I do not know about men, but women have more hormones that can play havoc on every aspect of human mind and body. All I have to say is that society better be damn lucky that women do not have hormonal imbalances at the same time in America because men wouldn’t stand a chance.

When I get like this, I just have to spend several days in solitude and prayer until it passes.

“Though the mountains be shaken and the hill be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” say the Lords, who has compassion on you. (Isaiah 54:10)

These are the times that we feel useless, abandoned, unloved, and unwanted. I have come to realize that is not that case. The truth of the matter I have the love from my family, much affection from many friends, and 
the best love of all—God’s love.

So when life is a little too much and we get down, then take a deep breath and look around you at what really matters most? It may be that the answer is directly in front of you. There are times when it is too hard to see, but it is there.

Keep in prayer Becca Brooks (via Cheri Wiggins) who will be having an appendectomy. Pray for a positive outcome and quick recovery. Ashley Larson’s surgery in Florida has been postponed due to a slight illness. It is scheduled on the 19th of this month. Keep in prayer for each other.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Just goes to show you... you never know unless you take the time to find out.

Today I learned something really worth sharing. This holy man had fought in a war between Assisi and Perugia and had been taken prisoner. In his older years he became a fearless peace maker. After the 5th Crusade he was sent to Egypt. Before and after the 13th century it was said that he was living his life more “Christ-like” than any man that walked the face of this earth since Christ himself. He with others lived in poverty and extremely simple. He was noted as one of the humblest of all the reformers during the Medieval Ages. In Egypt, he crossed over the Saracen lines and charmed Sultan al-Kamil. As a test of his faith in Christ, he offered to walk barefoot on hot coals. The sultan wouldn’t let him. At first the Muslims in Egypt were very skeptical; then, they realized he must be mad. From then on they treated him with great respect because they felt God must have in habited his soul far more than they could understand. He did not accomplish peace between King John of Brienne (King of Jerusalem) and Sultan al-Kamil. The 5th Crusade continued. (Source: The Roots of American Order,  Russell Kirk.)  

The holy man that I speak of was St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226). His full name was Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone. One of his prayers is the “Prayer for Peace”:

“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light, and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is during that we are born to eternal life.”

After reading this, I was so moved to tears. Within ourselves we are all instruments of peace. We have all known hatred, love, injury, pardon, doubt, faith, despair, hope, darkness, light, sadness and joy. We have all consoled each other and have been consoled. As we understand life, we want to be understood. I had heard of St Francis but today I learned just part of his story in history.

None of this makes any sense unless we are born to eternal life.  That eternal life is the easiest to obtain because it only takes just one step; but, it is the hardest road to walk. We can be re-born at anytime that we so chose; but, today is that time.

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” (Ephesians 4:2)

Keep in prayer each other. Still continue to keep Corey Reynolds in prayer on a slight medical procedure and that he heals. Keep those in prayer during this Arctic blast of snow that is upon so many this evening.

God bless each and everyone this evening and keep you all safely in His arms. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A friend in need....

It has been a long day today and it was not my choice of eventful days. But I think everyone has one of those days. I tried to make it good but it just ended up quiet and I was unable to attend class because this weather has played havoc on my physical self.

I am in hopes that tomorrow will be a better day.

I read an article this evening from a reputable newspaper about a young man named Colin that lives in Michigan. Colin’s mother wanted to throw him an 11th year birthday party but Colin felt it was useless. He said he felt he had no friends. They all made fun of him. Colin has Asperger’s Syndrome which is a type of Autism where the person has significant difficulties in social interactions and non-verbal communication skills.  So his mother started a “Happy Birthday to Colin” page on FaceBook which as of this evening has 642,000 likes. On the page it is listed that his birthday is March 9th. It would be wonderful if this child get 1 million birthday cards and at least 1 million prayers.

Please help me to let this boy know he is a vital part of our society. Please send Happy Birthday cards to: Colin, P O Box 756, Richland, MI 49083-0756.

Keep in prayers Corey Reynolds who was in the ER with an infection that he heals very soon: keep each other in prayers.

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” (1 John 4:7)

God bless each and everyone to stay safely in His arms. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Thinking about suffering... the weather on the bones or the deep soul

I have finished one paper today, “A Critical Analysis of John Milton’s Sonnet 8”. I am glad I am finished with that. I had been working on it for several days. Today was a little harder because I am not feeling too “tip top.” I worked a few hours then I would lie down and rest. This went on since 4:30 am this morning.  I think it is because the upcoming cold weather “bout” that we are suppose to receive tonight on in to tomorrow.  

The only problem with this weather is that I have a class tomorrow evening. The weather (icy rain forecast) for the area has increased for 50% to 70%. 

While just accessing the current weather, I noted a “Child Abduction Alert--Houston” Keep in prayer Gabriel Elijah McKendal, 14 years old, is endangered because of non-custodial (mother) parental abduction. Apparently the mother is not a stable individual period.

Houston PD is good about different types of alerts; they advertise on highway digital signs, radios, and various web-sites as soon as possible to keep the public informed. Before entering many different freeways here (hypothetically about 10,000 of them) there generally is a posted traffic update of potential construction or a wreck ahead.

When there is a wreck, you can hang it up being anywhere on time. Have you ever noticed that everyone stops for wrecks to see the damage, blood, guts, and gore if there is any. At Jones Co., Jr. College (in 1993), while getting my AA, a professor talked about this very subject. He told a story of a Mississippi highway patrolman who got busted for holding up a decapitated head to a car load of “gawking” individuals and screamed at them “Is this what you want to see?” The patrolman was placed on administrative leave for medical reasons; seems they did not want to use the terminology for psychological evaluation.

“But at a birthday party for Herod, Herodia’s daughter performed a dance that greatly pleased him. So, he promised with a vow to give her anything she wanted. At her mother’s urging, the girl said ‘I want the head of John the Baptist on a tray.’ Then the king regretted what he had said; but because he the vow he had made in front of his guest, he issued the necessary orders. So John was beheaded in the prison, and his head was brought on a tray and given to the girl, who took it to her mother.” (Matthew 14: 6-11)

Herodia was the daughter of Philip (late brother of Herod.) When Herod married Philip’s wife, John the Baptist told him it was against the Law of God. He got really upset and threw John in jail. I was thinking about this. The news of John’s death had to have hurt Jesus terribly.  

Jesus suffered terribly on earth in more ways than just the crucifixion. We often ask: why do bad things happen to good people?  It is not so much “bad events” but it is the suffering in life that we learn the greatest lessons. If we never suffer, how are we going to learn anything? How are we going to grow?

“More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:3-5)

I was once told that good credit tells if a person has good character. My answer:  then Birney Madoff, Ted Bundy, and Jeffrey Dahmer must have had really great character because their credit was exemplary. Good character can in no way be measured by the physical attributes of this world. It can only be measured by our spirituality in accordance with God’s written word.

Keep in prayer each other.

This post is just my opinion. I will respect yours if you respect mine.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ancient government v American government

I have spent the better part of the day studying the Greek and Roman systems of ancient civilization to try to understand how it interacted with the American framers of the constitution. So many questions come to mind; but, the more I read the more I began to become disturbed about the state of our government with the inter-working of our society.

According to Russell Kirk, the Greek political failures can be traced directly back to the Greek beliefs and their religions. (pp 55) The temples with their gods and images are where now? They are in ruin just like their ancient societies. Is America headed in somewhat a similar direction?

Have we (like the ancient Greek societies) become lacking in the external and internal order that actually should be in place if we call ourselves a Christian society? According to Kirk, Greek freedom was just limited to a person’s own city and was lacking liberty in any national realm and their religion our not coherently provide moral order. (pp 59)

Solon (poet, philosopher, and politician) was classified as a man of vision; popular to contrary belief the framers of the US Constitution used his theories more than any other philosopher as a basis to the constitution. He introduced imagination into political order. (pp 61) After reading a bulk of what was going on in the Athenian culture, I see where it can be applied to troubles in America today.

I had to ask myself:   

Is there a widening gap between the social classes?
Does the American Culture base too much on materialism and the dollar?
Are the wealthy desiring more and more becoming glutinous therefore pushing the poor lower and lower on the social economic chain in the American culture?
Have we all been sold into a type of slavery for our financial obligations of existence?
Is our leadership corrupt and unrighteous?
Has our justice system become inadequate?
Is there anyone one who can bridge the gap by compromising between the parties of democracy with the best interest of the people (the masses) held in their endearment?

Kirk pointed out that when the Athenian constitutional powers were assembled in a smaller simpler tribal society. (pp 62) This really made me think that when the US Constitution was assembled, because it was for a smaller society. Was it made with the future population in mind? Yet we continue to change (amend) that simple document as our country evolves. Is this wise?  

I cannot answer any of the questions that I pose, but I can state that many of these answers would probably apply to the future of so many that are dear to me in the land of my home, my life; the land that my ancestors shed their blood for the liberty and the freedom of so many. I feel it is threatened by unrighteousness and the idolaters of materialism therefore making our external social order almost intolerable for so many.

How can we change all of this?

First on the list is prayer.

Second on the list, we the people have to become one voice of reason with no harm to any living person. We have to align ourselves with humanity. We have to prove greater than the unrighteous that govern our country. The only way to do that is through the word of God with a balance of nature.

The only problem with that is that external justice, liberty and freedom cannot be had for every single person. To live in ultimate peace and harmony, something has to be sacrificed.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: love you neighbors as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30-31)

I am probably looking at this unrealistically, but there is always hope. Violence doesn’t have to happen.
Keep in prayer Blake Savell—he had neurological surgery and suffered complications; he has not woken up at this time and is in a coma type state in one of the hospitals in Jackson, MS. Please pass the word on this young man because he really needs our prayers. Ashley Larson is in Tampa, Florida getting ready to have surgery this week. She is battling Ewing’s Sarcoma. Ashley is a mother with younger children; her entire family needs to be held in prayer as well. Keep in prayer each other.

Remember what I write is just my opinion. I will respect your opinion, so please respect mine.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms.

Source: The Roots of American Order by Russell Kirk, ISI Books, Wilmington, DE., 2003

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Music and the soul

My son will be home soon from work and my daughter has gone out for the evening. She has spent the better part of the day running errands and then cooking out of her great, great-grandmother’s cook book: recipes from the 1920s. I studied a little and slept.

I did study something very important—The Greek Mousai (translated Muses), the goddesses of music, song, and dance. What was the relationship with Milton (Sonnet 8)? Alas, I have found the answer. It gave me a headache like you wouldn’t believe. Therefore, we can sing, dance, and hear the music of the past, while we change our destinies for the future. There is a lesson to be learned.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5)

Like the sirens with the mystic sounds who call the sailors to their deaths in a watery grave, the mystical music of heaven above can save our souls.

Music in the Bible is very important as well as our souls; “it soothes the savage beast.” That is an interesting phrase that has truly been misinterpreted. Its origin was the first stanza of a poem The Mourning Bride by William Congreve (1697): 

Musick has Charms to sooth a savage Breast,To soften Rocks, or bend a knotted Oak.I've read, that things inanimate have mov'd,And, as with living Souls, have been inform'd,By Magick Numbers and persuasive Sound.What then am I? Am I more senseless grownThan Trees, or Flint? O force of constant Woe!'Tis not in Harmony to calm my Griefs.Anselmo sleeps, and is at Peace; last NightThe silent Tomb receiv'd the good Old King;He and his Sorrows now are safely lodg'dWithin its cold, but hospitable Bosom.Why am not I at Peace?

Interesting poem about the “breast to the nature of the beast” that was sooth by music but it is not at peace. The true reason that the soul cannot be at peace is because it has no order, no purpose. 

Music can soothe our senses but what does it do for us in the endearing world of the ever-lasting eternity?

“But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.” (Deuteronomy 4:29)

In my life time I have heard harp music, but I know one artist in conversation but have never met her. The last song I heard her (Karin Marrero) play from YouTube, was like summoning the angels to earth.   Like many musicians I have heard, I know their deep spirituality is what we hear and the heavens answer their songs. Never take for granted the music or the words that we hear. There are generally deeper meanings than what we know and understand. Our talented musicians are God’s special melodies of angels that we have on earth.

“[For the director of music: A psalm of David] May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.” (Psalm 20:1)

Please keep in prayer each other.

God bless you all and keep you safely in his arms. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Complain...but where is your humanity better yet what about your humility

What is minimum wage? It is the “lowest wage” by law or by special agreement such as a labor union. The 1938 Act set minimum wage for employees engaged in only in interstate commerce or in the production of goods for interstate commerce which was $.25 (twenty five cents) per hour. In 1961 there was an amendment which extended minimum wage to employees in large retail and service enterprises, local transit, construction, and gasoline service station workers. In 1966 another amendment extended minimum wage to cover State and local government employees, as well as employees in hospitals, nursing homes, and schools, laundries, drycleaners, large hotels, motels, restaurants and farms. Note though not all federal, state, and local employees were covered or certain retail, service, and domestic workers were covered under the 1966 Amendments. In 1990 a grandfather class was issued to all employees who do not meet the test for individual covers, and whose employers were covered by the FLSA on March 1990, and fail to meet the increased annual dollar volume (ADV) test for enterprise coverage, must receive $3.35 per hour. In 1990, a subminimum wage of $4.25 per hour is established for employees under the age of 20 years of age during the 1st 90 consecutive calendar days of employment with an employer.

Look at it like this:
                1938       $.25        per hour               
                1950       $.75        per hour
                1960       $1.15      per hour                                1961 Amendment (changed)            $1.00      per hour
                1967       $1.40      per hour                                1966 Amendment (changed)            $1.00      per hour
                1977       $2.30      per hour
                1978       $2.65      per hour
                1990       $3.80      per hour                                1990 Amendment-for all covered-non-exempt workers
                1997       $5.15      per hour                1997 Amendment-(subminimum wage $4.25 per hour)
                2009       $7.25      per hour                                for all covered, non-exempt workers

For you own information put $7.25 to the test at 40 hour per week; now, deduct all taxes, rent, transportation, insurance, electricity, and food. What is left over? You will find out that you go into a hole. Contrary to popular belief wait staff at restaurants have three wage categories: (a) combined cash & tip is $7.25 per hour, (b) tip credit against minimum wage $5.12 per hour, and (c) Minimum cash wage $2.13 per hour. Well someone has to clean nasty bathrooms, messy people in restaurants at tables, and to wait on the public hand and foot.

Many people students, handicapped, and senior citizens generally work off of minimum wage. There are all types of jobs for all types of people. Not everyone can make a lot of money or go to college or wait tables, and mop floors; but, everyone deserves a chance to feed themselves. If the money is not there then social services helps those out with food stamps and other programs available like government controlled cell phones or Medicaid—but there are stipulations.  

Over the past two years, I have read posts (and not necessarily on Facebook either) to the effect: minimum wage wasn’t supposed to be to make a living off of; people on minimum wage are lazy; why don’t they get an education; why don’t they work like I do and pay for it themselves; look she/he probably doesn’t work—they are on food stamps; if you can afford cigarettes or liquor you don’t need food stamps; drug test all of them those on food stamps.  Who decides who gets to eat or be able to afford toilet paper, diapers, or toothpaste?

Are taxes deducted off of those making minimum wage? The complaints above are about some tax payers needing government help. There are about 10% who receive government assistance are actually criminally negligent. 15% of sub-contractors who administer government social services are just plain useful and negligent. 15% of those people are generally just lazy. There are about 60% of those on social services that actually need assistance. I am basing those figures off of prior research that I have done on my own. Those figures may not be 100% accurate but they are truthful to the best of my ability.

The next time you go to a restaurant, the wait staff is not your personal maid. People that mop the floors in the hospital are human beings. That ditch digger has a purpose in life. The customer service agent has feelings too. That teacher wipes the nose of your ill behaved child. That doctor hears enough complaints in one week to scream. That police officer would probably like to shoot the next disrespectable idiot they meet. That child’s clothing store retailer would probably like to beat the stew out of the parent that lets their children run wild in the store, all nasty with runny noses and sticky hands. So think about it.

George Bush and even Newt Gingrich once said that there are a lot of Christian people who can donate food and help those who are less fortunate. In my 54 years, I have yet to see any Christian group giving away diapers, toothpaste, or toilet paper. (I do wish at time someone would correct me; yet many just remain silent.) We (as a country) can be very benevolent to people in other countries, but what about our neighbors? Doesn’t charity begin at home? How often have you asked someone on food stamps if you can assist them in any way to get their life back on track?

The ultimate question, what happened to a little Christian humanity or better yet humility? Did you walk in that persons shoe’s today?

“In your majesty ride forth victoriously in behalf of truth, humility and righteousness; let you right hand display awesome deeds.” (Psalm 45:4)

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:1)

“Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil. (Hebrews 2:14)

Keep in prayer Shea Morrow Fraley---she and one of her children have been down with the flu but are getting better; keep in prayer the family and friends of Annie Mae Pell—she has gone to join God’s troops; keep in prayer Natalie Hightower on her fight with cancer. Pray for each other.

This is just my opinion. Please feel free to comment. I respect your opinion very much so; please respect mine.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms.