What is a good teacher? I have seen and personally know several
good ones in my life time to be able to tell the difference. There are too many
good teachers who have to put up with more than enough out of teenagers today
not to mention the red-tape paperwork that they are subjective to complete.
You are a parent. You have one or two children. Well a
teacher has 28-35 they have to contend with on a daily basis. Did anyone ever
once consider place yourself in their shoes? It is a hard but rewarding job.
They spend hours (more the 8 hours) trying to educate children to take their place
in society.
I say this tongue and cheek: Why the hell is our society and
our government no doing their part to make sure that the teacher succeeds? The
more we heap red-tape on top of teachers, and do not pay them enough, means the
less chance they have to perform their job adequately.
Many teachers are tired. Why? Because: they have to work
more than two jobs in most cases where only one family has a salary. They also
have families they have to support and feed as well.
This is the same issue as the minimum wage. We want to
complain but what are we doing to help out. How many parents volunteer to help
with lesson plans, to help by researching ideas to help the teacher, how many
make copies? How many of you help the teacher raise your child? Yet I hear this
out of so many parents: “I don’t want government involved in me raising my
children!” It is a public education, the government is involved. Our tax money
goes toward education.
What does the parent do other than drop off and pick up?
Think long and hard; and, if your child turns out to be a “dumb ass” don’t
blame it on the teacher, start with yourself as a parent.
A person with a BA starting salary in the US
(2013): $45,327
(Private Industry)
Government job for a person with a BA starting
salary: $56,130
(Elementary education BA-federal level)
–Average Teachers Salary-starting**
Alabama $36,301
Mississippi $31,187
Louisiana $38,655
**Texas is based differently district to district; Alabama
differs from county to county; Louisiana is based on parish to parish;
Mississippi is based on rank “A” status.
So if private industry and the federal government pay more
on a starting level what is wrong with the states? Wait a minute, I know the
answer: Well, we set aside budget money for “the roads.” We better make sure
our rides do not get too messed up until we can buy a new one.
Well here is my answer; you can’t buy a new kid when they
become damaged.
In my research I find that more money was put into the roads
than into educating our children. We put more money into building better
government offices than into educating our children. We put more money into the
political party and conferences with televised events than into educating our
What is going to happen tomorrow when our children don’t
know anything?
Dear Federal, State, and Local Governments,
Why are you not putting in enough money to insure our
future, the children? More resources and better pay for teachers. Please get
rid of all your BS paperwork, some of those ridiculous rules and regulations
and let teachers teach. There are a lot
of good teachers teaching; (again) let them teach.
If parents don’t like what is going on in their schools,
stop your complaining and get more involved.
John & Jane Q Public
Please see what you can do to help your teacher.
“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
the fruit of the womb a reward.” (Psalm 127:3)
If we believe the children are our future, we must
invest in that future. Do not destroy the profession of teaching those
Keep in prayer Teresa Bufkin’s mom in her fight on
cancer; Stuart (Pete Prescott’s son) is doing well and was sent home early from
the hospital after his surgery; keep in prayer Ashley Larson as she continues
to heal; keep in prayer the family and friends of Melinda Denny who was called
home to be with God; pray for each other.
God bless each and everyone to stay safely in His arms.
http://images.pcmac.org/Uploads/BaldwinCounty/BaldwinCounty/Divisions/EmploymentCommonDocuments/2013-2014%20SalSched_Final.pdf Baldwin Co. $37,228
http://images.pcmac.org/Uploads/MCPSS/MobileCounty/Departments/Forms/2011-2012_Salary_Schedule_Final_Board_Approval_WebCopy.pdf Mobile Co. $36,144-$51,927 (based on Rank/Days)
Mississippi $30,900-35,020 (based on “A” rank)
$46,805 (10-M BA)
http://www.louisianaschools.net/lde/uploads/17776.pdf $27,102-$50,100