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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Presidential Election and my "Stinky onion of an opinion" Part three

The Presidential Election and my "Stinky onion of an opinion"

Part Three (3)

Thus far we have covered the dirty democratic ticket hopefuls of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. We have covered the dirty republican ticket hopefuls of Marco Rubio and John Kasich. This post will cover the last two republicans and what dirt I can find on them, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.

Ted Cruz: Junior Senator of the State of Texas.

When I think about the politics in Texas, I think about the death of Kennedy, LBJ, my personal introduction among a group of elementary children to Lady Bird, Bush, a physically handicapped republican governor (he is in a wheelchair due to auto accident), and now Cruz. Of I remember Ann Richards, and even attended one Mark White’s, for that matter I also attended one of Edwin Edwards’ ball (former governor of Louisiana) too with my parents.  What did it all get me? Nothing!

According to Politifact writers “Truth-o-meter,” 29% of what Ted Cruz speaks is false and 27% is mostly false.(1)   Well, what politician have we really known that tells the truth or absolute near truth? Anything for the vote, right?

"There have been multiple media reports about Donald's business dealings with the mob, with the mafia," Cruz said Feb. 28. "Maybe his taxes show those business dealings are a lot more extensive than has been reported." (2)  “Pressed by host Chuck Todd to back up his claim, Cruz cited reports by ABC and CNN. A Cruz spokesman forwarded us several other media reports detailing the real estate developer’s alleged ties to organized crime. The Trump campaign did not get back to us….It’s important to note that Trump hasn’t been charged with any illegal activity, and it’s reasonable to argue that he was unaware or even a victim in some cases. But Cruz has a point that the mogul has been linked to the mob for decades.” (2)
It is true, sort of! But, it won’t be the first time a high ranking political official or family has had ties with the MOB. Think about the late Joe Kennedy, father of JFK.  It was rumored he was involved with the MOB big time.  Even members of the MOB have a right to invest their money wisely and property investments are very lucrative and legal. I can’t to the life of me remember where I read that a corrupt government has the best advantages for the people. They are so corrupt they want to be a great leader of people to stay in office longer to line their pockets. I think what I was reading was a book based on Louisiana politics concerning the Longs and Edwards.  
2nd Amendment for Cruz is a stretch. I uphold the 2nd Amendment to the constitution.  Cruz mentioned in a speech that this current presidential administration seeks to ban buying ammunition and it recently passed a ban on armor piercing bullets. “The federal Gun Control Act of 1968 already bans armor-piercing ammunition with exemptions for ammunition it deems "primarily intended for sporting purposes." On Feb. 13, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives proposed withdrawing an exemption it had granted in 1986 for the "M855 'green tip' ammunition," according to the agency's public notice explaining the proposal and seeking comments. The National Rifle Association said the M855 is commonly used in AR-15 rifles.” (3)
Cruz also knows when he quote a case that the Supreme Court heard, “ crystal clear that there are, indeed, circumstances where it is constitutional to regulate guns....” (4)  
And there were other numerous claims that he blames on the current administration, as well as his numbers for financial budget proposals, just don’t add up.
“I just don’t like the guy,” Bush said at a presidential campaign fundraiser Sunday night for his brother, Jeb, according to Politico. Notably, Bush took direct aim at the Texas senator, who once worked for him as a domestic policy adviser during his 2000 campaign, and not GOP “front-runner Donald Trump, who has recently criticized his handling of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.” (5) Well former President Bush if you didn’t like him why was he one of your domestic policy advisers? Or, is it the fact he is running from President interferes with “Jeb’s campaigning?”
Other than political dirt, Ted Cruz’s hands are relatively clean. The only thing I don’t like about him is he seems week. Ted and his family are southern Baptist. I have nothing against southern baptist at all. I use to be one. I attended a Baptist University. It was expensive but a great education. Being the great granddaughter of a baptist evangelical minister (baptist circuit rider), having numerous ones in my family, also attending private religious schools during my elementary and middle school years, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ORGANIZED RELIGION. I WILL ADMIT THAT I AM A BIBLE THUMPER AND PRAYER GEEK TO THE CORE. That is my right! It is called free will and God granted that and not the USA. Although, I do love my country.
According to one source, he is backed by his church heavily, and uses religion every chance he gets. (6)
I do not want religion shoved down my throat. I don’t even want it on my plate. My choice. No church should be involved in politics. Is that covered in the constitution? Oh wait a cotton picking minute! He is suppose to be a christian, rallying to get votes and using that is a NO NO. Read your Bible Ted. It seems you are missing one important issue of the 10 Commandments “Leviticus 19.11.” Oh remember one thing Ted Cruz, can you sleep at night? It is your soul. God will judge the leader of the people harshly on the day  they stand before him if they are not honorable people, But then again, if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes truth!
Last but not least…..
Donald Trump-- television personality, real estate mogul
Who does this man’s makeup for television. Each time I see him he looks like a pasty dead person with a bad makeup job for the funeral proceedings. I am not trying to be ugly, because I am not real physical beauty. I have a lot of blotches on my facial skin, am chronically ill, in a mobility device half the time, and my face droops on the left side from a stroke. Then there is Trumps overall facial features that he makes on television. It looks as if he is having an upper and lower intestinal problem. His demeanor to his social status and the fact he is running for president, not becoming. All I have to say is move over  Jerry Springer. You have been replaced by Donald Trump.
It seems there was a documentary that surfaced recently that was made when Trump was 25 years old.  It was suppose to be part of a series “Famous Americans.” However, there was some unknown tension between the series money productions -- money men), Leonard Stern, a media tycoon, and Trump. The project never was aired except for a few special people. It also seems, that Trump accused Stern’s wife of calling him up and asking him for a date. It also had something else to do with Trump hiring undocumented workers. Drama!
Michael Cohen, counsel to the Trump Organization stated: “ “I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we’re in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still don’t have," Cohen told the news site when he was asked about Ivana Trump's 1990 allegation of assault against her ex-husband. "And I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know. So I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?” (7) No sure who Cohen was talking to. It does sound like a recorded message. The message that Trump has a habit of repeating. “I will sue you!”
What colorful language you have Mr. Cohen! Sue silly! Sue! I honestly feel, that Mr Trump needs to locate Trump Organization to the nearest courthouse where there are all kinds of lawsuits awaiting the him. Call it home away from home. He has been in court more times than the average prisoner at the Texas Department Corrections. (Probably not but it sure sounds comical.)
(Special Note- I did not watch the video. I personally am not interested in him or it.)
Trump said: “"But the team itself is horrible and I hate to say this, but I do, I say things that sometimes aren’t popular, I’m not politically correct — the Cubs are losers. They lose. They don’t win. I like teams that win. When is the last time the Cubs won a World Series? I dunno. They just don’t win anymore, and if you want to know why you have to go straight to the top. That’s the owners, these Crickets, or Flicketts or Snickets, who knows what they’re called, whoever heard of these people, they’re from Oklahoma or Odessa or Nerbronsko or something. So they say. Who even knows? They’re bad people, they really are, and they don’t belong in this country. I don’t feel good saying that but I’m saying it because it has to be said because I’m saying it.” (8)
So Trump thinks the Crickets, Flicketts, or Snickets are losers? And, why don’t they belong in this country? It seems that the father was born in Omaha, Nebraska. Doesn’t that make him a US Citizen? His son is Governor Ricketts of Nebraska.  Oh, I got it. NO one has freedom of speech but Donald Trump.  Odessa? Oklahoma? Donald, did you even take geography in school? I worry that your mental ability and aptitude just may not be fitting for the office of President. I am one to know and talk about mental ability. I have a mental illness too. We cannot all be winners by the way. Just because a person fails or loses in any subject doesn’t mean they are not successful. That is strictly common knowledge.
Through all my research, I was curious as to the exact extinct of Donald Trump and his “winning” at everything he does confessions. “The truth appears to be somewhere in between. His business decisions over the years show that Trump is a mix of braggadocio, business failures, and real success.” (9)
(Special Note: The definition of braggadocio is boastful or arrogant behavior.)
“I play to people’s fantasies,” Trump wrote in his 1987 book “The Art of the Deal.” “I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration — and a very effective form of promotion.” (9)
(Special Note: Hyperbole means exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.)
There we have the dirt on Trump. Is he “jacking up” the American people for his one self centered pleasure, while leading all of us down a path of self-destruction?  
“I think he’s very good at real estate, I don’t think he’s very good at other things,” says biographer D'Antonio. “He tried to run an airline and failed at that. He tried to run casinos and failed four times. That’s not evidence of brilliance when it comes to operating a complex business.” (9 What would he do for the presidency? Are the American people that naive in considering him for the position?
Let us not forget that Trump has been married three (3) times which sets a record for anyone running for president thus far. His latest wife doesn’t mind showing her behind since she was a former supermodel turned business owner. She will get a lot of attention and since Ted Cruz’s wife works for Goldman Sachs, currently on leave, I am sure the money will be made  in the fashion industry and the infrastructure investing of buildings, towns, and large corporations. But will it be for the benefit of the USA? If all else fails he and Michael Cohen can sue somebody.

  1. Politifact of Texas. (accessed 3.9.2016)
  2. Farley, Robert, Lori Robertson, and Eugene Kiely. “Fact Checking Ted Cruz” 3.24.2015 (accessed 3.9.2016)
  3. Unger, Rick. “Meet Ted Cruz, 2nd Amendment Hypocrite.” Forbes. 3.16.2013 (accessed 3.9.2016)
  4. Frumin, Aliyah. “George W Bush goes after Ted Cruz.” MSNBC 10.20.2015 (accessed 3.9.2016)
  5. Martin, Sam. “5 Interesting facts about Ted Cruz’s Christian faith.” Christian Post Politics. 5.19.2015. (accessed 3.9.2016)
  6. Thompson, Catherine. “1989 Documentary resurfaces with all kinds of dirt on Donald.” TMP DC. 8.3.2015. (accessed 3.9.2016)
  7. Huppke, Rex W. “Could Trump’s dirt on the Ricketts family be…..they are from outer space?” Chicago Tribune. 3.23.2016 (accessed 3.9.2016)
  8. Swanson, Ana. “The myths and reality of Donald Trump’s business empire.” The Washington Posts. 2.29.201 (accessed 3.9.2016)

Changing lanes….
I am exercising my freedoms under the constitution. It is freedom of speech. I have no malice toward any of the people I have written about. In fact I feel indifferent to all of them. Each candidate, has behaved very poorly in this election. I am referring to the “SIX” golden children of politics. I definitely do not want to see Mitt Romney on the front line either. The party national primaries will be watched intently. Of course, outside the partying, getting drunk, sleeping with someone who isn’t your partner (male or female), I have the tendency to want to heavily pray for the future of this country. I am not scare of the unknown because of my faith in God and Jesus Christ as the Savior.

The Bible holds many verses on leadership such as Jeremiah 23.1-4, Colossians 3.23-25, Proverbs 16.12, Hebrews 13.17, Ezekiel 34.1-8, Psalms 101.5 etc…. The list can go on.
My favorites are:

1 Timothy 3.1-5:
The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church?
(In my opinion God’s Church is faithful people.)

2 Timothy 2.24:
And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil…

Know more than ever pray. God bless you always. Peace be with you.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Presidential Election Part Two and "My stinky onion of an opinion"

Part 2

Republican Party candidates are Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, and Donald Trump.

Part two will be covering everything I could find about Marco Rubio and the John Kasich. Part three will be about Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.

Marco Rubio-- republican Jr Senator from the State of Florida.

He was one of the “Gang of Eight” that crafted a comprehensive immigration reform bill that passed in the Senate with very little opposition.  The bill was classified “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013.” It was a way for immigrants to gain citizenship if they are undocumented. However, it died in the House of Representatives in which it was promptly buried. The funeral was really great; I attended it. They put the bill of a miniature boat and set fire to it on the Potomac. It faded off into valhalla. (1)

There honestly isn’t anything to report-- everything is strictly rumored conjecture or statements taken out of context. For example: Jeanette Rubio is a stay at home mom that focuses on the family unit. I personally think it is wonderful. It doesn’t guarantee the children will be any better off than the children of two working parents, but at least she has a job. Trust me raising children is a job for any parent(s).

Harry Reid stated (D-Nevada): “He reminds me of John Edwards,” Reid said, referring to the former senator from North Carolina who flamed out in his run for president. “Not because any of the [personal] stuff. John Edwards, when he came to the Senate, man, he was good," Reid said. "He had been called by either [Al] Gore or his people that he was going to be the nominee, or at least that's what he thought, OK? And he called me and told me that. When Gore chose [Joseph] Lieberman, [Edwards] was so fixated on becoming a national figure that his Senate service was basically over. That’s what I see in Marco Rubio.” (2)

Then all the really ugly conjecture started meaning that Rubio was running around on his wife, a stay at home mother.  Is he hiding a love child? What does Jeb Bush have something on him?  Nothing. It is simply not true. All of these stories are strictly made up rumors.

The only other colorful information I could come up on Rubio was his tax plan. It is very similar to that in Florida. It leaves the middle and lower class out to pay for the country while the “rich and the stupid” are out vacationing on the multi-million dollar yachts in the Bahamas or Greek Isles or south of France.  I personally would like to see Italy, but that will never happen unless I hit the lottery jackpot! The most I can afford is to a free tour of the bathroom at Walmart. That is cheap too because the Burger King down the road from me charges $1.00 to tour their bathroom.

John Harwood stated: “Rubio sidestepped and answered that people “at the lower end” enjoy the largest gain under his plan, and he was also correct in percentage terms.  The study in March by the conservative-leaning Tax Foundation shows the distribution. Rubio's plan would lead to average after-tax income gains of 27.9 percent for the top 1 percent of earners, considerably more than for middle-income earners. It would also lead to an average gain of 55.9 percent for those in the bottom 10 percent of the income spectrum, under “dynamic scoring” assumptions, the study says.” (3)

Now onto the next candidate:
John Kasich -- Republican Governor from Ohio

Oh wow, I am disappointed. I thought with as much experience that this man has had I would have found something, to say the least. The only thing I could find negative was that he voted in 1994 in favor of the assault weapons ban according to CNN. He did very much regret that action later. (4)

Now there is an impeach John Kasich on facebook in which 323 members have liked since before 2011.(5)  Well considering the population of Ohio is 11.54 million people and increasing I would say not bad. But, there are 300+ people unhappy with his job performance and call him nothing more than a “hypocrite.” (6)

I will say this much, he attended at retreat hosted by the conservative PAC, led by Koch Brothers. “When a donor questioned the decision at a retreat sponsored by billionaire conservatives Charles and David Koch, Kasich angrily responded, "The governor's response was fiery. "I don't know about you, lady," he said as he pointed at the donor, according to Politico. "But when I get to the pearly gates, I'm going to have an answer for what I've done for the poor." (7) Kasich must have not needed the money that  bad to run for political office. According to CBS, he may be a conservative but he doesn’t necessarily agree with the entire Republican platform. (7)  I did run across numerous articles where Kasich admitted he once considered become a priest but became an Episcopalian instead.(8)

John is on his second marriage. The ex-wife stated that "The fun of politics was wearing off," Mary Lee Irwin, later remarried and moved to Texas, told The Plain Dealer in 1998. "I was ready for a family, but he wasn't.”(9)
Other than what I have reported on Kasich, I see why he is so quiet. He is well respected for his opinion except for 300+ Buckeyes. Some of his nicknames are alterboy pope, maverick, hyperkinetic, backwoods redneck, hypocrit and conservative hybrid. I sort of understand why the other candidates don’t take him down in the verbal sparring like Rubio, Cruz, and Trump do to each other.  

  1. US News and World Report - opinion. (accessed 3.7.2016)
  2. Stein, Sam and Ryan Grim. “Harry Reid sees Marco Rubio as the next John Edwards” Huffington Post. 10.26.2015 (accessed 3.7.2016)
  3. LoBianco, Tom and Cassie Spodak. “John Kasich pans Jeb Bush PAC dirt diggers” CNN Politics 10.2.2015 (accessed 3.7.2016)
  4. 2016 US Census Demographics.”Ohio Population” World Population Review (accessed 3.7.2016)
  5. Kaplan, Rebecca. “5 things to know about John Kasich.” CBS News. 7.25.2015 (accessed 3.7.2016)
  6. Taylor, Jessica. “5 things you should….” NPR. 7.21.2015 (accessed 3.7.2016)  
  7. Gomez, Henry J. “After some lean and mean years…” 5.13.2014  (accessed 3.7.2016)

Changing lanes:

Hope everyone had a great day. If you are in the State of Texas to the south, the weather is suppose to be really rough over the next few days with land storms. Be careful and do not drive through the flood waters. I don't care how late you may be for work; drive through those waters and you may not be on time or in line to be rescued.

God bless you and keep you safe. Peace be with you.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Presidential Election and my "Stinky onion of an opinion"

Here is the dirt on each candidate according to the public record. I will also grace you with “my stinky onion of an opinion.” (Part One)

Democratic hopefuls:  Hillary Clinton versus Bernie Sanders
They both pretty much have the same platform.

What is this with Hillary’s email? “Now, in a letter dated February 2 and filed in court Monday, the FBI’s general counsel, James Baker,  notes that in public statements and congressional testimony, the FBI “has acknowledged generally that it is working on matters related to former Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server.” (1)

It seems that Hillary Clinton, while secretary of State under the Obama administration, had used private server and deleted many emails she said that were personal. This is in violation of protocol, procedure, and federal laws as well as a requirement of federal record keeping regulations. Some of these emails were considered top-secret.

Of course let us not forget the hearings on Benghazi where US Ambassador and three other Americans were killed in an attack. This is a political fiasco. It is not so much on the security but whether Clinton had prior knowledge and how it was handled. Libya has always been a “hot bed” of political dissension and it is not the first time a US Ambassador was killed. I can’t help but wonder if this is all political since she is running for president? Ted Cruz was right in the middle of suggestions for the hearing and helped put together the panel as well. A lot of the testimonial questions had nothing to do with Benghazi nor the emails. It is more like a political fishing expedition. Are these male political counterparts to Hillary Clinton perhaps intimidated by the fact she is a woman?

Hillary is taking on a strong stance to end sexual assault? Were those women (of Bill’s), once made aware to you, in an essence sexually assault? Could a powerful world leader using his position to gain sexual favors be considered sexual assault? Yet you ignored or had no knowledge of that fact.(2)  I know you didn’t commit adultery. It was apparently consensual between two parties.  But surely, you had to have known. My mother knew each and every time her husband  (my dad) ran around on her. Mom did the same thing you did, “Stand by her man.”

Other than Bill Clinton’s indiscretions, White Water of Arkansas, Emails, and Benghazi, there is not a lot to say about Hillary Clinton.   

Bernie Sanders is an interesting person. What I didn’t mention earlier was that he has been married twice. Oh woo! So was the late president Ronald Reagan. From 1964-68 he was married to Deborah Shiling. In 1969 he lived with Susan Campbell Mott and they had a son. He married Jane Driscoll in 1988 and she had 3 children from a previous marriage. She helped raise his son and he helped raise her three children. (3) Yet he believes in traditional family values.
Divorce is not a traditional family value unless we are referring to something religious. And, I must say there are eight different traditional marriages in the Bible. The only one that warrants a divorce is adultery. An incompatible marriage was coined by the late former President Reagan when he was governor for California early in his political career, His divorce from Jane Wymann was based on the grounds of cruelty and he didn’t like the fact there was no “incompatible marriage” divorce laws in California. So his first order as a governor was to create incompatibility as grounds for divorce.

I have noted several sources call Bernie “Vermont’s Socialist Mayor.” In July 1985, Bernie Sanders traveled to Nicaragua, where he attended an event that one wire report dubbed an “anti-U.S. rally….The leftist Sandinista government was celebrating the sixth anniversary of the revolution that saw it take power from an American-backed dictator, Anastasio Somoza....Onstage, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega accused the U.S. government of “state terrorism” for supporting the rebels who were seeking to overthrow him. The Sandinistas and the CIA-backed Contras would fight into the next decade, with allegations of human rights abuses on both sides. At the 1985 rally Sanders attended, Ortega vowed the Sandinistas would “defend the revolution with guns in hand.” (4) He was mayor of Burlington, Vermont at the time.

My only objection to Bernie Sanders is his age. I don’t want to seem discriminatory because I am a young senior citizen, but the office of president takes a toll on any man. The late former President Reagan was 69 when he took office. If Sanders wins he will be 76 years old when he takes office officially. If Hillary Clinton wins she will be 68 when she takes office officially. Should we consider health as being an issue with the Presidency?

Since the subject of Bill Clinton’s sexual proclivities was brought up in social medias andthe  press, I would be remiss not to mention the previous activities of Bernie Sanders’ wife, Jane O’Meara Sanders. “Jane has also been at the core of controversy over the course of her career, with accusations surfacing that she played a major role in the eventual bankruptcy of Burlington College where she served as president from 2004 to 2011. Jane was involved in relocation the campus and expanding its overall size and rumors began to swirl that the school was in financial trouble.   She was never formally charged but did resign quietly.” (5)

Never “formally charged”with what? “Burlington College President Jane O’Meara Sanders resigned Monday after reaching a settlement with the Board of Trustees.... During her seven years as president, new academic majors and an institutional aid fund for students have been developed. However, the recent property purchase, combined with rising tuition and difficulties expanding enrollment, has intensified financial, management and academic pressures. But negotiations over a new contract stalled as doubts emerged about her plans and fundraising. In August, the board voted to negotiate an early exit package...” (6)  What aren’t they saying due to a confidentiality clause?

Spouses of Presidential hopefuls sometimes are not as “lilly lovely” as the position seems to portray in past years. It just goes to show us all that times are changing, and not necessarily for the good either. According to my parents, everyone has skeletons in the closet. But, maybe they need a southern lesson. Put the skeletons behind the coats and sweep the cat pooh under the rug.

  1. Williams, Pete. “FBI finally confirms….” MSNBC 2.8.2016  (accessed 3.6.2016)
  2. Hansen, Victor. “Hillary’s empire of dirt” National Review 9.22.2015. (accessed 3.6.2015)
  3. Fuller, Bonnie. “Bernie Sanders” Hollywood Life. (accessed 3.6.2016)
  4. Walker, Hunter. “Bernie Sanders’ radical past” Yahoo Political News 1.17.2016 (accessed 3.6.2016)
  5. Amato, Laura. “Bernie Sanders’ Family” News. 10.13.2015. (accessed 3.6.2016)
  6. Guma, Greg. “Jane Sanders resigns …” Vermont Digger. 9.27.2011. (accessed 3.6.2016)

Switching lanes onto a new road.

Morally speaking, there isn’t one person whose has a solid foundation. I learned back in 1982, that we are all thieves. I learned in 2008, that we all are slaves to something. I learned in 2009, that we as American citizens believe lies as truths and have short memories. In 2013, I had my theory enforced as well as belief that organized religion was in terrible shape. In 2014, I learned that our framing leaders in the country were not necessarily honorable christians--as I previously believed.   In 2016, I finally came to the realization, I don’t care. I only have faith in God. My foundations are still weak as most, but I am happy to have God in my life.