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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Houston Disaster

When there is a natural disaster, there are many questions as to why this wasn’t done or that; many probabilities of what could or could not be. I have come to realize that there is no certainty to anything. In dealing with a natural disaster, one is dealing with the unknown. Of course, the unknown can attribute to the fears that the average person has to address in their lives especially if they have never been in a natural disaster. The interesting part of all of this, each experience is different.

Houston is water logged this morning. The town that I have spent most of my life in is very wet. My daughter and her family as well as her in-laws were forcibly evacuated. Several of my friends left the city before evacuation. Several other friends and their families suffered damage to their homes. All of this is attributed to the natural disaster called Hurricane Harvey. It made land fall below us in a small coastal town called Rockport. There was a tremendous amount of damage done to that beautiful quaint town. Houston on the other hand is suffering from the sky opening up and raining on us for more than four days now. It doesn’t look like it is going to let up anytime soon.

In all of this I have witnessed something very special. There are no racial issues, there is no one wanting to remove any statutes, there is not hatred, no political divisions; there is no major wildness of anyone’s behavior. There are volunteers, first responders, law enforcement, people helping people. Our governor, mayor, the councils, the staff, the assistants, have all pulled together to make this process go as smooth as possible. There is truly love and compassion.

Sometimes it takes something like a natural disaster to shake everyone up into thinking that the most important think is protecting life. Property can always be replaced but lives cannot. Every life we encounter is important. It means something. 

The rain is still falling as of Tuesday, August 29th, at 8:54am...

Please keep in prayer for Houston, Texas and the southern Gulf Coast during this horrible time.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Today in my life- the start of another day

The weather forecasted today rain, some rain, heavy rain, tropical depression rain most likely, and whatever else is contained on the radar. So, I looked outside to see what the weather is going to be like today. Do you have any idea what I found? I walked on my porch to take in the morning fresh air and look around as usual. After coughing for 15 minutes from inhaling all that freshly polluted air, to my surprise there was no rain. Strange the radar showed a lot of it. Maybe I just couldn’t see it and or it absorbed so fast into the ground it was still dry.

I read the headline news as usual. Starting off with the major contributors like Fox, CNN, MSN, and then working my way onto the local affiliates—ABC, NBC and CBS. It was so depressing that I wanted to go back to bed and hide for the remainder of the day. A good cup of coffee couldn’t have made it any better. Sometimes reading the news is like waking up to a freshly stopped up full toilet of rancid pooh made by someone with a serious case of irritable bowel syndrome.

Let me recap some of the highlights! Yes, we know that the president has no idea what he is doing and is high contradictory on everything. Yes, we know that there is an investigation as to Russian involvement with the Trump campaign in 2016. Yes, we are aware that prayer in schools is under separation of church and state. Yes, we are aware there is a racial disparity going on. Yes, we are aware that pooh may lengthen your life cycle (this was reported on Fox’s website.) Yes, we know that the congress is indecisive as far as who does and does not want to stand with the so called presidential ideals or election promises. Yes, we know we have been in Afghanistan for at least 16 years fighting for (we still haven’t totally figured that out yet.) Is it terrorism, oil, or US illegal drug imports? Well it couldn’t be for the Afghan cultural fall fashion line.

Isn’t there anything worth reporting of value anymore? Does it even make sense? Let’s report on the sink of dirty dishes I have to do or the load of laundry that needs to be done because life goes on. Gloom, doom, blood, guts and gore – I have a stain on my favorite blouse. What happened to zombie apocalypse? What happen to the gun rights and everyone needing a gun to defend themselves from the invaders that haven't broken into their home yet? What happened to the latest report on the high deadly weapon, the car in a crowd? 

Society loves gloom and doom, blood and horrible stories. I was reading about the young female journalist whose torso was found. At first, she was reported in a ship wreck sub buried at the bottom of the ocean. Then she was dropped off at a specific location. Now her headless torso was found, identified and what appeared to be limbs removed by hacking. Can you imagine what her family might have felt after reading this information on line, in print or maybe hearing it on the news? We want humane treatment to all, but is the news report being humane? I don’t think so!

Is it there anything going on that isn’t particularly repetitive, depressing, disheartening in the world today? I don’t want to see another photo opportunity of a politician with a group of school children who have done something miraculous. We know that 2 minutes after the photo was taken, the impressive political official has no idea those children’s name nor what their project was.  Then we have to endure on social media a photo shopped picture with a caption: “Did this political official do this? No, but this one did.”

Then we have to suffer with website called “Breaking News” which is (in most cases) someone’s blog made to look like real news. Of course, all news is fake news unless it comes out of the president’s mouth which is “We have no idea what he is talking about, until it is translated by someone who does.”

So, this is my morning. I am searching for worldly events and end up with a case of regurgitation. 
Instead of serious upset stomach from the news that makes living more stressful, I do believe I will write this idiotic blog, then pray seriously that God intervenes in my life and the lives of so many who seriously need him. 

Have a blessed day. 

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Rally, rally, rally—let’s all gather and rally for a cause

East coast, west coast and Texas. The so called important people cancelled the “White Nationalist” gathering at College Station, Texas. I am glad too, because it is (if I am mistaken) getting ready for football season in which we should all be concentrating on more than anything else. 

Will Texas A & M attempt at beating the Roll Tide this year? What say you Nick Saban? What say you Ken Sumlin?

I am just a native of Alabama and a resident of Texas. This is the only game that matters to me. Of course, I like the US Navy games when they play Wake Forest. Those boys in white look awfully good; unfortunately, I am not a cougar but I am not dead!

I am so tired of hearing about White Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, Gay Lives Matter, Trans-Sexual Lives Matter, Unborn Lives Matter, and so on, and so on, and so one, etc.  Did anyone stop to think that all lives matter. Why? Life is a gift from God—it matters. It actually isn’t a gift it is a loan on earth for a short period of what we really and truly have no understanding—God’s time.

You know we all have some things in common as being human beings: (a) every adult has had a pimple on their butt at one point in time, (b) we all have butts, and (c) we all have opinions.

In our life-time every one will be discriminated against racially, age, sexually, religiously, politically, and just plain discrimination because of the way they look. No one person and or group is exempt from this happening to them. Not only is it happening in the United States, but it is happening all over the world. Discrimination of one type or another has been recorded since written history began.

I hate to state this because it is hard to understand--- if a person is shot and killed – it is their time to go. If a person is run over by a car and killed—it is their time to go. If a person is at a gym working out and they die—it is their time to go. If a person is asleep and dies—it is their time to go. If an embryo is aborted and does not become a life—it is their time to go. Though, intentionally killing any human being is truly not an honorable thing to do and is truly frowned upon, but it happens for various reasons. Regardless death is part of the life in which we live. 

God breathes that soul of life into all us. When? We honestly do not know. We know that God takes us out like a “thief in the night”. When? We honestly do not know. There is a time for everything. When? We honestly do not know because we do not know God’s time.


“This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.” Ezekiel 37:5-6

“For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.” 1 Thessalonians 5:2

“Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.” Matthew 25:13

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heaven are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9.

“…What are you doing? Whoever obeys his command will come to no harm, and the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure. For there is proper time and procedure for every matter, through a person may be weighed down by misery. Since no one knows the future, who can tell someone else what is to come? As no one has power over the wind to contain it, so no one has power over the time of their death. As no one is discharged in time of war, so wickedness will not release those who practice it.” Ecclesiastes 8:4-8

We should save our souls and then… we should treat people as we want to be treated without fail. We may be human but be humane, with a lot of humility and a lot of respect for each other. It doesn’t matter what other people do. You be the one to set the example.

Incidentally I am not a white life. I am just an American—and according to my DNA, I have a whole bunch of different races including but not limited to N African, Scot, French Carolinian, Greek, and Baltic regions. What is more important than my life is my soul. 

May God bless you all. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Rambling Subjects....

This morning the internet wet down. When that happened so did majority of all my communications. I use video chatting a lot to contact my friends and family. I use it more so than the cell phone because I detest telephones. But, for some reason I am able to connect to the internet on my cell but not on my computer. So, I am having to reduce to using the phone without video chat.

As I am writing this I am speaking with my daughter on speaker phone. She is an interesting person. She asked me, “Mom, does the left side of your stomach vibrate for any reason?”

How does a mother with a short memory respond? She looked up her stomach vibration symptoms on the internet. I just told her, “How very interesting.”

We had been discussing diets. I told her that a good mixture of food is beneficial for a healthy diet. Do not think about losing weight, just think about eating healthy.

Seems society wants to place this stigma on total thinness. Thin people can be unhealthy just as much as people who are overweight. The idea weight for a person, is the weight they are healthiest at. We need to eat more to move our metabolism. We need to eat right, a balanced diet – not like the food pyramid. Well rounded; mainly fruits, vegetables and proteins. Don’t over eat any one thing.  One should take their time eating as well. Chew the food good. One thing that should be a habit on a daily basis is water. Drink water when you first get up, before anytime you eat, and at least three glasses extra. Staying hydrated is extremely important.

Why is all this important? I don’t know why, I am not a doctor, nor a health professional. I can just relay what is best for me and that has helped make me stay partially healthy since I have been diagnosed with several chronic illnesses.

Some of those illnesses is directly responsible from skipping meals, not eating healthy, too much prescribed prednisone when I was younger, and stress. I would say alcohol and tobacco, but there is a 50/50 chance of that. Why do I make such a comment about alcohol and tobacco after all the studies? 

Well let me tell you this….

I have relatives who lived in their 90s who drank homemade shine and smoked like smoke stacks. The key to this was eating health and exercise. When I say exercise, I am not talking about going to the gym and work out. I am talking about gardening every day or walking to get to where we are going. What is the difference? Fresh foods… not fresh from the super-market but fresh from your garden. Animals were killed and cured personally. Women canned their own foods. Preservatives just were not used. The great-relatives butchered their meat or took it to have it butchered and filled their freezer. The cost was ½ cow. They had fresh berries (wild ones); quail hunted; deer hunted; had a community hog killing. 

If they wanted to travel, they walked to town and took the train. Upon arrival, they walked where they needed to go.

We have become so progressive that it seems we have progressed ourselves into becoming a lazy society and not just in the USA but all over world.  Our society has become gluttonous. I don’t mean over eating either. I mean gluttonous for money—material things as well.  Things that are supposed to make our life easier where in actuality it has made it more difficult. It is so difficult to the point, our children have too much built up energy—physically and emotionally.  This is where people cannot determine their needs (what is best) over their wants (material got to have).

Instead of walking to school, they take a car or a bus. They sit all day long and go for PE or play time. They don’t even study classic education like they should to help instill proper thinking skills. These children should be learning to work the earth and not control it – which seems to be the up and coming thing. God created mother nature and we shouldn’t fight it or control it, but we should learn to work with it. 

I have rambled enough this morning. 

I do hope everyone has a good Tuesday.

 “Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.”

Philippians 3:19

Sunday, August 6, 2017


It has been a few weeks since I have had the opportunity to blog. It is a beautiful Sunday morning and my old eyes seem a little weary.  Never seem to get enough rest.

I have recently moved. My great nephews, niece, son, daughter, and her two boys were on hand to help make this possible.  Of course, my grandsons helped—after all one is just 2 years old and the other is 8 months old, but their opinion was greatly needed. I moved from a one-bedroom apartment to a nice small one-bedroom house. It is old and has been renovated. It could very well be my nice sanctuary when I get everything decorated and unpacked the way I want it. I have to take it one day at a time because right this minute it is so over whelming.   I am sure I will get more done when the weather turns a little cooler.

The wonderful thing about this house is that it is next door to my niece. I am not lonely here. My great nephews are out of school for the summer and are over every day. I laugh silently and shake my head at them.  They are growing boys, young men of 18 and 16 that come over every day just to raid my fridge. They are at the hollow leg stage of growing. I do have to admit that I really do enjoy their company.

Last night was rather pleasant outside and a slight breeze whisking around. I sat outside with my niece and neighbor. We chatted about genetics and the migratory patterns of indigenous natives over the centuries. His background is Spaniard. We all agreed that there is not a pure race in today’s society. Of course, I had to relay what I had learned, years ago, from a dear friend of mine, who had lived in Africa for many years, had told me. She is correctly classified as an Afro-American.

She told me “Julia, black people in America have no idea what real racism is unless they have lived in Africa.”

I always thought that was such a powerful statement. She has a lot of wisdom and worldly travel for her years.

Anyway, I am looking forward to living here a while. I will try to make it a habit to sit on my porch every day and needle point. I can do that now without being bothered by a group of little unsupervised children bothering me. Don’t get me wrong, I love children- I use to be one and have little grandchildren which I simply adore. I am in my golden years, though, and often we have come to live to the sound of our own pace – our own drums beating—our own tune of music. Beside I am just not into running ice cream snot nose sticky children in saggy diapers with dirty faces and clothes wanting to put their hands on me.  I also detest unsupervised children whose parents would rather sit on their porch and drink their beer, while paying more attention to the cell phone than their children.  

Speaking of music, I need to buy a stereo system where I can crank up the volume. I like old school music… ZZ Top, Alabama, Charlie Daniels, Willie Nelson, Chicago, Who, Eagles, etc. I also like some more modern sounds like Fergie, Kid Rock, Hot Chili Peppers, etc. I may be old but I am not dead. I remember how it was when I two stepped and shook my hips with a hot man on the dance floor. If I did that now, I would probably throw out the hips and or dislocate a boob or two.  

I will close for now. I do hope that everyone enjoys their Sunday and leave you with one of my favorite verses for today:

23rd Psalm

“… HE restores my soul; HE guides me in the path of righteousness for HIS name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for YOU are with me; YOUR staff guides and comforts me. YOU prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; YOU have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows…”   

May God bless each and every one.