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Saturday, May 31, 2014

What denotes an out right lie?

You know me… when I see something that is just totally a lie going around the internet I am going to try to correct it as much as possible. I get tired of propaganda! I am not affiliated with any political party but I do tend more toward the standard conservative hoping for the best candidate to regardless. But, I do get tired of reading “BS” like the picture below.

Former president George W Bush’s term was from 2001-2009. Obama officially took office in January 2009.

Let us start with the countries “Credit rating.” “By December 2008, structured finance securities accounted for over $11 trillion worth of outstanding U.S. bond market debt (35%). “The lion’s share of these securities was highly rated by rating agencies. More than half of the structured finance securities rated by Moody’s carried an AAA rating—the highest possible credit rating. In 2007 and 2008, the credit worthiness of structured finance securities deteriorated dramatically; 36,346 tranches rated by Moody’s were downgraded. Nearly one-third of downgraded tranches bore the AAA rating.”[1]  These securities are the Wall Street investments only not the Federal Government—just paper. Oh wait we stopped banking on the “gold reserves” and started banking on toilet paper during the Nixon Administration. These financial securities hinges like the rest of the world’s ability to invest in each other.

We cannot put a credit rating on any National Government because it is much more complicated than the credit rating of an individual. Countries do not have government credit ratings of A, AA, AAA, etc., which I understand is rating only for Wall Street investment purposes. Individual ratings are generally A, B, C, D, and F. We can try to put a number on the US at being an average of 636 which is a “D” but still that does not stop the US from borrowing money from any country that has it to lend. It also does not stop the majority of the States either whose credit rating is “D.” [2] I can be wrong in my understanding on this point because I am not highly knowledgeable in this area.

In December of 2008, the unemployment rate was 7.2%. [3] As of the end of April 2014, the unemployment rate was 6.3%.[4] These numbers I have trouble with because there are too many questions like: “Are these numbers strictly the unemployed or those who dropped off the unemployment compensatory roles?” I have never gotten a definitive answer as to these numbers and am highly suspect of them period.

The gasoline comparison is hilarious! In January of 2001, the average price of gas was $1.55 per gallon. In the summer of 2008, the prices varied and exceeded $4.25 per gallon.[5] Gasoline prices are up from last week, closing this week at $3.67 per gallon.[6]  It went up $2.70 during Bush’s administration and went down $.58 per gallon so far to date. Oh boy!

The National debt is an age old issue and also somewhat comical. In December of 2001 the national debt was $5,728,739,508,558.96. As of December 2008 the national debt was $10,699,804,864,612.13. As of the end of April 2014 the national debt is $17,508,437,127,661.62. This point I have to say the author of the below picture was correct. Give him/her a proud two thumbs up for correctness. So what is the point? The national debt increases every administration. [7] Based on these numbers, it should be at $20 Trillion by the end of President Obama’s administration.

I just do not feel like looking up the wars, or the number of weeks of unemployment, and the annual budget is another laughable matter.

The government by law will not run without an annual budget. It is written into the constitution. Did it change? No it has not. So to state there is not an annual budget is facetious to all the government employees that were laid off last year in 2013. Was that a conspiracy theory when they shut down the government over the budget?

Out of seven of those points, I have shot down 4, agreed with one, and refuse to comment on two.
When President Obama took office, I voted for him because he seemed the best choice at the time and the only logical choice the second time around. I vote on qualifications only. Many people voted on color, which I could have used that analogy. He is as white as he is black and I am stating that with tongue in cheek because I am multiracial, multinational; but, foremost an AMERICAN MUTT. I hope and pray for a president who can perform in a better manner than the past 20 years of presidents.

Keep in prayer each other.

Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight. Proverbs 12:22.

When the Spirit of truth come, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. John 16:13

God bless you all and keep you safely in his arms.

[1] Acemoglu, Daron, Kenneth Rogoff, and Michael Woodford. “Credit Rating Crisis.” NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2009 24.3: 161-207 (accessed 31st May 2014)  
[2] “National Average Credit Score.” Money-Zion. 2013. (accessed 31st May 2014.)
[3] “Unemployment in December 2008.” Bureau of Labor Statistics. 13th January 2009 (accessed 31st May, 2014) 
[4] “Databases, Tables, & Calculators by Subject.” Bureau of Labor Statistics. May, 2014. (accessed 31st May, 2014)
[5] Verrastro, Frank and J Robinson West. “Stop finger-pointing on gas prices.” CNN. 3rd April 2012. (accessed 31st May 2014)
[6] “Average gas prices.” Consumer Reports. May 2014 (accessed 31st May 2014)
[7] “Daily History of the debts results.” United States Treasury. (accessed 31st May 2014)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Bible in Colonial America to now.

I once asked about the King James Version of the Bible in America and whether or not it was a popular during the commencement of the American colonial period.

The religion of the actual first settlers, Pilgrims, were very similar to the hard core British Puritans.  They actually didn’t have an organized religious sect of the time, until they settled in the Colonies; but, had the tendency to be more Calvinist and Lutheran than Catholic or Anglican. The main Bible they had accessed to Geneva Bible in English in 1560 which they found more trustworthy than the King James Version of 1611. Another of the more important books of spirituality they used was Book of Psalmes, Henry Ainsworth’s 1612 edition. Besides these two books, they were very well read on various religious topics. Therefore, we learn that the religious beliefs in the very early colonial period were more a Germanic root than anything else.

About ten years later it was noted that John Winthrop brought the first copy of the King James Bible to America, a 1614 edition and Henry Dunster, the first president of Harvard College, owned another early copy however, it still was not a very popular Bible at the time in Colonial America. By about 1700 as Puritanism began to fade, Common Book of Prayer, Geneva Bible, Sauer Bible, Cary Catholic Bible, King James Bible and Common Book of Prayer was more likely to be found in the colonies. Even though there were some Anglican Churches in Colonial America, the Anglican’s did not allow ordination of any colonial ministers. All their ministers were straight from England.

An interesting “tid-bit” the King James Version was suppose to remove all Calvin connotations yet its translations are about 95% identical to the Protestant Geneva Bible. All King James Bibles printed in American since 1769 is not like the original authorized version of 1611. It uses the Baskerville spelling and revision of the 1611 version which means it was a different type setting and spelling than old English which was done in England. On American soil the actual printed was Algonquin Indian Language Bible in 1663, and then Robert Aitken printed a King James Version in 1782. Other Bibles alleged printed earlier or in between these dates have not been confirmed.

Today there are currently 6,001,500,000 various Bibles in print. In history it is the highest bestseller; running behind it is Mao’s Little Red Book and then following in third is the Qur’an.

I learned that the King James Bible was not instrument in the roots of American Colonialism and did not actually become semi-popular until well after 1800’s and then very popular in the 20th Century. Regardless which version of Bible that one reads, pray that God’s guides your understanding and not man.

Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding… Proverbs 3:5

Keep in prayer each other. 

May God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms.
Brake, Donald L (Sr). “The first English Bible in America.” Washington Times. 1st January2012. (Accessed 29th May 2014)
Davis, Ron. “First American Bibles.” Christian Blog. December 2013. (accessed 20th May, 2014.)
Johnson, Caleb. “Church and Religion.” Mayflower History. 2013. (Accessed 29th May, 2014)   
Staff Writer. “English Bible History.” Greatsite.  2013. (Accessed 29th May 2014)
Staff Writer. “The 15 Biggest Bestsellers Ever after the Bible.” Huffington Post. 30th July, 2010. (Accessed 29th May 2014.)

Friday, May 23, 2014

Conspiracy and the Bible...

I am watching a re-run of the movie “2012.” About an hour into the movie, a thought crossed my mind. How many failed “end of the world” or “dooms-day predictions” are there? According to Brian Radford in 2009 there are ten not including the 2012 Mayan Prediction. Let us look at what the eleven are: 

The Mayan Calendars – 2012

God’s Church Ministry – 2006 or 2008

Y2K Bug according to Richard Noon of the global icy death - 2005

Y2K (itself) with the changing of the of the millennium, catastrophic problems – 2000

Nostradamus – 1999

Heaven’s Gate where alien spacecraft was following the comet – 1997

Pat Robertson of the “700 Club”-“I guarantee you by the end of 1982 there is going to be a judgment on the world…” – 1980

Halley’s Comet- 1910

Mormon Armageddon was in 1825 where God spoke to Joseph Smith and he learned that Jesus would return in about 56 years. – 1891

The Millerites where New England farmer William Miller after studying the Bible concluded that the world would end no later than between April 1843 and March 1844. – 1843

Prophet Hen of Leeds was a hen that laid eggs on which the phrase “Christ is coming” was written in the town of Leeds, England- 1806

What has all this scary stuff caused? In 2012, Isabel Taylor, 16, confused with the complications of the world and fears of the end, committed suicide. A young 16 year old girl from Madhya Pradesh committed suicide because she thought a large Hardon Collider would smash particle together setting off a chain event to re-create the “Big Bang” of the universe. But it just did not stop with these two young women. There were many, many young people considering the same action as well as adults. What were the people thinking when these hoaxes become known especially in today’s society? This does raise questions about reason skills being taught in an educational setting?

What was Pat Robertson thinking in 1980 with his comment? He is supposed to be a Christian? After all, he is worth a $100+ million dollars in assets which was speaking and collecting money off someone else’s labor—an alleged honorable pillar of our materialist society. Should not he have followed the Bible he professes to know so well?

Many of these fears continue of conspiracies of random sorts every day in our lives that are not necessarily dealing with the end of the world as we know it. Even though there was no “mass suicide” as predicted, it did scare the one commodity that we, as a society, should have protected--- children. These conspiracy theories scare them the most.

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Matthew 24:36.

So what did you learn? Conspiracy theories especially “dooms day predictions” are just the thought of people thinking out loud. It does not mean it is real. The movie “2012” did not happen. There will never be a great flood again.

“I established my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood: never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.” Genesis 9:11 (also see Genesis 8: 21 or Isaiah 54:9)

If we as Christian are in tune with God and Jesus –aligned with the spirituality they would like us to have, then, and only then, will we know when Jesus is returning without a doubt. We just do not know when and have no way of knowing. No man/woman on earth being a scientist, preacher, or average John Q Citizen will know.

 “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.” 2 Peter 3: 8-9

It is Memorial Day weekend. Please keep in our hearts and souls those who are no longer with us. Most of all keep in thoughts the thousands of men and women who have fought for us all to keep this country free—from the onset to the present.  Be careful of your action, which means:

Have a designated driver available at all times.

Keep in prayer for each other.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms.


Palast, Greg. “Pat Robertson: “I don’t have to be nice to the spirit o the Antichrist.” Greg Palast. 23rd August 2005.  (accessed 23rd May 2014)

Radford, Benjamin. “10 Failed Doomsday Predictions.” Live Science. 4th November 2009. (accessed 23rd May 2014)

Staff Reporter. “Girl, 16, kills herself after researching doomsday disasters and becoming convinced the world was about to end.” Associated News Papers Unlimited. 18th May 2012. (accessed 23rd May 2014)

Staff Reporter. “Large Hadron Collider fears prompted Indian suicide.” The Telegraph. 11th September 2008. (accessed 23rd May 2014)

Warner, Brian. “Pat Robertson: Net Worth.” Celebrity Net Worth. 2014. (accessed 23rd May 2014)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Is the state of our nation at peace? It is necessary for the public safety to have a good body of veteran soldier ever in the state of readiness. In 1516, in England there were many nobles who sat idle and made their fortunes off the other men’s labors.[1] In 1846 the American government has lost its vitality because a single man has been able to break the rules of checks and balances—to bend it to a will of confusion. Government is supposed to impose of its citizens what is to their advantage but not to force the wills of doctrine that breaks their spirits.[2]

Yet in there are many men who were sitting in the wings, to become “noble men” and make their wealth off the backs of men’s labor. These American nobles occasional threw a crumb of charity to keep the average man off their door steps in the world of begging for food, clothing, or shelter.
Do we see a difference in 2014? Our soldiers return from service injured and in many cases with no hope. Our government has let its own employees down.  

In recent years, I have seen more and more revert to the streets. There are men, women, and children with worn tattered health and clothes that wonder the nights while we sleep. Some of them take the life of criminal activity just to survive. They have lost all and even a padded jail cell with three meals is better than sleeping on a street where people still throw their trash. The shelters are overcrowded with no room for the weary human cast-away. Yet so many have lost all they knew at the hands of the society in which we all live. Very few recover.

While doing a comparison, in history, why has there been so little change in 498 years? In the 1700s we Americans wanted to be different than the suppressed society of England, yet are we?  Have we not learned anything from History?

Think about this. Who would you allow at your dinner table? Would you allow a worn, tattered, man who had been wandering for years? His beard is not kept; he has no shoes just old repurposed sandals. His clothes are old leather and cloth. (Or) Would you allow a well presented man in a suit; he is clean, very well manicured, and extremely sweet at first meeting? He has designer shoes and a brief case.

Both men have wonderful wisdom. One man labors and the other labors not. Who would you allow in the place of honor at your table to sit to your right? You will have to read the remainder of this blog to figure out who the two men were that were in my thoughts.

We have to make a change. In the US alone there are more than 100 million people over the age of 18 estimated in 2013. In January of 2013, there are at least 600,000 people homeless.  That means that it may be possible to rise in one day $99,400,000 to fix the problem without government intervention. That means everyone who is not homeless must give $1.

WHY IS THERE A PROBLEM? I fail to understand. Until this problem is fixed, our nation will never be at peace with itself. I am thinking of how this can be done.  So many give tithes to their churches. Tithes equate to a tenth. $1 is far less than a tithe. What else to you do as a Christian?

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. 
Proverbs 19:17

Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you. Matthew 5:42

Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor. 
Proverbs 22:9

He said also to the man who had invited him, “When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just. 
Luke 14: 12-14.

The two men at my door for dinner is John the Baptist and Donald Trump. I chose John the Baptist. Who did you chose? Jesus is always an honor guest in my home.

Keep in prayer each other. 

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms.

[1] Thomas More. Utopia. Cassell & Company.  England: 1901. Edited Henry Morley: Project Gutenberg ebook. 22nd April 2005. (accessed 18th May 2014)  
[2] Henry David Thoreau. Walden and Civil Disobedience. Barnes and Noble. New York: 2005. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

You could hurt some you love by not knowing better...

I saw a posting the other day that inflamed me to no end.  I made me very angry and upset. I saw this I had to speak up. Furthermore the information equated people who needed assistance as being equal to wild animals.  What was worse is it hurtful. Ignorance is not so bliss. So let us become educated on a few fine points. For example we will use one program with the Department of Agriculture.  

The USDA has food distribution programs beside just TANF—“Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.”  Do not be a wise person and state “Food Stamps.” Food Stamps, what is that? Food stamps started to be done away with nationally in the very early 1990s.  As an example because Mississippi was one of the last states to change and that was 20 years ago. If the term is used by any person, then they are more than 20 years behind the time or just plain ignorant.

Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) – Works to improve the health of low-income pregnant and breastfeeding women, other new mothers up to one year postpartum, infants, children p to age six, and elderly people at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA commodity foods. It provides food and administrative fund to States to supplement the diets of these groups. This actual program began in 1969. It replaced another program that was implemented during the Depression Era.

This program was very much alive in 1996 in Senior Centers in the city of Mobile, Al. It did cease in many of them because of abuses. My own grandmother, while she was living, was a recipient of this commodity program. The abuse was by the administrators of this program and not the recipients. Who got hurt? The recipient paid the price for the administrative abuses of taking home and selling the commodities. She went to a senior center in Crichton—which the subdivision was her home since about 1955.  This problem happened a lot across the country; however, there are still many states that use this program today effectively.

Pregnant women; well maybe they shouldn’t have gotten pregnant to begin with because they didn’t have money to feed their children. That statement is plumb stupid. How any people, in the act of passions stop to discuss the affordability of children?

An article was published about women eating clay during pregnancy due to a dietary deficiency in North Carolina at one point in history. Many of these women were low income. Many of the families that were low income in the Carolinas or Appalachian area were industrial, mercantile, manufacturing, or mining. They didn’t always have the union to help with wages. Many of them in 1969 just made minimum wage. They barely had enough to get by especially if they lived in impoverished rural areas. In most cases it was very difficult to get most people to just accept the commodity programs because “they didn’t want charitable handouts.” Many pregnant mothers went without proper pre-natal diets so others could eat. This is very risky and was a contributing factor to infant mortality. The CSFP helped end all of this. There are many parents who will not eat a meal so their children could eat.

However two things happened. The additional commodity program in most states was stopped (due to abuses like the senior programs) or went the way of WIC which is a voucher system of enough to feed one pregnant woman about a week if that much.

If a living parent is not available, in most cases a child goes to foster care, group home, orphanage, they too are entitled to these programs.  Some of these children may never have another home except temporary shelters that faze them out when they are 18 years old. During 2013, there were approximately 640,000 in and out of foster care for various reasons. But due to administrative abuses, many states have cut these programs; badly needed programs that many complain about because “the animals grow dependent on the handouts.” Do we equate children without families as being “animals?”

One a more personal note: We do not want abortion but we want to cut out the programs that assist the elderly, children or pregnant women putting them all at risk of malnutrition which promotes health issues. We love life and feel abortion is murder but we want to make people suffer?  Does this complaint make any sense? Or is it just plumb ignorant and people will complain about anything? Mentioning earlier, 640,000 children were in and out of foster care in 2013. Well here is a chilling thought, why are we not acting to protect their lives? They live outside the womb. If not mistaken, the amount of living children needing help is double the amount of abortions performed in one year. If our society cannot help and protect 640,000 children what makes it think it can save and protect 320,000 unborn children? We want to save children but we just don’t want to feed them. The religious argument will not work with me. I am religious. I see the facts of life, the outcome, the hatefulness, and the abuses. Majority of all abuses with government programs are at the hands received by some of the financial affluent people who are nothing more than “liars” or the administrators of such programs.

Think of March 2014, “Minnesota couple wanted for TANF fraud while living lavishly in Florida.” They have fled the country on their private yacht. This is an extreme case but one of too many to count across the country.  Another example is in the form of a question. How many people received food vouchers from FEMA for food lost during a hurricane? How many of those claims were “padded” by the recipient who was affluent and actually could have afforded the replacement of food and then some?  Those food vouchers were from USDA for the families in a real need of emergency services. All of this was done on an honor system. 

Don’t insult anyone by telling them “You didn’t have to read it” or “You could have just ignored it.”  To ignore an injustice is showing a lack of compassion toward humanity. To be ignorant is not bliss. To not speak up is to not get involved in my society. What would you do if God or Jesus never spoke? What would you do if you were spiritually over looked? If your garden was overlooked what happens? It dies, it withers, and it becomes dust. If we do not tend to our families, friends, community, or society-- it will die, it will wither, and it will become dust.

Life changes every second.

But, show me unfailing kindness like that of the Lord as long as I live, so that I may not be killed…1 Samuel 20:14.

Keep each other in payer. Do not be a lip service.

God bless you all and keep you safely in his arms. 

This is hurtful and it could pertain to a member of your family....and you didn't even know it. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Learning History comes in all forms including the Bible.

Learning about history comes in all forms including the Bible. 

In the interim of studying, there is not much to do other than to rest my weary eyes. Of course that is something that is very hard for me to understand. One cannot simply shut down. Of course being no different, I find myself doing what else other than studying something else.

Today’s question: Do the dead tell a tale, a story, or an important part of history?

In the movie “Terms of Endearment” with Shirley McClain and Deborah Winger, their family home was located in Houston in the River Oaks subdivision. While riding through the Washington Street Cemetery, I notice the “House Family” grave markers. Connection: Thomas William House’s grandson was the founder of River Oaks. What is even better than that was House’s son was Edward M. House, none other than Colonel House who was the adviser to Woodrow Wilson. Colonel Edward M. House was the uncle to the founder to River Oaks. Dead men can talk from the grave too—not realistically but metaphorically of course.

Edith Wilson, the President Wilson’s second wife, was a social pariah. She was not really cared for by the Washington DC society. She also was a very jealous and clingy type woman when it came to her “possessions.” Woodrow Wilson became her possession when they said the “I do’s.” When he became ill, she took control to the point she severed all his friendships and advisory ties. She had the help of two gentlemen there while Wilson was not a well person. Colonel House was left out in the cold, and because of Edith Wilson, he received a negative historical remembrance that just was not exactly true. She was so hateful that she would not let the Colonel attend Wilson’s funeral. Colonel House and President Wilson had very close political ideology on International Policy.

Do the dead tell tales? Oh, yes they do, and they are a vast source of learning about history. We should not be afraid of cemeteries or spooked by the remains of lives that have graced this earth. We should enjoy the very presence of the essences that were part of all of us. One thing that is always a valuable lesson to learn, if we do reflect of what the dead have taught, how can we learn where the future leads us and how can we learn not to make the errors we witnessed. 

God formed us from the dust, when we die the dust we return. 

Keep in prayer each other.

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those for whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ. All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:14-17

This is a scripture written by Paul. It is in what is called the “Pauline Doctrine” located in the New Testament. 

Honestly, there are some parts of the Pauline Doctrine I have trouble agreeing with. The Pauline Doctrine are faith based God enhanced scriptures written by a person who was a convert who never was in the path (footsteps) with Jesus but only spiritual just like any deeply spiritual person. He was just a common sinner just like me or just like you. This doesn’t have to be your opinion because this is my opinion. You are not me and I am not you. I am currently learning my Master’s Degree from what I would call the finest religious institutions with very devoted Christian men and women scholars as well as highly educated (internationally learned) instructional doctorates. They are not perfect, but then again who is.

Any person’s relationship with God is their relationship period. Be proud that a person has a relationship with God and Jesus. Do not be critical of them or attempt to teach them your way or my way; show them by actions of salvation without words. I do ask everyone to learn the definition of Socratic methods (debates) that is a peaceful give and take with respect when covering deeply emotional topics like religious beliefs. 

Spirituality is a matter of your choice hopefully with God and Jesus. However learn your Bible, research the history, the culture and the people. It is very interesting. Learn what we might not want to learn and then learn how it can enhance your relationship with God and Jesus. 

God bless you all and keep you safely in his arms.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


LeVena Johnson

We all have different aspects of the abuses of social justice in which we stand ready to fight for. I would like to take a moment to discuss “abortion.”

In 2005 LaVena Johnson sometime after she called home was aborted from this life. 

Life was cut out of her in a brutal attack in Iraq. She was in the Army, on base, and not in harm’s way. “Who did this and why” are the only questions that Dr. John and Linda Johnson is asking. Press Television news source wrote: “26,000 service members were sexually assaulted in 2012, a 35-percent increase since 2010 when 19,000 such cases were report.”(Press Television) Contrary to popular belief sexual assault is not an act of mutual sexual consent but an act of power, control, and abuse in its worse form. According to all the sources I read, the murder of Johnson wasn’t done by just one person or covered up by one person, either.

April Dawn wrote: “LaVena’s story isn’t the only tragic tale of military sexual trauma and murder.  Activist and retired Army Colonel Ann Wright says that there are 20 plus non-combat deaths of female soldiers under scrutiny; nearly all have occurred on base in Afghanistan or Iraq.  Of these 20, the military reports 14 as being suicides.” (The Source) Who are these 14 suicides?

I have a question for the leaders of the vast and great country of ours: Why has nothing been done to curb problems of this magnitude?
On the Press Television web site, a James Brenner (John Q Public standard citizen) wrote on May 10th of this year: “Women in combat? It doesn't require a genius to foresee that this was a bad idea.” (Press Television) Here is a poster idea for women who want to join the United States Military: 

“Women be all you can be. Join the military and get rapped!”

Yes, we wanted like equal military rights, but I don’t ever recall rape and murder being part of that equation. Yet LaVena’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Johnson, have looked for answers since then and all they are getting is stonewalled from the United States Army. It is sad, truly sad that they have had to turn to another country, Australia, to get some type of assistance because our own televised news media gave then 60 seconds of transmission once a while back because this just wasn’t an interesting enough story. There have been some congressional members who have looked into this matter and they too have been “stonewalled” by the Department of the Army. Well what did they expect, because they are not in control of the United States Armed Services?

Our President is commander in chief of the Military. Dr. and Mrs. Johnson have served this country honorable as retired government employees yet the probably feel that their country has turned a deaf ear to their plight. I can’t even begin to imagine what they must be feeling. Yet, as good citizens were are suppose to support our Military and their commander in chief. Well Mr. Commander, what is your “Damn” problem as to why you can’t pick up the phone and get a legitimate answer as to why LaVena Johnson was murdered while serving this country?

Mr. President don’t you have “daughters”? How would you feel if one joined the military and while on assignment was sexual brutalized and murdered? Wouldn’t you want answers; furthermore, wouldn’t you want to see those responsible to pay for their crimes? AND please do not use the excuse of National Security: “The information cannot be released.” It is true that no matter amount of truth and punishment can bring LaVena back however it will lay her memory to rest.  

To our National Congressional leaders on Capitol Hill I ask: Where is your backbone of moral propriety? 

Many Christians want to stamp out abortion. Well here is your chance? Oh wait that is only for the unborn that is in need of help. If we as a society cannot take care of the living and their rights, what makes anyone think we as a collective society can see to the needs of the unborn? It just doesn’t make justifiable sense!

This is a sad part of what Press Television conveyed: “On May 6, authorities said Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Krusinski, director of the sexual assault prevention program for the US Air Force, has himself been detained for sexually assaulting a woman not far from the military headquarters in Arlington, Virginia.  In 2012, over 30 male Air Force boot camp trainers were cited for sexually harassing, abusing and raping at least 59 military recruits at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.” (Press Television) Is this true?

I am not saying that all rapes reported to in the Military are founded to be accurate using some examples of women reporting “rape” to save their Military career and marriage, however, LaVena was beaten, raped, set on fire, murdered and then had body parts removed post mortem like parts of her anus and vagina. There are other reports founded reports of sexual assault too many to be ignored.

I do not wish that “Justice is blind” or that Lady Liberty is not acting in this case on the morality and the ethics of this entire situation. I am a true American Mutt and still believe that all have rights of equality even though we all have our doubts and know the real truth that “Not all men/women are created equal” except in the eyes of God.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Keep in prayer each other.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms.

Carpenter, Mega.  “LaVena Johnson: Murdered by her colleagues, Ignored by the Army.” Jezebel. 30th June 2008 (accessed 16th May 2014)
Dawn, April. “Justice for LaVena Johnson: Raped & Murdered or Suicide? The Evidence says one thing; the US Military says another.” The Source.  21st January 2014. (accessed 16th May 2014)         says-one-thing-u-s-military-says-another/
Lowe, David A. LaVena Johnson: Raped and Murdered on a Military Base in Iraq.” The Alternet. 2nd March 2009. (accessed 16th May 2014)
“Three rapes happen every hour in US military: Report. Press Television 9th May 2013. (accessed 16th May 2014)

Friday, May 16, 2014

History and critical issues

Okay I have done my rant for the week. I have picked on the democratic and republican parties…I picked horribly on the “Tea Party” which of course I think is a joke. Speaking of Tea Parties—I like that term—it denotes historically a club of smugglers.

Let us walk down history lane for a minute.

The Boston Tea Party really was not about taxes because the British Tea Act was a colonial reduction measure of the imported tea. It was about John Hancock’s illegal tea trade. That wasn’t the only illegal smuggling act. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! One of our framers ran an illegal business?

I have one better than that!

Warren Delano, grandfather to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, help China get addicted to opium. When it became complicated they decided other methods of trade; but, they sure made a lot of money off the wonderfully euphoric narcotic.  (Warren Delano's daughter was FDR's mother.)

The midnight ride of Paul Revere …well not exactly. He and Mr. Dawes were detained after they had already warned some of the sons of liberty. It was Dr. Samuel Prescott who actually made that midnight ride to Concord because when Revere was detained, they took his horse. He was on foot.

Earlier today, I was really ranting about “Rush Limbaugh” getting an award for a historical children’s book he had written. I am conservative in my own way. I am not affiliated with any part I am affiliated with truth. Period! I have already read too many reviews of this book.

I will quote Vicky Smith, a teen editor, in a comment dated May 2, 2014:  

The illustrations comprise semi-relevant photos, archival images and thoroughly amateurish digital collages that look starkly out of place against the faux parchment backgrounds. (One is a gratuitous image of Rush holding up a bottle of his Two If by Tea iced tea.) The writing is just as rough. Take for instance this scene, in which Principal Sherman preps Ms. Borrington’s honors history class for their substitute teacher, Rush Revere, who waits outside the door… I don’t hold Limbaugh accountable for these poor excuses for literature. He has a point of view and the right to express it, and he is not a professional writer…But to convey those politics and that history with such disdain for even the most rudimentary standards of storytelling is a wrong just as staggering as the awfulness of Limbaugh’s books—though not nearly so laughable.”  This critic also placed a responsibility on the managing publisher/editor for all the misspelled words. She also mentions that there seems to be a trend with media personalities writing really bad children’s books and she was very surprised that Rush Limbaugh received an award for this poorly written material.
It was not only a shock to her but to many in the literary community that Rush Limbaugh received this type of award; I was able to find at least five critics who were shocked!

Note to future authors of children’s books: if you are going to write about history—get it right. If you are going to write about make believe make outlandish enjoyable.

There are many who are not well this evening. Please keep them in prayer. Pray for each other.

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. 

And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. Mark 11:24-25

Remember what I said, if you don’t believe me not a problem. Find out for yourself.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Today is my last final for the spring semester at 6:00 pm. I am glad too. I rested my brain yesterday and today. If I do not know it now then never will. Of course – we are still out debating just that concept.  I really applied myself this semester to be serious and not so much of the rambunctious person. My over the top behavior hides mainly my physical and emotional feelings as well as a bad bundle of nerves. I figured out that being rather silly or acting strange is better than crying or being a grouch. Although, there have been months (in the past) where no smiles or happiness prevail. Of course, to be totally honest, I have never forgotten my blessings and some of my attitude also—somewhat--hinges on the “feeling sorry for me blues.”

Let’s change speed and think of more positive things. This morning I went to the corner drug store. It is very convenient for me. Many know I have mobility issues and make use of a scooter. One problem with that, my actual wall charger has a short and is not charging my scooter like it should. I’ve been planning on replacing it tomorrow for the past two months of tomorrows. Scheduling with my children and free time doesn’t always coincide like it should. While heading back to the house, my scooter died--no more juice. I scooted with my feet or walked with it, stopping only when reaching my limit to rest. My son was in the shower and couldn’t be reached. My daughter was not here. I received my full exercise this morning. What made the difference this morning was an associate of my son’s—Carla---that works here, she helped push me home the very last leg of my trek. These are the special blessings that I do receive. As big as Houston is, there is always someone who takes the time to help.

Blessings help make life easier for me. I receive all different kinds when I least expect it.

Keep in prayer today:
Gary Hellman
Pilots for Christ in Monroeville, Al
Ashley Larson (Letters to Ashley, the Ashley Larson Cancer Foundation)
Bailey Byrd (Bailey’s Journey)
Roy and Christy Baker Jennings
Larry Keating
Keep in prayer for each other.

For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created him and for him. Colossians 1:16

When we look up we see the heavens; and, what a wonderful sight of a bright moon, twinkling stars, cotton clouds, and wind blowing about our earthly presence.

In my studies on Milton, there is a particular website that I often accessed to help put some of my studies into perspective. It is called the “John Milton Reading Room” that was put together by Professor Thomas H. Luxon through Dartmouth College. The argument in Book III is absolute wonderful but there is a specific passage that I would like to share:

“The Son of God renders praises to his Father for the manifestation of his gracious purpose towards man; but God again declares, that grace cannot be extended towards man without the satisfaction of divine justice; man hath offended the majesty of God by aspiring to godhead, and therefore with all his progeny devoted to death must die, unless someone can be found sufficient to answer for all his offense and undergo his punishment. The Son of God freely offers himself a ransom for man; the Father accepts him, ordains his incarnation, pronounces his exaltation above all names in heaven and earth; commands all the angels to adore him; they obey, and hymning to their harps in full choir, celebrate the Father and the Son.”

God bless you all while staying safely in His arms. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Complain, complain, and complain!

Why do we complain? I know that I complain when I see something unreasonable. What is and is not within reason?

Let’s use the President of the United States as an example. Many want him impeached for “being a lousy president”? Let us look at the complaint and the procedure. Is this reasonable?

Under the Federalist Papers, No. 65 and No. 66, James Madison discussed this in detail as to how the Senate should participate in the impeachment of someone within the executive branches of government.[1] The results are listed under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States of America. In 1974, the Judiciary Committee concurred that “impeachment is a constitutional remedy addressed to serious offenses against the system of government.”[2]

The United States Constitution, Article II, Section 4

The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

In this particular case misdemeanor does not think what we know it to be which is a “minor crime of a criminal nature” lower than a felony. Jon Roland, Constitutional Society wrote: “…the key to understanding it is the word high. It does not mean more serious. It refers to those punishable offense that only apply to high persons, that is, to public officials, those who, because of their official status, are under special obligation that ordinary persons are not under, and which could not be meaningfully applied or justly punished if committed by ordinary persons...The impeachment and removal process should be a debate on the entire field of proven and suspected misconduct by federal officials and agents under this president, and if judged to have been excessive by reasonable standards, to be ground for removal, even if direct complicity cannot be shown.”[3]

What does all this double talk mean? Do we find that it confuses the average “run of the mill” constituent? Within reason, it can be very complicated and confusing.

Relevant Constitution Provisions

Article I, Section 2, Clause 5

The House of Representatives shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

**They can initiate the process by fully investigating the reasons specific to attempt an impeachment where funds would have to be agreed upon just for that purpose through a special committee. They have to determine if the president has engaged in treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors and set forth a specific “allegation of misconduct.” “The House can vote to impeach even if the House Judiciary Committee does not recommend impeachment.”[4] The majority of the House of Representatives are need for this type of resolution to pass. Then managers of the House of Representatives the formally notify (by appearance) the Senate and show proof.

Article I, Section 3, Clause 6 and 7

The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. No person shall be convicted without the concurrence of 2/3rd of the members present. Impeachment powers shall not extend further than to the removal from office, the disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit: the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment according to Law.

**The Senate will then issue a “writ of summons” (the person considered for impeachment) telling them when to appear and that they have the right to be there in person or by represented counsel.  If they do not want to appear, an automatic plea of “Not Guilty” will be formally recorded. Argument may be made by the accused to charges made against them and respond to the questions and evidence submitted by the House of Representatives. A trial date will be set and “Article 1, Section 3, Clause 6 of the Constitution, the Chief Justice presides over the Senate impeachment trial if a President is being impeached.”[5] A trial is held, where evidence is presented, the Managers of the House of Representatives make opening and closing arguments. The Senate meets for deliberations. Again, 2/3rd of the Senate must vote for removal where as the presiding officer will pronounce the judgment of conviction and removal on one or all points of evidence.[6]

Article II, Section 2, Clause 1

The President shall have Power to grant reprieves and pardons for offices against the US except in cases of impeachment.

**This clause is self explanatory. The late President Gerald Ford pardoned Richard M. Nixon, who was not impeached but facing impeachment. That is why he resigned. The pardon covered any charges forthwith coming since the President was not impeached but resigned. (And that was a smart political move on the former republican president.)


Put yourself in the office of “voted official” in the Congress of the United States. He honestly has done what? Has he violated the Constitution? Which part? He made laws without Congress. No he did not. The president has the authority to make Executive Decisions or Executive Directives without the approval of Congress. Does anyone think that a “Democratic House of Representatives” is going to impeach a Democratic President? (It would be the same if it was Republican controlled House of Representatives or Republican President.)

Other than poor judgment, lousy job performance, lavish life style (which is subject to interpretation), what has the current president done to warrant being impeached?

I implore many to use standard reasoning and do not put you head in the sand to display ignorant ideas.

I personally do not approve of our President’s job, but I do respect the position which means I will support the Office of the President as all good citizens should do. Furthermore, we all should help him do his job and that means getting involved. If you call yourself a good citizen and fail to get involved (beyond the scope of voting) then you really should not complain—ethically, morally; even though, we have the right under the US Constitution to complain. It is called “Freedom of Speech”, see Bill of Rights, Amendment I.  

Pray for each other. 

May God bless and keep everyone safely in His arms.  

[1] Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison, and John Jay. The Federalist. Barnes & Nobles, Inc. New York: 2006. Pp 361-371.
[2] “Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment, IV- Conclusion”. Washington Post. 1998. (accessed 11th Mary 2014.)
[3] Roland, Jon. “Meaning of High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Constitution.Org. August 2013. (accessed 11th May 2014)
[4] “An Overview of the Impeachment Process.” CRS Report for Congress. 20th April 2005. (accessed 11th May 2014)
[5] “An Overview of the Impeachment Process.”
[6] “An Overview of the Impeachment Process.”