I once read years ago, this
was during the planning of the p Pan-Pacific Treaty, that Asian countries were
concerned about midline American workers not being as intellect to perform. I
believe the news article I read had the jest of the dumbing down of American
Society. Come to find out there were documentaries made and articles written on
this very topic. Many don’t buy it, but after the first year of this new
president in office, I believe more than ever that the American society has
dumbed down tremendously.
In the latter part of 2016, Paul A. Philips wrote a
scathing article that rings very true. It was published on line Wake Up World. Philips contends that average
society is being deceived and we would not believe it because we wouldn’t
understand it in the first place. Is he correct? I wouldn’t normally had thought
so but he is. How so?
Think about it. This
seems to be something that is lost, honest thinking skills considering facts
and not media, political or troll generated propaganda. Ask yourself, over the
past 50 years what is different in society? There are (1) more germs and illnesses,
(2) more obesity, (3) more sedentary lifestyles, (4) over population, (5) more
chemicals in the environment, (6) less natural habitat (7) advance technology
and (8) lack of ability to determine what is real fact based on fiction. We can further break these 8 ideas down into
mainly two area which is population and advanced technology.
When I was a child we
played in ditch water, with worms, drank out of garden hose, fished out of
lakes, ate food off a stick, ran and played outside from sun up to sun down in
a metropolitan city. Germs: what germs? Have we become so germophobic, that new
germs and illness have manifested that are immune to modern technical cures? Would
anyone like a mud pie from the dirt in your yard?
In 2018 would you chew on a
blade of grass and or maybe swallow it?
Are we really breathing
clean air? It is said, according to studies, that cigarette smoke causes
cancer. It is also printed on the side of the cigarette packages. Did anyone
take into to account the air quality around the test subjects? Would a smoking person
be more likely to get lung cancer having handle toxic material than not or
living next to a petrochemical plant? How much carbon dioxide would a person inhale,
sitting in traffic with the windows rolled down for thirty minutes?
It is a proven fact that
plants, trees or any type of green foliage filters out carbon and omits clean
oxygen. If we cut down forest and remove the green foliage then we are killing
natural habitats not to mention harming the ecosystems. Which through the
structure of mother nature harms what? HUMANS.
More obesity is due to a
more sedentary lifestyle. In 1970, if I wanted a soda, I walked down the street
to the gas station and paid $.30 for a cola out of the ice box. One soda, once
in a while never hurt anyone. In 2005, I didn’t own a car and lost a tremendous
amount of weight and started on the road to health and recovery with a good
balanced diet. When I saved up enough money to buy a car, the weight came back
and so did a lot of my illness in full swing, much harder than before to the point
it caused a stroke. I really wasn’t that over weight when I became ill to begin
Over population and
advance technology has helped tremendously. Over population needs more places
to live because people are living longer due to advance technology. Advance
technology is also the reason people are more sedentary which assist in obesity
to where children no longer go outside and play. I would also be remiss in not
stating about the crime rate in America due to more multiple reason than I care
to admit to.
Tie this all together and
no one believes it. Why because the ability to think independently and examine
facts are wipe away because of what? Advanced technology does it for us. A good
example of this is the US election of 2016. If you needed a certified plumber
to clean out and rework your home plumbing systems, would you hire an
electrician? You would hire a plumber who specializes in this area. Would you
hire a 17-year-old teenager to represent you on a traffic ticket or anything
dealing with a court of law? Then why did
people vote for a president with no experience except in business? I never saw
his tax returns or had his educational transcript verified like we did Obama or
even the younger Bush. Furthermore, I hate to have to tell America that the
government isn’t a business it is “We the people.” The government has never been
and will never be run as a business. For that matter, there isn’t a country in
the world run like a business. Furthermore, success is not based on what is
in a man’s pocket or what riches he has. A true faithful Christian or godly
soulful person is knows this.
I happen to agree with
Paul A. Philips in his article. In the history of the United States, we have
more toxic foods, air borne chemicals, mental illnesses, mind altering drugs, etc.,
than any country in the world. Why is
that? Available on line is the Constitution of the United States. Under Article
II of the Constitution: “No Person except a
natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the
Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;
neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained
to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the
United States.” Why would American’s believe this about former President
Obama? Was his mother a citizen of the USA? Did she give birth to him? Only one
parent has to be a citizen of the US for a person to be born a citizen of the
US, unless it is by some obscure ruling through INS (which there are some but
not in this case.) (I don't care if he was born in Kenya, Hawaii, or Jupiter... the fact, bottom line, his mother was a US Citizen.)
I recently shared the truth
about what was going on the Senate floor through the official Senate record. I
was told not to believe what the press wrote and that wasn’t true. On the 4th
of January, a Senator from Georgia was more interested about the upcoming
Georgia and Alabama game in Atlanta, than working on health care or veteran’s
services. Well it is in the permanent record of Congress. Another false hood I
was accused of was the famous Trump border wall.
It is in permanent record
that the wall idea came about and was legislated during the former President
George W. Bush administration. However, money wasn’t set aside for it because
there were more pressing matters and studies show that it was not effective. I
was considered to be a liar. It is legal records through the government to
confirm this. It is available on the internet.
Yet, if I want to speak
my constitutional right about our government and the current president I am
accused of being a hater and disrespecting him. So, in thinking when is telling
the truth disrespecting someone? If I want to burn a US a flag in my front
yard, I am being disrespectful of our military? If I kneel during the national
anthem, I am disrespectful to someone? If I tell someone that “God” wording was
added to money and national pledge during the 1950’s I am lying?
I even corrected someone
on NAFTA. NAFTA really isn’t totally a Former President Bill Clinton thing.
Part one of NAFTA was a treaty with Canada during the late Former President Reagan
administration. Part two of NAFTA was a treaty with Mexico during the Former
President G H W Bush administration. Former President Clinton combined the two
as is and added environmental issues and labor issues. It was a joint
bi-partisan presidential/legislative approved treaty. I was told what? I was
lying again.
Since we do have such
great technological communication advancement; ever hear of internet research.
All this information that is truthful is on line and not necessarily threw the
press but through official government documentation. American’s wake up and
learn something!
Let’s get one thing perfectly clear: why would I lie
about it? I am not asking you to vote for anyone. My candidate didn’t win the
presidential election, and I have no idea if their job performance would have
been any better. Our military is paid to do a job which is to protect the
rights of the US Constitution so I can speak my mind, burn the flag, and be
free to think. One step further, I VALUE THE OPINION, in a humane speaking
manner, of my fellow Americans because it is their right.
To the dumbing down of Americans, money isn’t just
printed it is based on the GNP = Gross National Product not gold. (Late Former
President Nixon and legislation changed that option.) Legislation doesn’t just
happen but it is eventually filtered to a FOURTH BRANCH of government called
the bureaucracy for further interpretation and for scrutiny to be enacted. If
you don’t know this, learn it. The bureaucracy of America has more laws that
the national employees don’t even know what they are because standard
legislation has so much pork and bull in it, that it is almost impossible to
figure it out.
No more believing what is false. Things are happening
and Americans best wake up and smell the sewage just out your front door. America
is in serious trouble. Get involved or shut and wonder at a later date, “WHAT
FYI: Average Americans, beware just because you have a
little tax money in your pocket, doesn’t mean our government is running
efficiently. Watch them… like a hawk. It is your job. If you are not registered
to vote, your voice is silenced. No registered voters, can be heard but you didn’t
get involved; so why should we?
“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you
can do for your country.” John F Kennedy.
“America will destroy itself and not one shot will be
fired.” Nikita Khruschev, late former leader of the USSR.
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If
we falter and lose our freedoms. It will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
Abraham Lincoln.
***This is my opinion. My US Constitution Right. ***
I support the job(s) of the US Military. I proudly support my country. I support the US Constitution.
Most of all before myself and country I support the peace and blessing that God has granted me.
We are all equal international under the eyes of God.
May he bless each and everyone of us all the days of our lives.