I have already made a statement that I have trouble with the Pauline Doctrine. The doctrine is noted as the books written by Paul- the letters to the Epistle (about 13 or 14 books of the New Testament). There are some verses with really good value but I feel some verses are not totally aligned with the teaching of Jesus and the actual laws of Mosaic and/or Rabbinic laws of the period.
Men and Women in ancient society were just about equally yoked from what I have learned in my research. Viewing the Bible as a whole, you will notice that the women mentioned in the Bible are generally pious where as men were the basic sinners. In Judaism, if a child was born to a woman who was Jewish then their children were Jewish. Judaism is based off the maternal line and not the paternal line. These are just some of the reasons I personally question some of Paul’s writing.
You do not have to believe what I do; I make that statement all the time. The example I will use is one that I am torn on in a contradictory type feeling. I love part of this passage but have trouble understanding the other part.
“(31) For ye all can prophesy one by one that all may learn, and all may be exhorted; (32) and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets; (33) for God is not a God of confusion, but of peace. (2nd ½ of 33) As in all the churches of the saints, (34) let the women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but let them be in subjection, as also saith the law.” (1 Corinthians 14: 31-34)
I understand verse 31 to ½ of 33.
I don’t totally understand the other ½ of 33 to 34.
This leads me to question how much did the laws change between the Old Testament and the writing of the New Testament to the implementation of the churches and why?
I wrote my academic adviser, and posed some of these questions that I have. His response to me is: “These are very deep questions to answer. We will need to sit and discuss all of this.” I have prayed over this time and time again. God will provide me with an answer but I feel he is guiding me to do some more research to seek what is truth in my heart and soul.
One interesting things about this passage is that WOW! The answer hit me when I was reading parts of a text for my upcoming class. It hit me dead square and what a revelation it was. Russell Kirk wrote “The Roots of American Order.” (Quoting) “Our own society, like that of any other people, is held together by what is called an ‘order’…Order is the path we follow, or the pattern by which we live with purpose and meaning. Above even food and shelter, she continue, we must have order. The human condition is insufferable unless we perceive a harmony, and order, in existence. Order is the first need of all…If we lack order in the soul and order in society, we dwell ‘in a land of darkness, as darkness itself,’ the book of Job puts it; ‘and of the shadow of death, without any order, and where light is as darkness.” (pg 3) Kirk’s “she” is quoting Simone Weil (she is a French philosopher who was raised agnostic and converted to devout Christianity).
With God in our lives we will not be confused, we will not lack order, and we will live in his light. Without God in our life, we will be confused, we will lack order, and we will live in darkness. It is in Job and it is in 1 Corinthians—God is a necessity to order in our souls. HE is a need.
As far as women being silent in church, I can’t even comment on that because I honestly do not totally understand why Paul wrote this verse. I will pray on it and discuss it with more academically intellectual (as well as spiritual astute) people than myself.
I state this time after time, you do not have to believe what I say or agree with it, but I challenge you. Check it out for yourself.
Pray for each other.
God bless you all.
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