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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My treasures are in my dreams.

A child’s perception is a very interesting thing. When they are little, you never really know what they are thinking. When I was little, I viewed my aunts entirely different than average women.

One was a Mediterranean fairy princess from the Far East. My uncle, who was a royal naval commander, saved her on one of his tall masts ships like in the (1942) movie “The Black Swan.” He saved her from dreadful tyranny. He brought her to America when they married and he fought in the great wars in far off lands. She was tall, with dark eyes, and dark hair keeping her secrecy for the protection of her children. Her eldest son and daughter were mysterious like their mother. The youngest was fair like a desert rose. (Aunt Lynn)

The other aunt I viewed like one of the rescued girls like in “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.” She married the woodsman, and her talents were endless. She had three boys that only knew the life of the great hunters in the wild woods with flowing deep streams. (Aunt Hilda)  

Another aunt was a beauty queen and the directors sought her often to play in movies like “Gone with the Wind.” She spoke poetically in a deep southern drawl. With her red hair, I just knew her stage name was Susan Hayward. She had all those pictures in long flowing gowns. (Aunt Betty Sue) Her children lived the jet set life all over Europe and were the friends with the Queen’s children themselves.

It is funny how children’s imaginations can take them anywhere in life they want to go. Unfortunately we grow up and we often forget about those wild day dreams and our innocent concepts about life.

My beauty queen and rescued bride have gone to be with God. My fairy princess from the Far East still lives on. I have learned that when children are little, let them enjoy their imagination because it makes great memories. I eventually told one aunt what I felt about her not too long ago; she giggled and it made her day.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21)

I have many treasures and I relish all of them.

Keep in prayer Tamara Robinson Price’s father who is in the hospital. Keep in prayer Mary Johnson and her family; Mary’s mother-in-law, Dalphine Dellinger Black, went home to be with God. Pray for each other.

God bless you all and keep you safely in your arms. 

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