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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The past is really worth sacrificing.

I have been a busy beaver all day today. I finally finished getting all the bills mailed off and sent out two more birthday cards for relatives. I then escaped and did something I shouldn’t have done. I bought some things for me. Eventually I ended up back at home.

When I checked my mail, there they were. The spring classes syllabi! Do I dare open them? Well of course I did. I have no 1st day assignment for my Constitution class but I do for the John Milton class. I started reading and reading; I then realized it was dinner time. I did not want to mess up my kitchen, so we ordered Chinese food to be delivered. I order more than one meal, because it will last for at least 2 – 3 days including breakfast.

I am just in an incredibly good mood. Not sure why because my pain level is 9.5 but it is okay. I still have a good feeling about life in general. I opted out not to enter into any historical conferences, Apologetics conferences, or any writing contests this semester. I did last spring. I am concentrating to get all “A’s” this semester, and I do not want anything else to interfere in that. No additional pressure.

I may have made the President’s list as undergrad, but in Master’s the GPA has to be higher. I am at 3.190 and I have to really boost it. So, apply, apply, and then apply myself again. Which means: my writing skills have really got to be top notch this term. I am looking forward to my classes starting on Tuesday. No cutting up or being an agitator in class period. I have to be serious.

The only draw-back is not entering the museum historical writing contest is: I would love the 5 day trip to Boston with the undergrads. Dr. Joseph is taking history students to Boston for a week. I would love to go. But, we have to sacrifice to get to where we are going sometimes.

When I first started to turn my life around with my faith, I thought I would be sacrificing so very much of the “fun” stuff. It didn’t work that way. Instead of sacrificing the old ways, they suddenly were not as important as they use to be. I am happy to be strong in my faith with God.

“For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.” (Hosea 6:6)
I feel the sacrifice was throwing out the old, or washing away the dead skin and growing more alive than I have ever been. Ask yourself, “If you are totally committed to God and Jesus Christ, would you be sacrificing something?” and/or “Is it worth it in your life to be renewed?”

Who made the ultimate sacrifice for us? I feel I owe God and Jesus my 100% -- they have my commitment.
“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

Keep in prayer each other.

God bless you all and keep you safely always and forever. 

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