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Saturday, December 9, 2017

Who were the dudes from the East-- Orient-- the wise guys at the birth of Jesus

“Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim.” (Isaiah 49:12) Other translations of Sinim holds the meaning of Aswan (20th Century), the south country (16th Century), Sinites (Jewish Orthodox), etc. Modern commentaries (Dr. John Walvood of the Dallas Theological Seminary and others) are stating this is possibly the Orient meaning China or what is classified as the great nations east of the Euphrates that have slumbered for centuries.

“Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judae in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east of Jerusalem, saying Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.” (Matthew 2:1-2) These visitors were referred to as Magi. Were these men from Ancient Persia (like Clement of Alexandria, Diodorus of Tarsus, Chrysostom, and Cyril of Alexandria) or from China? (Dr. John Walvood.)

If we consider Clement of Alexandria then the Scholars have gotten the birth of Jesus wrong. Clement of Alexandria lived about 150-215 A.D. “Who is the rich man that shall be saved?”….“…because of the neglecting to praise and glorify God…they invest with divine honors men wallowing in an execrable and abominable life, and what is the principle thing, liable on this account to the judgment of God; and treacherous, because, although wealth is of itself sufficient to puff up and corrupt the souls of its possessors…by inflating the minds of the rich with the pleasures of extravagant praises, and by making them utterly despise all things except wealth, on account of which they are admired…” (Estimated date 182-202 A.D edited by James E Kiefer “Biographical Sketches of memorable Christians of the past”)

Diodorus of Tarsus, Chrysostom (died about 390 A D) could not have been one of the wise men because his time period doesn’t coincide with the birth of Christ as listed. Many scholars classify him as the father of Biblical translation—the monk from Antioch. Some contend he never really existed. Of his writings, apologetics, controversial, doctrinal, and exegetical, which he composed against the pagan, Jews and the prevailing heresies of the age, only fragments have reached modern man. One passage reads: “How then is man God’s image? By way of dominion in virtue of authority.” Scholars believe while “the right to exercise this power of domination is spiritual, it is an extrinsic power give to men as such, enabling them to act in an authoritative way as God’s steward or representative.” (Tiley and Ross “Broken and Whole: Essays on religion and the body.” Pp 33) Unfortunately there is just not enough information on his writing available to determine exactly what his thoughts were and anything on it is purely conjecture.

Cyril of Alexandria (376-444) could not have been present at the birth of Christ. He was a bishop and doctor of the church. According to James E Kiefer “Biographical Sketches of memorable Christians of the past”: “He was a man of fiery temperament, and ruthless and violent in the pursuit of what he conceived to be his duty. Having obtained the consent of government, he destroyed pagan temples, and the monasteries of monks whose views differed from his own. He is on the Egyptian (Coptic) and the Syrian calendars, but not on most eastern of western ones. Summary: unpleasant but orthodox (right but repulsive).” Cyril wrote:  “Let us now say that the writings of the unholy heretics may be considered as cities, and fortified, haply not without skill, by the wisdom of the world, and the intricate deceits of their cogitations. There comes to storm them, and in some sort environs and sits round them taking the shield of the faith and the sword of the Spirit,which is the word of God, everyone who agonizes for the holy dogmas of the Church, and sets himself in array with all his strength against their false-speaking, studying to cast down imaginations, as Paul saith, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ ”. (Translation of Cyril of Alexandria by Roger Pearse, UK 2005.”Early Church Fathers”) 

Then that proves the three men mentioned in Dr. Walvood’s commentary were not at the birth of Jesus unless scholars, scientist, theologians, philosophers want to rethink the time period.

Last thought (my thought): did it ever occur to these great thinkers that the answer is in the Bible? God’s time is not our time and there is no humanly possible way of knowing. Even though there are historical accounts based on science and history give us a time that we know; the truth—we weren’t living then and we cannot say with 100% that the time we are living now is the same as the biblically or historically or even scientific time.Everything is strictly conjecture by modern man unless he is still living and over 2,000 years old. Does modern man have to have an analytical or reasonable answer for everything?   

Who were the wise men? We don’t know! Only God has that answer. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The discriminating joys of .... (free verse)

White discriminates against blacks.

Black discriminates against whites.

Black and Whites discriminate against brown.

Brown discriminates against black and whites.

Black, white, and brown discriminates against yellow.

Yellow discriminates against black, white, and brown.

Black/white/brown/ and yellow discriminates against yellow/brown/black/and whites. 

I believe that when you mix the colors together it is a gray matter of unknown substance, confused.

Are there any discriminating joys of equality?

No, there is no equality because the United States was not formed equally unless you were white male of substance.

Later the substance was dropped just to be a white male was enough blinded and not able to accept the truths of offerings.

Who built this country?

Men, women, children, white, black, brown, and yellow. 

Moral of the story:
Damn white man shouldn’t have given the bottle of whisky to the Indian and a flaming case of venereal disease to some black, yellow, white, or brown female.
From there on it has been nothing but gray lives that matters.

What denotes the true morality?

The answer is what morality is true only to you.

The cultures matter not any more.


We are all hungry for the same generic food.

We thirst for the same water.

We all have two legs and yearn for pants that fit.

We all fail in the share.

The only difference is the shoe size.

To each his own or we can walk in discomfort because we try to wear too many of another.

How do we know what is true and what came first in culture or color?

We don’t because bones have become dust and they carry not color except gray when dried and left unattended--they have scattered to the wind-- without soul, shape or form. 

Dirt is black rich in soil and fertile for growth.

Bone is white when dried and pulverized rich in calcium deposits.

Sand is brown with minerals by the sea.

The crescent of yellow gives light for growth.

Gray is null and void—without shape and without form.

We have attempted to melt together equality that which cannot be. 

For singularly and separate the equality is greater and has merits to attribute.

If you take the richness, the calcium, the minerals, and the growth equality – we flourish.

What does it mean?

We must tend to our gardens to flourish and grow with much care for all the ingredients involved.

God has blessed us. Let us take not advantage of that blessing. 

Monday, September 25, 2017

Passion, Heart, and Soul—why kneel during the National Anthem of the United States

There is starting to be a controversy on everyone’s mind these days about whether to or not to boycott the professional football players due to the fact a football player kneeling during the National Anthem of the United States. Is it disrespectful to the military, our country, illegal, or what to kneel?

The corporate news media and social media seem to have made it a rather big issue because of what President Trump stated in a speech at a political rally/fund raiser in Alabama. He said and I quote exactly from the video of his speech: “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners say to somebody disrespects our flag to say ‘get that son of a bitch off the field right now! Out, he’s fired!’ “ [1] He (President Trump) was expressing his opinion of what Colin Kaepernick (a free agent/player of the NFL) did last season and this season about sitting out and kneeling during the United States National Anthem during pre-game ceremonies.

I have questions: (1) Why did our president refer to Mr. Kaepernick’s mother as a bitch dog in heat and or a woman who is extremely hateful? (These are the definitions of son-of-a-bitch.) (2) Does President Trump know her personally? (3) Why was Kaepernick sitting or kneeling during the National Anthem at the presentation of the United States’ Flag (Old Glory)? (4) Are there others who have done this and for what reason? (5) Is it disrespectful for what they did?

President Trump (to my knowledge) has never met Mrs. Teresa Kaepernick, Colin’s mother. Nor has he met Colin’s father. But in a statement issued by his parents, it is explanatory as to how they feel about this situation: “As his parents, it pains us to read articles and tweets saying that his family does not support him; this could be further from the truth. We want people to know that we are very proud of our son and admire his strength and courage in kneeling for the rights of others.” [2]

How should I sum this up? The President of the United States used a very poor choice of words. He should apologize to Mrs. Kaepernick. This has nothing to do with political correctness. What did we call or refer to people who called others names in school? Bullies? If a child was to use this phrase of words in school, they would get into serious trouble. But, to watch a President use this type of wording in a political speech is disheartening, unjustified, rude, and uncalled for. If it were not for mothers, we children wouldn’t be here.

To kneel or not to kneel is the question? Kaepernick sat and kneeled during the NFL pre-game ceremonies. Why? Simple answer. He was supporting racial equality, and solidarity as supported by the constitution of the United States of America. He was exercising his constitutional right of freedom of expression as stated in the 1st Amendment. [3] Wow! That is something else. He wasn’t the only NFL player who has done this. Numerous ones have, and the reasoning is the same. They feel there is a problem in this country where many have issues of racial profiling and political equality (racially and sexually) not being adhered to like it should.

Jabrill Peppers (Cleveland Browns) explained that he and others took a knee during the United States National Anthem to pray because there is so much “racial and social injustice in the world.” [4]

We are now persecuting NFL players for praying, supporting racial equality, and supporting the United States Constitution.

One of the parts to a political oath of office, and the oath of the military sort of reads the same. “I will defend and support the Constitution of the United States of America.”

Is equality in the constitution? Is freedom of speech (freedom of expression) covered in the constitution? (The United States Constitution). Is this the same Constitution that our military has defended and supported in war and peace time so we can have those rights? Were the NFL players supporting the constitution for the same reason as the military except during a sporting event?

What is the big deal? It is not disrespectful to support the freedoms of this country, nor, is it 
disrespectful to lower one’s self on their knees and pray for such. By-the-way, it isn’t illegal.  

I will leave it at that. I defend and support the constitution of the United States of America. I will not persecute or degrade anyone that does and or doesn’t as long as it is legal within the terms set by the laws of our local, state, and national codes. Mr. President if you don’t like the Constitution, then that is your right as guaranteed under the constitution, but do not call people names. It is unbefitting someone in your position.

Have a great Monday. God bless each and everyone. 

**Special Note -- In the Sports Day article published by the Dallas News, Jerry Jones (Dallas Cowboys) was misquoted a lot lately in news articles about this very subject.  

[1] Trump, Donald (President of US), Political Campaign Rally and Fund Raiser for senatorial candidate Strange, Hunstville, Al., 22nd September, 2017.
[2] Martinelli, Michael R., “Colin Kaepernick’s mom fires back at Donald Trump’s Criticism of National Anthem protest.” USA Today Sports.  23rd September 2017. (accessed 25th September 2017)
[4] Staff Writer. “What Cowboy’s owner, Jerry Jones, others are getting wrong about national anthem protest.” Dallas News-Sports Day. 23rd September 2017 (accessed 25th September 2017)

Friday, September 22, 2017

Guide for those 55+ on how to pick up someone on the internet.

Well heck fire! One of my pet peeves is strange men trying to pick me and “be my friend” on the internet while playing scrabble.  I personally do not like it. I am over 55, tired, and chronically ill with many physical and mental challenges which have been diagnosed. Look in other words, my turnips have fail to catch the elevator and climb to the top to turn on the lights in my brain.  Or, maybe they just fell off the truck years ago in the turnip patch.

Rule # 1

Never approach me on the internet and say: “Hey Baby! I want to be your friend.”
Hey, guess what I am not your baby. I am not the age of diapers, not anyway yet. Getting damn close. Majority of all women have a bladder issues just like men have a urine leakage as they get older. Sounds very appealing, doesn’t it?  Furthermore, I haven’t sucked a bottle since I was an infant. For that matter if you asked me to suck anything, I would tell you to get a grip and go suck yourself.

Rule # 2

Never approach me on the internet and state: “I would like to have sexual conversation with you.”
Hey, guess what?  Sure. Take off your clothes and let me count your sagging stretch marks. I really like it if you would take your teeth out and place them in the glass next to my pillow. What type of high blood pressure medicines are you on? Do you have to drink a nightly dose of fiber substitute to keep you regular? Let’s compare recent blood test. My cholesterol was 9 million last month. Is that adult acne or just a big hairy pimple on your butt? How long have you had that one eyebrow? Did you wax that? You have more wrinkles showing with it waxed.

Rule # 3

Never approach me on the internet and think “She is good looking. She has that I want a man look.”
Wrong. Wonder why there is just ½ a smile? Well I do wear upper plates which are bleached to give me a nice set of white teeth—sometimes. I have had a stroke and when I smile and show my teeth, one can definitely notice the drooping jaw line as well as one eye that looks a lot off centered. I take off my bra and I become flat chested because my breasts fall down around my knees. What may look like black hair is actually salt and pepper silver. And I put a soft look on my most recent pictures because I may have missed plucking a black or silver hair from my upper lip or one of those really long gross ones from my chin.  Not to mention, I am hiding all those blotches that an hours’ worth of heavy makeup has covered up.

Rule # 4

Never think when approaching me on the internet. If you do, your assumption may be totally wrong. I am single and I like men. I do not want a boyfriend; well, maybe an occasional dinner date once every six months. My life is full and busy. I do get lonely but who doesn’t. I needle point, read, help struggling students with their studies, mentor sometimes, play video games, read horrible historical romance novels, research various stuff, read my Bible often, research genealogy, bitch, complain about politics, talk to people that I know and have met 90% of them with a history of them before internet, clean house, play with grandchildren, cook, visit with great nephews, niece, a crazy middle brother, call a brother in Florida and an elderly aunt in Alabama. So, my life is full and sometimes, there is never a dull moment. So never assume I am truly lonely, because I am not.

There is no Rule # 5

I am a loyal person to my friends. I have many that I am very close to who know everything about me with the exception of my underwear size because I keep forgetting where I put them in the house. I don’t have to worry about impressing anyone. I could care less if my underarms or legs get shaved. I shower every day, wear deodorant, and wash my hair every three days unless I have been extremely hot and sweaty. If I want to dress up I do, if I don’t oh well. I wear weird hats, tons of bracelets and gaudy costume jewelry if I want to. Last but not least, I love my children deeply, I love some relatives deeply, I am high compassionate, and I enjoy life. I could care less if I have money or not as long as “I” pay “my” bills with “my” money. Yes, money is tight with me, and I am not soliciting for hand-outs either.

But there is one thing I don’t do… I do not let strangers pick me up anywhere especially the internet. Because, one thing I know for sure… If you smell like an old fart, you probably are an old fart. I bet you anything my old farts probably smell worse than your old farts…

God bless you all and have a nice Friday. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

"Oh, great balls of fire!" Said Scarlett.

I enjoy playing internet Scrabble. I play with a few friends and several strangers. I really enjoy the game. It keeps me on my toes. For several weeks, strange men have been trying to pick me up from all over the US and world. It makes me nuts! Drives me insane! This is a video game. Let’s address this issue from yesterday evening and come up with a really cute solution.

Here is an example of one of the pickup lines: “Hey Baby! Now that I have found you, I do hope you are in excellent health?”

I am not your baby. Let’s get that perfectly clear nor am I someone’s “babe” as in E.B. White’s pig character from Charlotte’s Web. A baby denotes infant. Last time I checked I still have some teeth even though I wear dentures, don’t wear a diaper (not yet anyway), and do not suck milk products through a bottle. I have been known to “suck down” a beer or two but that was over 25 years ago when a case of beer would be like drinking water. Now it is like drink a beer or two, and I have to tinkle and take a nap for about 6 hours.

Now that I have found you… what? I didn’t know I was lost to begin with. Sometimes, I am lost in my mind and haven’t the slightest idea what I am doing, what day it is, or even where the heck fire I am at. I think that is either age, medication, and or I am just a plain old fruit cake from the old south. Did he find my name and face in the yellow pages? Was my mug shot on some men’s room wall? Call Julia for a good time- 649- babe. What? (OR as my niece says it: "Call 867-5309").

My health. What does my health have to do with anything? It is no one’s business, unless I make it someone’s business. Well I am printing it here and now. My health sucks! I smoke, try to eat right, drink too much tea and coffee. I cook when I feel like. I live alone and frankly really love it. I could use a little more company now and then like a grandchild or two, just to corrupt them and teach them bad habits. After all, it is up to me to make sure that the southern insanity is continued from one generation on down the line. I mean I taught my children how to be strange and socially unacceptable.

For an example: I raised my children with a valuable lesson. “Anything worth doing, is worth doing well.” I taught them that if they are going to forge my signature and lie about it to the school, and change the grades on their report cards, then they should learn how to do it very well not half assed.

My overall health? Is not good because I have a chronic illness that kicks me in the butt at times. It is true that I am a recluse. I like it that way. I can’t see worth a flip to drive anymore, so I don’t like to really get out much. I enjoy my porch and the mosquitoes that suck my blood and die from it. Mosquitos know better. They take one suck off my leg and go “Yuck! What type of med’s is this old fat butt on?” Then they simply fall to the ground dead. Go figure… that red stuff in my veins must be toxic to such a small flying insect.

My reply to yesterday evening’s pickup line was: “This is video game that I play. I enjoy playing scrabble. If you want to talk to someone, talk to your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, or preacher, but do not talk to me.”

So here is my solution to strange men trying to pick me up on the video game Scrabble.

I could say: “I am really interested. Is that your real hair or a wig? I only date men with no hair and a limp noodle. Male bitch tits are a must. I really like saggy old crusty bodies. It thrills me! AND how much money can I have when you kick your bucket because I am going to rock the world you have no idea exists! But first, I have to visit the car wash to wash out the cobwebs that are permanently attached to my vagina.”

I think that type of reply will ward off anyone looking for a good time posting obscenities on the internet.

Meanwhile, I am not as caustic as I sound, and I happen to like crusty old bodies. I have one myself.

God bless each and every one in their daily lives. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Houston Disaster

When there is a natural disaster, there are many questions as to why this wasn’t done or that; many probabilities of what could or could not be. I have come to realize that there is no certainty to anything. In dealing with a natural disaster, one is dealing with the unknown. Of course, the unknown can attribute to the fears that the average person has to address in their lives especially if they have never been in a natural disaster. The interesting part of all of this, each experience is different.

Houston is water logged this morning. The town that I have spent most of my life in is very wet. My daughter and her family as well as her in-laws were forcibly evacuated. Several of my friends left the city before evacuation. Several other friends and their families suffered damage to their homes. All of this is attributed to the natural disaster called Hurricane Harvey. It made land fall below us in a small coastal town called Rockport. There was a tremendous amount of damage done to that beautiful quaint town. Houston on the other hand is suffering from the sky opening up and raining on us for more than four days now. It doesn’t look like it is going to let up anytime soon.

In all of this I have witnessed something very special. There are no racial issues, there is no one wanting to remove any statutes, there is not hatred, no political divisions; there is no major wildness of anyone’s behavior. There are volunteers, first responders, law enforcement, people helping people. Our governor, mayor, the councils, the staff, the assistants, have all pulled together to make this process go as smooth as possible. There is truly love and compassion.

Sometimes it takes something like a natural disaster to shake everyone up into thinking that the most important think is protecting life. Property can always be replaced but lives cannot. Every life we encounter is important. It means something. 

The rain is still falling as of Tuesday, August 29th, at 8:54am...

Please keep in prayer for Houston, Texas and the southern Gulf Coast during this horrible time.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Today in my life- the start of another day

The weather forecasted today rain, some rain, heavy rain, tropical depression rain most likely, and whatever else is contained on the radar. So, I looked outside to see what the weather is going to be like today. Do you have any idea what I found? I walked on my porch to take in the morning fresh air and look around as usual. After coughing for 15 minutes from inhaling all that freshly polluted air, to my surprise there was no rain. Strange the radar showed a lot of it. Maybe I just couldn’t see it and or it absorbed so fast into the ground it was still dry.

I read the headline news as usual. Starting off with the major contributors like Fox, CNN, MSN, and then working my way onto the local affiliates—ABC, NBC and CBS. It was so depressing that I wanted to go back to bed and hide for the remainder of the day. A good cup of coffee couldn’t have made it any better. Sometimes reading the news is like waking up to a freshly stopped up full toilet of rancid pooh made by someone with a serious case of irritable bowel syndrome.

Let me recap some of the highlights! Yes, we know that the president has no idea what he is doing and is high contradictory on everything. Yes, we know that there is an investigation as to Russian involvement with the Trump campaign in 2016. Yes, we are aware that prayer in schools is under separation of church and state. Yes, we are aware there is a racial disparity going on. Yes, we are aware that pooh may lengthen your life cycle (this was reported on Fox’s website.) Yes, we know that the congress is indecisive as far as who does and does not want to stand with the so called presidential ideals or election promises. Yes, we know we have been in Afghanistan for at least 16 years fighting for (we still haven’t totally figured that out yet.) Is it terrorism, oil, or US illegal drug imports? Well it couldn’t be for the Afghan cultural fall fashion line.

Isn’t there anything worth reporting of value anymore? Does it even make sense? Let’s report on the sink of dirty dishes I have to do or the load of laundry that needs to be done because life goes on. Gloom, doom, blood, guts and gore – I have a stain on my favorite blouse. What happened to zombie apocalypse? What happen to the gun rights and everyone needing a gun to defend themselves from the invaders that haven't broken into their home yet? What happened to the latest report on the high deadly weapon, the car in a crowd? 

Society loves gloom and doom, blood and horrible stories. I was reading about the young female journalist whose torso was found. At first, she was reported in a ship wreck sub buried at the bottom of the ocean. Then she was dropped off at a specific location. Now her headless torso was found, identified and what appeared to be limbs removed by hacking. Can you imagine what her family might have felt after reading this information on line, in print or maybe hearing it on the news? We want humane treatment to all, but is the news report being humane? I don’t think so!

Is it there anything going on that isn’t particularly repetitive, depressing, disheartening in the world today? I don’t want to see another photo opportunity of a politician with a group of school children who have done something miraculous. We know that 2 minutes after the photo was taken, the impressive political official has no idea those children’s name nor what their project was.  Then we have to endure on social media a photo shopped picture with a caption: “Did this political official do this? No, but this one did.”

Then we have to suffer with website called “Breaking News” which is (in most cases) someone’s blog made to look like real news. Of course, all news is fake news unless it comes out of the president’s mouth which is “We have no idea what he is talking about, until it is translated by someone who does.”

So, this is my morning. I am searching for worldly events and end up with a case of regurgitation. 
Instead of serious upset stomach from the news that makes living more stressful, I do believe I will write this idiotic blog, then pray seriously that God intervenes in my life and the lives of so many who seriously need him. 

Have a blessed day. 

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Rally, rally, rally—let’s all gather and rally for a cause

East coast, west coast and Texas. The so called important people cancelled the “White Nationalist” gathering at College Station, Texas. I am glad too, because it is (if I am mistaken) getting ready for football season in which we should all be concentrating on more than anything else. 

Will Texas A & M attempt at beating the Roll Tide this year? What say you Nick Saban? What say you Ken Sumlin?

I am just a native of Alabama and a resident of Texas. This is the only game that matters to me. Of course, I like the US Navy games when they play Wake Forest. Those boys in white look awfully good; unfortunately, I am not a cougar but I am not dead!

I am so tired of hearing about White Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, Gay Lives Matter, Trans-Sexual Lives Matter, Unborn Lives Matter, and so on, and so on, and so one, etc.  Did anyone stop to think that all lives matter. Why? Life is a gift from God—it matters. It actually isn’t a gift it is a loan on earth for a short period of what we really and truly have no understanding—God’s time.

You know we all have some things in common as being human beings: (a) every adult has had a pimple on their butt at one point in time, (b) we all have butts, and (c) we all have opinions.

In our life-time every one will be discriminated against racially, age, sexually, religiously, politically, and just plain discrimination because of the way they look. No one person and or group is exempt from this happening to them. Not only is it happening in the United States, but it is happening all over the world. Discrimination of one type or another has been recorded since written history began.

I hate to state this because it is hard to understand--- if a person is shot and killed – it is their time to go. If a person is run over by a car and killed—it is their time to go. If a person is at a gym working out and they die—it is their time to go. If a person is asleep and dies—it is their time to go. If an embryo is aborted and does not become a life—it is their time to go. Though, intentionally killing any human being is truly not an honorable thing to do and is truly frowned upon, but it happens for various reasons. Regardless death is part of the life in which we live. 

God breathes that soul of life into all us. When? We honestly do not know. We know that God takes us out like a “thief in the night”. When? We honestly do not know. There is a time for everything. When? We honestly do not know because we do not know God’s time.


“This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.” Ezekiel 37:5-6

“For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.” 1 Thessalonians 5:2

“Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.” Matthew 25:13

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heaven are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9.

“…What are you doing? Whoever obeys his command will come to no harm, and the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure. For there is proper time and procedure for every matter, through a person may be weighed down by misery. Since no one knows the future, who can tell someone else what is to come? As no one has power over the wind to contain it, so no one has power over the time of their death. As no one is discharged in time of war, so wickedness will not release those who practice it.” Ecclesiastes 8:4-8

We should save our souls and then… we should treat people as we want to be treated without fail. We may be human but be humane, with a lot of humility and a lot of respect for each other. It doesn’t matter what other people do. You be the one to set the example.

Incidentally I am not a white life. I am just an American—and according to my DNA, I have a whole bunch of different races including but not limited to N African, Scot, French Carolinian, Greek, and Baltic regions. What is more important than my life is my soul. 

May God bless you all. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Rambling Subjects....

This morning the internet wet down. When that happened so did majority of all my communications. I use video chatting a lot to contact my friends and family. I use it more so than the cell phone because I detest telephones. But, for some reason I am able to connect to the internet on my cell but not on my computer. So, I am having to reduce to using the phone without video chat.

As I am writing this I am speaking with my daughter on speaker phone. She is an interesting person. She asked me, “Mom, does the left side of your stomach vibrate for any reason?”

How does a mother with a short memory respond? She looked up her stomach vibration symptoms on the internet. I just told her, “How very interesting.”

We had been discussing diets. I told her that a good mixture of food is beneficial for a healthy diet. Do not think about losing weight, just think about eating healthy.

Seems society wants to place this stigma on total thinness. Thin people can be unhealthy just as much as people who are overweight. The idea weight for a person, is the weight they are healthiest at. We need to eat more to move our metabolism. We need to eat right, a balanced diet – not like the food pyramid. Well rounded; mainly fruits, vegetables and proteins. Don’t over eat any one thing.  One should take their time eating as well. Chew the food good. One thing that should be a habit on a daily basis is water. Drink water when you first get up, before anytime you eat, and at least three glasses extra. Staying hydrated is extremely important.

Why is all this important? I don’t know why, I am not a doctor, nor a health professional. I can just relay what is best for me and that has helped make me stay partially healthy since I have been diagnosed with several chronic illnesses.

Some of those illnesses is directly responsible from skipping meals, not eating healthy, too much prescribed prednisone when I was younger, and stress. I would say alcohol and tobacco, but there is a 50/50 chance of that. Why do I make such a comment about alcohol and tobacco after all the studies? 

Well let me tell you this….

I have relatives who lived in their 90s who drank homemade shine and smoked like smoke stacks. The key to this was eating health and exercise. When I say exercise, I am not talking about going to the gym and work out. I am talking about gardening every day or walking to get to where we are going. What is the difference? Fresh foods… not fresh from the super-market but fresh from your garden. Animals were killed and cured personally. Women canned their own foods. Preservatives just were not used. The great-relatives butchered their meat or took it to have it butchered and filled their freezer. The cost was ½ cow. They had fresh berries (wild ones); quail hunted; deer hunted; had a community hog killing. 

If they wanted to travel, they walked to town and took the train. Upon arrival, they walked where they needed to go.

We have become so progressive that it seems we have progressed ourselves into becoming a lazy society and not just in the USA but all over world.  Our society has become gluttonous. I don’t mean over eating either. I mean gluttonous for money—material things as well.  Things that are supposed to make our life easier where in actuality it has made it more difficult. It is so difficult to the point, our children have too much built up energy—physically and emotionally.  This is where people cannot determine their needs (what is best) over their wants (material got to have).

Instead of walking to school, they take a car or a bus. They sit all day long and go for PE or play time. They don’t even study classic education like they should to help instill proper thinking skills. These children should be learning to work the earth and not control it – which seems to be the up and coming thing. God created mother nature and we shouldn’t fight it or control it, but we should learn to work with it. 

I have rambled enough this morning. 

I do hope everyone has a good Tuesday.

 “Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.”

Philippians 3:19

Sunday, August 6, 2017


It has been a few weeks since I have had the opportunity to blog. It is a beautiful Sunday morning and my old eyes seem a little weary.  Never seem to get enough rest.

I have recently moved. My great nephews, niece, son, daughter, and her two boys were on hand to help make this possible.  Of course, my grandsons helped—after all one is just 2 years old and the other is 8 months old, but their opinion was greatly needed. I moved from a one-bedroom apartment to a nice small one-bedroom house. It is old and has been renovated. It could very well be my nice sanctuary when I get everything decorated and unpacked the way I want it. I have to take it one day at a time because right this minute it is so over whelming.   I am sure I will get more done when the weather turns a little cooler.

The wonderful thing about this house is that it is next door to my niece. I am not lonely here. My great nephews are out of school for the summer and are over every day. I laugh silently and shake my head at them.  They are growing boys, young men of 18 and 16 that come over every day just to raid my fridge. They are at the hollow leg stage of growing. I do have to admit that I really do enjoy their company.

Last night was rather pleasant outside and a slight breeze whisking around. I sat outside with my niece and neighbor. We chatted about genetics and the migratory patterns of indigenous natives over the centuries. His background is Spaniard. We all agreed that there is not a pure race in today’s society. Of course, I had to relay what I had learned, years ago, from a dear friend of mine, who had lived in Africa for many years, had told me. She is correctly classified as an Afro-American.

She told me “Julia, black people in America have no idea what real racism is unless they have lived in Africa.”

I always thought that was such a powerful statement. She has a lot of wisdom and worldly travel for her years.

Anyway, I am looking forward to living here a while. I will try to make it a habit to sit on my porch every day and needle point. I can do that now without being bothered by a group of little unsupervised children bothering me. Don’t get me wrong, I love children- I use to be one and have little grandchildren which I simply adore. I am in my golden years, though, and often we have come to live to the sound of our own pace – our own drums beating—our own tune of music. Beside I am just not into running ice cream snot nose sticky children in saggy diapers with dirty faces and clothes wanting to put their hands on me.  I also detest unsupervised children whose parents would rather sit on their porch and drink their beer, while paying more attention to the cell phone than their children.  

Speaking of music, I need to buy a stereo system where I can crank up the volume. I like old school music… ZZ Top, Alabama, Charlie Daniels, Willie Nelson, Chicago, Who, Eagles, etc. I also like some more modern sounds like Fergie, Kid Rock, Hot Chili Peppers, etc. I may be old but I am not dead. I remember how it was when I two stepped and shook my hips with a hot man on the dance floor. If I did that now, I would probably throw out the hips and or dislocate a boob or two.  

I will close for now. I do hope that everyone enjoys their Sunday and leave you with one of my favorite verses for today:

23rd Psalm

“… HE restores my soul; HE guides me in the path of righteousness for HIS name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for YOU are with me; YOUR staff guides and comforts me. YOU prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; YOU have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows…”   

May God bless each and every one.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Beat me or shot me

Spare the rod, spoil the child.

“Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.” (Proverbs 13.24)

I say this is one of the most grossly interpreted verse in the entire Bible. So, we are a nation of Christian principles that believes strongly in corporal punishment. Some states believe in putting to death its criminals. Discipline a child with a belt, hand, paddle, or board.

Think like a shepherd, why would you want to bruise the hide of your flock? What does a shepherd do with their staff? They guide.

So why should anyone kill anyone? Afraid? Fear of the unknown? Stupidity? No thinking? Was it really self-defense?

Dad always taught me, “The only reason to kill is for our needs. However, the brain is mightier than the sword.”

What are our needs? Food, clothing, shelter, or protection. Doesn’t God provide us our needs when they are made known?

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4.19)

At one point or another in our life, we all have choices. Choices are made through thinking. To kill a 
person or not kill a person is a choice and in some cases that choice must come quickly. I should hope that it is a choice of last resort for any person. Having a gun and bragging about how one will use it, is not a wise choice for that gun is nothing more than a tool. 

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matthew 7.13-14)

Do not kill the soul or the spirit of something precious. Be a shepherd, guide your life and those around you with the rod of reason. 

God bless each and every one.

**** Just to let everyone know, the Ten Commandments are actually the corner stone for the majority of the laws in the world. **** We may have a separation of church and state in America – which is good but you can’t escape what is true in history.  

Monday, June 26, 2017

What I see - a poem

I have stepped out of my body and what do I see?
I look through the eyes of those that view me.
I see,
this old woman with dark circles peering with deformities,
a blob of skin sagging, overlapping and tilting a posture,
salt and pepper sprinkled in the hair that is wild like the wind it fosters,
an object of no use to the gene pool of life,
a person who very seldom sees sun the light,
an object dark in stature,
an object afraid of the here and after,
I look through the eyes of those that view me.
I see,
this old woman singularly,
a person excluded from main stream society,
a mass of exclusion for simple propriety,
a wanton excuse of humanity,
an ogre that may live on the streets,
the very essence of sadness and not understanding why,
a woman who doesn’t want to die.
When I look through their eyes what do I see?
I see nothing because I am looking at me.
The definitions of what I see is a disappointment and I have become a burden to thee.
For when I look in the mirror and not through anyone’s eyes I see me.
I often feel my family doesn’t wants me not, for I am alone in a world of strangers.
O, but I am being punished—
I will sleep and wake another day, hoping what I see is not looking at me.

Julia’s Analology for Sex Education—do’s and don’ts

Julia’s Analology for Sex Education—do’s and don’ts

Religious sex education:  

The Bible says… well technically it really doesn’t talk about pre-marital sex. It discusses sexual immorality, extreme passion, and sex between husband/wife.  It does discuss control over passion. Passion, however, should be in check regardless of where one is married or not. If you actually want to know, do not look up pre-marital sex in the Bible but virginity.  Sexual immorality couldn’t be any more explained than it is something that is perverse like adultery, bestiality, bondage, masochism, sexual slavery, etc. Unlike archaic old Mosaic Cultural law and archaic Old Sharia law, having sex with minors is considered a criminal offense in the USA as well as other countries and so is sexual slavery. 

“It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is hold and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God; and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister. The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins, as we told you and warned you before. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, they very God who gives you his Holy Spirit.” (1 Thessalonians 4.3-8)

Next …. A parent’s role: Open your mouth and communicate with your child on their age level where they understand. Do not be afraid to talk to your children about this subject. It is wise if you take the opportunity and do not leave it up to the boys or girls locker room.  You want the child to be comfortable in coming to your regardless of any situation.
Does abstinence work? Who knows because it is actual up to the individual. In some cases, yes, and in some cases, no.

Start by opening up the subject, I have learned…

For example (me personally): I could not tell my children not to have sex before marriage because I did. They didn’t know it at the time I spoke with them. I thought seriously, I cannot be a hypocrite.  I have to be honest with myself before I can be honest with them.  But, I have learned that if you wait and have sex only with your spouse, then you can grow with them. The longer a couple wait, the better the sexual encounter, the deeper the marital passion and love. I learned this through observation.

Be aware, that in 2017, there are no guarantees in any relationship. People that I know have told me a key secret is mutual respect and healthy understand of each person. Another key is faithfulness, patience, understanding, time commitment, and the simple things in life like companionship.  These people that I observe have been married for more years than I can count. So, there are still and can be lasting, strong relationships.

My relationships with men have all been terrible and all for the wrong reasons. When I realized this, I became divorced in 1993. I chose not to marry again. I chose to stop having any type of personal mate type relationship and live practicing abstinence for over 10 years. It is my choice and mine alone.

Sexuality of your child is very important. Are they heterosexual or homosexual? The important issue for every parent is unconditional love regardless. You may not like it or approve of your child’s choices, but as a parent, is it a crime for your child to be homosexual? You have raised your child in hopefully a Christian atmosphere but that does not ensure that your child’s sexuality. You have to weigh whether or not your child’s happiness is important regardless of whether or not you approve of their choices. However, you don’t have to approve if your child chooses criminal behavior (i.e. child porn or your 18-year-old being involved with a really young child sexually) or illegal narcotic addition—because those are totally different that sexual preferences. Be understanding and listen. Be open and discuss your feelings about the subject. Do not throw them out of your house not should you be ashamed of your child.  Why? How many skeletons do you have in your closet Mr. or Mrs. Perfect Parent? In the end, your child’s choices is between them and God.

Unwanted pregnancies are really not an issue unless it happens in the commission of a crime. Sexually transmitted diseases are very important and could cost your child their life.  Be knowledgeable as a parent on STDs.  I always understood that condoms and spermicides are the best method to protect one from an STD other than abstinence. I personally have never had one and I can speak openly and honest when I tell you neither have my adult children.

Teach your daughters to guard their beverages at parties and not to get intoxicated. Teach your boys “hands off if the sexual partner is intoxicated- period!” It doesn’t matter how it looks sexually – if your sexual partner is intoxicated NO SEX—HANDS OFF! Furthermore, do not allow others to have sex with an intoxicated person if you are aware of such a situation. One who has sex with a partner intoxicated, could face felony rape charges, jail time, media exposure and a lot of monetary expense. Boasting about it is a shameful act more so than denying that it happened. If your child is guilty of doing this, be truthful, supportive, but truthful. Do not blame the intoxicated person. You should know if your child is a “little perv!”

I will repeat, abstinence doesn’t always work, so do not be naïve and think it does. Being educated and keeping those lines of communication open, can very well save your child’s life.  Ask yourself, would you rather your child be dead or have an unwanted pregnancy? BIRTH CONTROL. Tell your children about that. Grandchildren are the most wonderful thing, I have two. But, it can get young people off their goals in life and cause financial upset as well as additional stresses to a family that isn’t prepared.  

Teach your child to respect of their bodies and themselves. They don’t have to prove anything sexual to anyone. It is okay to say NO to peer pressure and they don’t have to go along with the crowd. Being unique doesn’t necessarily mean cool fashion, being unique means being your own person. 
Communication is a key to all of this. Take this advice from a person who was educated in the school of life. I learned that I really didn’t come from the cabbage patch later in life and boy was I shocked especially when someone opened up the cage to my cloistered upbringing. At one point in my life, I could probably make a wild girl or boy blush. Do not do like I did. Learn from my mistakes.

Go with God. Rest peacefully in his arms.

PS… I can be human and hypocritical like everyone else too.  We are all sinners, equally in God’s eyes.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Julia’s Analology of what the United States needs for our children in the education field

Julia’s Analology of what the United States needs for our children in the education field

For the past few years on social media, I have noticed more and more videos of unruly youth and their public displace of violence. On another topic, we strive for health, yet our society and the media promote very unhealthy foods. On another topic, I noticed that our society seems to be dumbing down.

What is the solution?

Extreme radical conservatives reasoning is that prayer was removed from schools.  Okay, well let’s put it back. My child (if they were school age) can learn to prayers for every religion in the US including but not limited to pagan or Satan worshiping… really? You want prayer back in your child’s life every day, well here is a hint: DIY- do it yourself every morning before school.

Discipline in schools should be corporal punishment. I received spankings when I was in school. Not a problem. Well, what would you say to bruises on your child’s butt? Are you sure that teacher isn’t into BDSM? Think about it? If your child is a discipline problem, deal with it. You are the parent, not their best friend.

Do you have a child with a weight problem? Do you have a weight problem? Make sure the child and yourself have a good physical before starting any diet or exercise program. Thorough comprehensive physical. Do not eat out. Do not buy fast foods. Make an appoint with a registered dietician for a meal plan. Walk every day. Stick to it with serious consistency.

Julia’s Analology of what the United States needs for our children in the education field.

(1)    Start at age five to make sure your child has no underlying physical or developmental conditions.
(2)    Reading, math, science, and liberal arts should be taught equally in school.
(3)    Start with an actual physical program in the 1st grade, and do not use recess as an exercise program for children. This program will continue without fail from grades 1st thru 12th. Marching, running, sit-ups, push-ups, chin-ups, obstacle course, and martial arts. Regular sports or band will not take the place of 12 years of exercise classes. Exemptions are allowed for specific documented reasons.
(4)    In 1st grade to grade 6th: children should be taught farming and animal husbandry in school. Teaching them how to grow their own crops and tend to animals is a very valuable lesson. Doesn’t have to be major animals but to teach a child to care for chickens and collect eggs is something of value. To grow their own food is a valuable lesson. Yes, topics like math, reading, social sciences, biology and other lessons could be learned through farming and animal husbandry.
(5)    A strong life skills education is important. An example: Income tax preparation, how to read a contract when buying a car, what is medical insurance is used for, how to cook, how to do laundry, how to sew, how to organize, the constitution, the law, basic auto mechanics, basic carpentry, gun safety and marksmanship, etc. This should continue from grades 6 to grades 12.
(6)    Each and every student starting at the 5th grade should work in their school. They should be cleaning the entire school, cooking for themselves, repairing broken equipment, plumbing, electrical work, cleaning the toilets, keeping the lawn trimmed, etc. This will help them build a healthy respect for property.
(7)    Starting with the 9th grade, students should be tested for their aptitude as to what profession they would be best suited for and spend the next three years training. Not all students are suited for college. Some might be great politicians or great carpenters.
(8)    Upon graduation, if medically and mentally able, all students must spend two years in the military. There is the Coast Guard, National Guard, or regular Army, Air Force, Marines, and Navy. It matters not the branch but they must be active on a post for two years.

Now if that doesn’t take the starch out of some young people that are rude and burly, I don’t know what will. If it doesn’t curb childhood obesity, I don’t know what will. We cannot be considerate as a national until it is learned and I have witness some very lazy parents who do not teach their children properly.

Do not leave parenting up to the educators. You are the major influence in your child’s life. Our children do learn lessons and have teachers that necessarily do not teach in school.  Think about it? Invest in your child. Invest in education. Education is the most important return for the future. 

 God bless each and every one

****Special note: Are you stress and cannot sleep? Every night consistently, say a prayer like this: “Dear Lord, I am laying all my problems at your feet that you might be able to help me with what is bothering me in my life. I know Lord, that you have the answer and will point me in the right direction. Amen.”

It works for a peaceful night sleep.