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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Beat me or shot me

Spare the rod, spoil the child.

“Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.” (Proverbs 13.24)

I say this is one of the most grossly interpreted verse in the entire Bible. So, we are a nation of Christian principles that believes strongly in corporal punishment. Some states believe in putting to death its criminals. Discipline a child with a belt, hand, paddle, or board.

Think like a shepherd, why would you want to bruise the hide of your flock? What does a shepherd do with their staff? They guide.

So why should anyone kill anyone? Afraid? Fear of the unknown? Stupidity? No thinking? Was it really self-defense?

Dad always taught me, “The only reason to kill is for our needs. However, the brain is mightier than the sword.”

What are our needs? Food, clothing, shelter, or protection. Doesn’t God provide us our needs when they are made known?

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4.19)

At one point or another in our life, we all have choices. Choices are made through thinking. To kill a 
person or not kill a person is a choice and in some cases that choice must come quickly. I should hope that it is a choice of last resort for any person. Having a gun and bragging about how one will use it, is not a wise choice for that gun is nothing more than a tool. 

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matthew 7.13-14)

Do not kill the soul or the spirit of something precious. Be a shepherd, guide your life and those around you with the rod of reason. 

God bless each and every one.

**** Just to let everyone know, the Ten Commandments are actually the corner stone for the majority of the laws in the world. **** We may have a separation of church and state in America – which is good but you can’t escape what is true in history.  

Monday, June 26, 2017

What I see - a poem

I have stepped out of my body and what do I see?
I look through the eyes of those that view me.
I see,
this old woman with dark circles peering with deformities,
a blob of skin sagging, overlapping and tilting a posture,
salt and pepper sprinkled in the hair that is wild like the wind it fosters,
an object of no use to the gene pool of life,
a person who very seldom sees sun the light,
an object dark in stature,
an object afraid of the here and after,
I look through the eyes of those that view me.
I see,
this old woman singularly,
a person excluded from main stream society,
a mass of exclusion for simple propriety,
a wanton excuse of humanity,
an ogre that may live on the streets,
the very essence of sadness and not understanding why,
a woman who doesn’t want to die.
When I look through their eyes what do I see?
I see nothing because I am looking at me.
The definitions of what I see is a disappointment and I have become a burden to thee.
For when I look in the mirror and not through anyone’s eyes I see me.
I often feel my family doesn’t wants me not, for I am alone in a world of strangers.
O, but I am being punished—
I will sleep and wake another day, hoping what I see is not looking at me.

Julia’s Analology for Sex Education—do’s and don’ts

Julia’s Analology for Sex Education—do’s and don’ts

Religious sex education:  

The Bible says… well technically it really doesn’t talk about pre-marital sex. It discusses sexual immorality, extreme passion, and sex between husband/wife.  It does discuss control over passion. Passion, however, should be in check regardless of where one is married or not. If you actually want to know, do not look up pre-marital sex in the Bible but virginity.  Sexual immorality couldn’t be any more explained than it is something that is perverse like adultery, bestiality, bondage, masochism, sexual slavery, etc. Unlike archaic old Mosaic Cultural law and archaic Old Sharia law, having sex with minors is considered a criminal offense in the USA as well as other countries and so is sexual slavery. 

“It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is hold and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God; and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister. The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins, as we told you and warned you before. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, they very God who gives you his Holy Spirit.” (1 Thessalonians 4.3-8)

Next …. A parent’s role: Open your mouth and communicate with your child on their age level where they understand. Do not be afraid to talk to your children about this subject. It is wise if you take the opportunity and do not leave it up to the boys or girls locker room.  You want the child to be comfortable in coming to your regardless of any situation.
Does abstinence work? Who knows because it is actual up to the individual. In some cases, yes, and in some cases, no.

Start by opening up the subject, I have learned…

For example (me personally): I could not tell my children not to have sex before marriage because I did. They didn’t know it at the time I spoke with them. I thought seriously, I cannot be a hypocrite.  I have to be honest with myself before I can be honest with them.  But, I have learned that if you wait and have sex only with your spouse, then you can grow with them. The longer a couple wait, the better the sexual encounter, the deeper the marital passion and love. I learned this through observation.

Be aware, that in 2017, there are no guarantees in any relationship. People that I know have told me a key secret is mutual respect and healthy understand of each person. Another key is faithfulness, patience, understanding, time commitment, and the simple things in life like companionship.  These people that I observe have been married for more years than I can count. So, there are still and can be lasting, strong relationships.

My relationships with men have all been terrible and all for the wrong reasons. When I realized this, I became divorced in 1993. I chose not to marry again. I chose to stop having any type of personal mate type relationship and live practicing abstinence for over 10 years. It is my choice and mine alone.

Sexuality of your child is very important. Are they heterosexual or homosexual? The important issue for every parent is unconditional love regardless. You may not like it or approve of your child’s choices, but as a parent, is it a crime for your child to be homosexual? You have raised your child in hopefully a Christian atmosphere but that does not ensure that your child’s sexuality. You have to weigh whether or not your child’s happiness is important regardless of whether or not you approve of their choices. However, you don’t have to approve if your child chooses criminal behavior (i.e. child porn or your 18-year-old being involved with a really young child sexually) or illegal narcotic addition—because those are totally different that sexual preferences. Be understanding and listen. Be open and discuss your feelings about the subject. Do not throw them out of your house not should you be ashamed of your child.  Why? How many skeletons do you have in your closet Mr. or Mrs. Perfect Parent? In the end, your child’s choices is between them and God.

Unwanted pregnancies are really not an issue unless it happens in the commission of a crime. Sexually transmitted diseases are very important and could cost your child their life.  Be knowledgeable as a parent on STDs.  I always understood that condoms and spermicides are the best method to protect one from an STD other than abstinence. I personally have never had one and I can speak openly and honest when I tell you neither have my adult children.

Teach your daughters to guard their beverages at parties and not to get intoxicated. Teach your boys “hands off if the sexual partner is intoxicated- period!” It doesn’t matter how it looks sexually – if your sexual partner is intoxicated NO SEX—HANDS OFF! Furthermore, do not allow others to have sex with an intoxicated person if you are aware of such a situation. One who has sex with a partner intoxicated, could face felony rape charges, jail time, media exposure and a lot of monetary expense. Boasting about it is a shameful act more so than denying that it happened. If your child is guilty of doing this, be truthful, supportive, but truthful. Do not blame the intoxicated person. You should know if your child is a “little perv!”

I will repeat, abstinence doesn’t always work, so do not be naïve and think it does. Being educated and keeping those lines of communication open, can very well save your child’s life.  Ask yourself, would you rather your child be dead or have an unwanted pregnancy? BIRTH CONTROL. Tell your children about that. Grandchildren are the most wonderful thing, I have two. But, it can get young people off their goals in life and cause financial upset as well as additional stresses to a family that isn’t prepared.  

Teach your child to respect of their bodies and themselves. They don’t have to prove anything sexual to anyone. It is okay to say NO to peer pressure and they don’t have to go along with the crowd. Being unique doesn’t necessarily mean cool fashion, being unique means being your own person. 
Communication is a key to all of this. Take this advice from a person who was educated in the school of life. I learned that I really didn’t come from the cabbage patch later in life and boy was I shocked especially when someone opened up the cage to my cloistered upbringing. At one point in my life, I could probably make a wild girl or boy blush. Do not do like I did. Learn from my mistakes.

Go with God. Rest peacefully in his arms.

PS… I can be human and hypocritical like everyone else too.  We are all sinners, equally in God’s eyes.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Julia’s Analology of what the United States needs for our children in the education field

Julia’s Analology of what the United States needs for our children in the education field

For the past few years on social media, I have noticed more and more videos of unruly youth and their public displace of violence. On another topic, we strive for health, yet our society and the media promote very unhealthy foods. On another topic, I noticed that our society seems to be dumbing down.

What is the solution?

Extreme radical conservatives reasoning is that prayer was removed from schools.  Okay, well let’s put it back. My child (if they were school age) can learn to prayers for every religion in the US including but not limited to pagan or Satan worshiping… really? You want prayer back in your child’s life every day, well here is a hint: DIY- do it yourself every morning before school.

Discipline in schools should be corporal punishment. I received spankings when I was in school. Not a problem. Well, what would you say to bruises on your child’s butt? Are you sure that teacher isn’t into BDSM? Think about it? If your child is a discipline problem, deal with it. You are the parent, not their best friend.

Do you have a child with a weight problem? Do you have a weight problem? Make sure the child and yourself have a good physical before starting any diet or exercise program. Thorough comprehensive physical. Do not eat out. Do not buy fast foods. Make an appoint with a registered dietician for a meal plan. Walk every day. Stick to it with serious consistency.

Julia’s Analology of what the United States needs for our children in the education field.

(1)    Start at age five to make sure your child has no underlying physical or developmental conditions.
(2)    Reading, math, science, and liberal arts should be taught equally in school.
(3)    Start with an actual physical program in the 1st grade, and do not use recess as an exercise program for children. This program will continue without fail from grades 1st thru 12th. Marching, running, sit-ups, push-ups, chin-ups, obstacle course, and martial arts. Regular sports or band will not take the place of 12 years of exercise classes. Exemptions are allowed for specific documented reasons.
(4)    In 1st grade to grade 6th: children should be taught farming and animal husbandry in school. Teaching them how to grow their own crops and tend to animals is a very valuable lesson. Doesn’t have to be major animals but to teach a child to care for chickens and collect eggs is something of value. To grow their own food is a valuable lesson. Yes, topics like math, reading, social sciences, biology and other lessons could be learned through farming and animal husbandry.
(5)    A strong life skills education is important. An example: Income tax preparation, how to read a contract when buying a car, what is medical insurance is used for, how to cook, how to do laundry, how to sew, how to organize, the constitution, the law, basic auto mechanics, basic carpentry, gun safety and marksmanship, etc. This should continue from grades 6 to grades 12.
(6)    Each and every student starting at the 5th grade should work in their school. They should be cleaning the entire school, cooking for themselves, repairing broken equipment, plumbing, electrical work, cleaning the toilets, keeping the lawn trimmed, etc. This will help them build a healthy respect for property.
(7)    Starting with the 9th grade, students should be tested for their aptitude as to what profession they would be best suited for and spend the next three years training. Not all students are suited for college. Some might be great politicians or great carpenters.
(8)    Upon graduation, if medically and mentally able, all students must spend two years in the military. There is the Coast Guard, National Guard, or regular Army, Air Force, Marines, and Navy. It matters not the branch but they must be active on a post for two years.

Now if that doesn’t take the starch out of some young people that are rude and burly, I don’t know what will. If it doesn’t curb childhood obesity, I don’t know what will. We cannot be considerate as a national until it is learned and I have witness some very lazy parents who do not teach their children properly.

Do not leave parenting up to the educators. You are the major influence in your child’s life. Our children do learn lessons and have teachers that necessarily do not teach in school.  Think about it? Invest in your child. Invest in education. Education is the most important return for the future. 

 God bless each and every one

****Special note: Are you stress and cannot sleep? Every night consistently, say a prayer like this: “Dear Lord, I am laying all my problems at your feet that you might be able to help me with what is bothering me in my life. I know Lord, that you have the answer and will point me in the right direction. Amen.”

It works for a peaceful night sleep. 

Saturday, June 24, 2017

First Amendment Contains the Right to Assembly – or does it?

First Amendment Contains the Right to Assembly – or does it?

Right to Assembly? Is it really a right? Let’s get educated together since many fail to look up what the US Constitution actually says.

If you are an American citizen I urge each and every person to learn the law as much as possible on every level.  I was always taught, “Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law.” I learned it through reading Aristotle: “nemo censetur ignorare legem”; which is Latin translated: “nobody is thought to be ignorant of the law.” I was taught this by my parents, in political science 101 as an undergrad, in Government classes, various justice classes, and while studying for my Master’s.


I will tell you this, I am not a legal expert nor an attorney. That sounds funny because one would like to think that attorneys are legal experts? I would say about 1/3rd of all the lawyers in the US are legal experts. A very well thought of example is our current government (state and national): many of those lawyers who hold office have no idea what the law is. This is where you have to trust me, the law itself is HUGE!

“The First Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits the US Congress from enacting legislation that would abridge the right of the people to assemble peaceably. The Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution makes this prohibition applicable to state governments...The USSC has held that the… right to assemble is not, however, absolute. Government officials cannot simply prohibit a public assembly in their own discretion, but the government can impose restrictions on the time, place, and manner of peaceful assembly, provided that constitutional safeguards are met. Time, place, and manner restrictions are permissible so long as they are justified… leave open ample alternative channels for communication of the information… permissible for the government to require that a permit for an assembly be obtained in advance… localities can, within the boundaries established by the USSC decisions interpreting the First Amendment right to assemble peaceably, impose addition requirements… The First Amendment does not provide the right to conduct an assembly at which there is a clear and present danger of riot, disorder, or interference with traffic on public streets, or other immediate threat to public safety or order.” [1]

Now that it is clearly spelled out, to assemble a permit is required. Can an assembly block public streets? It probably can in the case where government has approved. An example: Thanksgiving Day parade on a national holiday; perhaps Gay Pride Day; perhaps a Circus that is parading like the Shriners Circus—for charity which is generally on a weekend; Mardi Gras Parades; MLK Celebrations; Cinco de Mayo; Million Man March in Washington had a permit. These types of assemblies generally have paid security to ensure peace. These groups mentioned received, in advance, the green light to assemble from governments. If a protest group is not permitted, then criminal charges may be filed. I have found these in most cases to be things like misdemeanors like a disorderly conduct or criminal trespass. Some states might consider this a ticket offense and some police may have the option to take the unsanctioned protestors to jail.

Let me tell you something of particular note. People have the choice to run over some protestor or request police assistance to get past their assembly if it is not a sanctioned (permitted) assembly by law. If you as a motorist decide to run over some protestor, then I believe you may have broken the law and may be accused of felonious assault with a vehicle. Some states may have in place laws that prohibits one from breaking through a permitted sanctioned assembly gathering in a motor vehicle.  
Complain or moan, I do not want to participate in protest that is not sanctioned. Some of the protests have had negative effects recently in the hearts and minds of many people especially the justice system hypocrisy lately.

No one is doubting that the US Justice Systems – National and State wide needs a little updating or cohesiveness, consistency from state to state, or what some would call absolute REFORM.

To make change, we must make the reasoning a good cause. We must gather in a positive manner and work every angle that is positive. In the same breath, we should remember, those that work in the Justice Systems are human beings. They too are capable of making mistakes like the rest of us. The cause for change has to be united no sexual reasons, racial reasons, rights reasons, etc., which these three cover broad topics but united – what is best for the country.

Some of the mistakes I have seen in my life time is that change was made, but people resisted because they were not united. I can use the Civil Rights Movement because certain parts of the country needed to be on board but were not educated enough to actually make correct decisions. This caused way too much pain and suffering.

Another example was the ERA Amendment that was never ratified. Parts of the country were not educated enough to actually make the correct decisions either. This caused a set-back in the case of people and the inequality of compensation; an inequality that is being felt so much more now than ever.

Also be aware, in history, government involvement to help can actually hurt us in the long run as a group overall.  Why? You are smart people think about it. 


Before anyone gets involved in a cause, think! Think hard about both sides of the spectrum, the coin.  Be humane and respectful in all actions. Let us move forward.

Think about this… How long did it take for the Berlin Wall to come down? It didn’t happen overnight.  Change in America takes time, patience, and perseverance.  LEARN THE LAW and when in doubt, ask a legal professional, like the one source I cited below.  Don’t break the law.


[1] Winston, Andrew M. “Right to Peaceful Assembly: United States.” Library of Congress Web-Connect with the Library. October 2014. (Accessed 24th June, 2017)

Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Political Parody -- Late Breaking News

The Political Parody

Late Breaking News – what the media doesn’t want you to know!
By Julia Analology—A Uranus Specialist

President Trump signed an executive order today. It covers an extensive economic package for Mexico. The package consists of ropes, ladders, shovels, rubber rafts, and lawn mowers. Due to the influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico, the middle eastern terrorist “SNIFFLES” has infiltrated the USA through Canada. They blend in with Canadian citizens. He wanted to make sure that illegal aliens are welcome from Mexico with one item each from the economic package. He wants to make sure they are welcome in the USA and come ready to work. Benefits are not included but we will treat you like every other low income American and tax you dearly.

Former President Bill Clinton has disclosed that he actually did not have sex with Monica. He was working with NASA to conduct gas experiment on Uranus and she happened to participate in the Uranus probe.

Former President George W Bush and Former President Barrack Obama made a formal statement that they have a lot in common with J Edgar Hoover and Caitlyn Jenner. The four of them are really like the Victoria Secret’s Spring Collection.

Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, has decided to lobby for a specific bill. He is working very hard to pass the Political Contradictory Act. It allows elected officials the opportunity to contradict themselves, accuse others of their person indiscretions (finger pointing) and use government female employees personal reasons. This way no one has to lie to congress, any investigation committee or to the general public – i.e. spouses.

Former President Jimmy Carter reminded the media today that he once lusted in his heart but it wasn’t for another woman. It was for peanut butter. This confession cleared him of thinking about adultery.

Secretary Betsy DeVos has decided to change the Department of Education all together. She has decided the core curriculum needs to be musical, artistic, and vocal oriented. Science, Sports, and Mathematics will be used as a secondary back up. She is looking for personnel with the following qualifications:

  1.         Must be able to use more than three fingers 
  2.           Be able to blow really hard
  3. .          Keep a steady rhythm
  4.        Be able to swing with the best
  5.         Must have steady throat control
  6.         Hand strokes must be short and long
If you meet these criteria take a picture with yourself in a private school uniform.

Congressman Trey Gowdy is still questioning to get to the bottom of what is going on. He is intently investing serval bottoms to see who has the lowest he can bite off. (Or was that bite out of the big old apple?)

Hillary Clinton finally admitted she erased emails. She didn’t want Bill to read them-in part due to his track record. She had personal emails about who was doing who in various government offices which was considered highly confidential. The names had to be blocked out or emails erased to keep the elected and appointed officials in check with their family values.

President Trump has signed an executive order today allowing men not to be prosecuted for sexual harassment for open “locker room talk.” It is law that all men must carry breath mints and at least one glove for grabbing. All women must be at least 5 feet 7 inches tall, blonde and weigh no more than 120 pounds to be allowed in public spaces. Medicaid and Medicare will now cover all plastic surgery for women.  We do not want any dogs on the street with saggy bodies.

That is enough of my sick humor today. I want to make sure that this is a bi-partisan equal opportunity pick on the politician report.

God bless you all. Stay safely in his arms.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Expression --- art censorship

I am going to bring up freedom of expression—i.e. freedom of speech. I learned some really valuable lessons that I would like to share while earning my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. One of the best lessons was understanding the topics of historical and iconic art.  

During the separation of the church of England and the Roman Catholic Church, I learned for that iconic art and historical art survived a lot of hateful destruction due to religious ideology. But, before I get off on a tangent, think about the word ideology? It is a system of ideals based on morals, ethics, or just simple beliefs of any given person or group of people.  That being said, our government is made up of people. We don’t all the believe the same. Everyone has a prejudice of likes or dislikes. We though, basically, would like to be all treated with dignity and respect.

Art is also a broad range in the thinking process like our ideals. We either like it or we don’t. If you went to a museum and saw a toilet in the center of the room that someone deemed “art”, we may think it is absolutely stupid. Yet we may view Botticelli’s Birth of Venus as beautiful but obscene because the woman is not covered or the worship of one or more gods from mythology. One might see in a public museum a Florentine Angel Wall plaque and see the truly delicate features of great artistry or child pornography or even heavenly bodies. Would we sue to have it removed from the public eye because it might be offensive in the eye of one beholder?

We sit in our homes and watch on regular television two people getting ready for sex, having sex, or waking up from sex. We see pornography all the time every time we turn on the television. Every day we watch and listen to birth control ads, vaginal problems, menses absorbing products, and products for male sexual enhancement in the privacy of our homes. We hear offensive music on a daily basis talking about obscene sex, murder, drinking, or something else obscure. We see on the news horrible acts of perversions happening every day. Yet, walk out on the street and we have a problem with a cross in a park like the one in Pensacola, Florida, that was ordered removed by a federal judge for violation of separation of church and state. That particular cross could represent anything—i.e. the Red Cross, history of capital punishment, a death memorial for those who lost their lives for a heroic reason, the meanness of the KKK burning them in the south or Jesus who died on the cross.

So, tell me, we can allow freedom of expression in trash media or pornography in print or on social media but not of a cross? I can guarantee one that the comments would be don’t watch it or read it. Well heck fire, don’t look at the cross if it offends you!

The same goes with historical art. The cross represents something historical as well, as do the southern statutes that were recently removed out of public view in New Orleans, Louisiana. Removing the statutes from the public view was a waste of good tax payer’s dollars. The removal was actually a representation of censorship—in my opinion.  A historical piece of stone work by sculptor Alexander Doyle has been removed from the general public. A piece of art over 100 years old has been removed as being offensive. What did it change? It deprived many people of a piece of historical art. It is history that must be remembered as not to repeat itself.

One statute represented a man who was trained militarily in the art of chivalrous war at West Point, the second in his class at the US Military Academy. He was one of the finest officers under the late President Abraham Lincoln. But because he chose to side with his home state of Virginia, he became part of the confederacy during the Civil War. What was his real crime? Well Aaron Burr was arrested for treason in 1807, and we haven’t removed any of his historical art work from public view. Why did we remove Lee’s?

We can find the tax payer’s money to remove art but we cannot find the money to fight sex slavery?

Sometimes these decisions seem very dumbfounding to me. It might be said that the removal of a cross or a statute of a historical figure removes pain and suffering on the beholder. Well hate to have to tell beholders that pain and suffering is part of life and cannot under any circumstances be escaped. We cannot re-write history except to correct the errors in the recording of it. History is past and can never be relived exactly as it was. We can use it though to improve as a learning tool for the future.

Go with God. Rest safely in his arms. 

Monday, June 19, 2017

Cereal -- crispy to soggy

Cereal Crispy to Soggy Flakes---  Politics

Who doesn’t like a great bowl of Frosted Flakes cereal, a little bit of milk and a whole luscious banana on top? I absolutely love it! But, by the time you get 2/3 finished, it is a bit soggy. Well most cereals are like that especially when it is a flake. I also like Raisin Bran and Special -K, but it does the same thing, same old soggy. I suppose this is why I use very little milk on my cereal. I have never really acquired the taste for milk unless it is directly from the cow. Fresh milk has always held a fond memory and taste on my pallet.

Cereal and fresh milk is not the topic of this blog today; the topic is the comparison of politics to cereal. We Americans get all excited when there is a national election. We see new and old politicians, possible new comers to the game of intrigue of what we do and do not know. Of course, our social media and commercial media has a field day of who can get the most noted views on ratings. The ratings (views) is what brings in the “bucks-big bucks” in the commercial world of advertising. Notice I have no advertising on my blog? I honestly don’t want it. I am not making one cent off of my blog and I don’t want to. Then I would have to be responsible to the advertiser to make this blog the best blog and no. This blog is just nothing more than my opinion to the best of my ability.

Politics is like a bowl of cereal. There is this big crunch of tasty confection then about ½ to 2/3rd down, nothing but a soggy, drippy mess. It just lays there in the bowl. It still may have a little taste but it is just soggy slop. That statement sums up the American political scene and has for the past several decades. The undergrown political mess just didn’t start.  There has been a political mess all along.

In the last presidential election, a new president, non-politician, took office as the commander and chief. Many Americans voted for him because he was successful. They used the term “made money” as a definition of success. Very few considered whether or not he was capable of doing the job as president. But, that wasn’t the only problem, was there a candidate capable of doing a job any better? My honest and truthful answer to my question, no candidate in this last election was qualified enough to be president of the USA. Each candidate has too much baggage. The only president since the elder former President Bush to serve without a lot of baggage has been Obama. (I am excluding here-say and political conspiracies which I found all to be BS.)

Oh, and speaking of the “Clinton Conspiracies—I.e. drugs, sexual partners, attitudes, anything illegal” was already known when he was in office. Bob Doyle knew it and so did Ken Starr. There wasn’t a conspiracy. If one would pull the congressional records, it is all there including Bob Doyle’s direct quotes talking about it with other congressmen. Mena, Arkansas drug rings were also discussed. Do not even think the Clintons were the only president administration that dealt in guns. United States has a long history of gun running to some of the most horrible regimes that have been in power. Don’t be a naïve American. My country isn’t lily white clean and neither is any country for that matter. Oh, and the matter of “Hillary’s emails”; a person cannot be charged for violating a procedure with no criminal statute. I am still rolling laughing that so many people fell for that one.

Let’s get one thing cleared up. Money does not make a person successful. The USA is not a business. A business and a government are two entirely different entities and cannot be run with the same methods. A business is to line pockets. A government actually makes nothing but is a group of population managers. It oversees personalities, factions, cultures, sub-cultures and makes sure that businesses stay in check for the people. It purpose is to make sure that people are able to function as a group. Businesses (majority of them) is nothing more to seeing that people have inanimate objects to make their life easier. Government sees that there is peace. One is inanimate and one is nothing more than the emotions in the minds of people. The only thing is common is both government and businesses cannot function without people.

We call ourselves a nation founded on Christian principles. Yet given the opportunity, we put a man in office based on his wallet and colorful rhetoric. That action alone is anything but Christian. It absolutely amazed me. Many of my relatives abstained from voting because of this same situation I am bringing up.  I voted for the most qualified candidate regardless of how I personally felt about the persons “political baggage.” My candidate didn’t win, oh well that is the life of politics. I did try to give the new president total attention for 90 days, studying his every move, ideology and political rendering in an objective manner.

What can I say? When you buy a ring worth a penny of hot air, all one gets is a tin penny ring that stains the fingers. Will America recover from this fiasco? What will be done with the saggy cereal in that bowl of stale milk?

This is just my opinion and no one has to agree with it.

God bless you all and keep you safely in his arms.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Oppression too much or too little…A short story

Oppression too much or too little…A short story

This is my country and we have the right to speak freely as guaranteed by the constitution.
So am airing my oppressed grievances—racial, religious, and political they may be.

My ancestors were white and then there was one that was black. (Might have been more hidden with the skeletons in the closet or was that my gay cousin?) My ancestors were slaves. Well actually they were share-croppers. Well actually they were step-sons of an old reprobate plantation owner on the Mississippi Delta. Mr. Charlie A. (pre-WW II) would strap his step sons to the plow to pull when it came time for cotton seed planting. But their oppression has really opened up my eyes. Because of their oppression in having to be mules, it has trickled down in my lifestyle.

My ancestor, also African-American (high yellow French), was so oppressed when she sailed from Canada to New Orleans for a better life, she lied about her race so she could help populate a bunch of white children in Mississippi racists. This too has trickled down in my lifestyle.

My ancestors were so oppressed in Ireland, that the history in the USA is a totally fabricated. He didn’t leave Ireland peacefully, he left as a wanted man for murder of his landlord. Landlord got drunk, wounded his wife and shooting her brother while he had a high fever in bed. You guessed he fled to the colonies on the fasted ship he could find with his sons, who happen to be noted Revolutionary soldiers under the command of George Washington.  Of course, this oppression has trickled down to cause me great anguish.

My ancestors were so discriminated against, the (three women in three different states) couldn’t open up a bank account until their husbands approved and said it was okay. This was really terrible to say the least and has left me psychological oppressed and damaged all the same.

My descendants are oppressed because they are confused about the cultural appropriated society we all live in and haven’t a clue what country this is until someone says, “Good morning.” Two are haven’t got a clue, three are Vietnamese, and two Hispanic. The “I haven’t got a clue what I am” dates a Cuban who calls herself Caribbean Islander. Just say yes and agree because I still don’t understand what she is saying. The “I haven’t got a clue what I am” is married to a full fledge Texas born Hispanic. They have two children – one brown eyed and one blue eyed. They are looking forward to being oppressed. I will make sure of it. They will be oppressed because we crack enough “wetback border jokes or swimming the Rio jokes” to last a lifetime.

The three Vietnamese are oppressed most definitely. Two look Hispanic and speak Spanish fluently and the third looks like a skinny white boy who is practices free style martial arts (I should say Martian Arts.) He is the little skinny runt of the group, mean as a yard dog, but sweet as a playful puppy unless you mess with him. He is the odd man out because he looks totally European white. Their mother associated with a full Hispanic raised religious racists Nazi trained skin head who broke loose of his cultural rearing to be very benevolent until you mention certain races or religions.  Then he just cusses under his breath and walks away.

I am truly oppressed for the following reasons and need reparation:

1.       I have a question mental status based on my ancestors and descendants
2.   Since I have been on social media (i.e. Facebook) I have been noted as an evil anti-Christian, mean spirited, un-American, socialist, stupid bitch, liberal, hateful, racists, Bible thumper, misogynistic (yes, I said it and yes, I am a female) idiot, stupid, ignorant, fool, dumbass, liar, and much more. (If I believed any of these names I would surely be oppressed.)

I am oppressed because this entire word “oppressed” makes no sense in modern day America. A person is oppressed if they allow themselves to be and feel oppressed. Everybody has a cause! Well, I for one, feel there are too many causes for the good of any society to function with some sort of normal cohesiveness. It is to the point of being ridiculous. I will have to put the blame of over 60% on the media and people who just want to get their jollies off playing with actual ignorance of society in general—mean pranksters with nothing better to do than drum up emotional drama. We have a sense now, that when one falsehood is told it is repeated until it becomes truth. Leaving many a person confused as to what is the truth.

The truth is that everybody puts their pants on the same, one leg at a time. Everyone eats the same with their mouth unless they are medically unable to. Everyone in America at one point a day, sits on a toilet unless they wear diapers or medically unable to.  Everyone enjoys the same freedoms as guaranteed in the constitution. In America, everyone would like to enjoy a peaceful existence, work and feed their families accordingly. Some have it harder than others.

Bottom line. Be:
                    Do not be so proud that you consider yourself better
                    It is lonely at the top of perfect and farther to the fall when you hit the ground
         Giving to each other in need means the returns will be great when we least expect it
                     Humanity in actions make a difference
                     Being tactful isn’t politically correct, it is respect for others
                     Speaking wrong can be hurtful possibly to someone you love very dearly
                     Liberal, conservative, etc., name calling doesn’t show respect for yourself or others
                     Be tolerant of others ignorance, unlearned ideology, or unusual simple behavior
                     No one is perfect
                     Everyone is different and deserves a chance

God bless you all and go with God in your hearts and soul.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Declutter and free yourself

Declutter and free yourself

I was raised in a very traditional southern fashion and had attended biblical based schools until my high school years.  I wanted china, crystal, silver, and the conservative old English hunting motif with an array of antiques in my home. I had two automobiles, the proper table setting, the best clothes, and the proper social contacts. Everything a southern girl would want for here “hope” chest. Where did it get me? Unhappy. Why? Because I was not satisfied with everything I had thought I wanted. I also attended church on a regular basis. I was still very unhappy.  

As the years past, money had dried up for various reasons. I learned some valuable lesson called needs versus wants. Those feelings arose not out of wanting them, but out of a forced necessity. My life changed drastically but many of the people around me didn’t. It took death just for me and many around me to change. It took getting in touch with my inner self, my soul, my faith.

To begin with, I had to recognize exactly what made me happy. Spending money on unnecessary items made me unhappy. I saw something that I thought I needed to make life easier for me. I bought it and had a sense of euphoria that lasted about one breath.

There are times that all of us could stand to lose everything to learn some very strong lessons in life. In the past five years, I have decluttered the physical aspects of my life. I have finally reached a point to where I understand that not being able to have more is a blessing than anything else. Not knowing or fearing our future because of not having, strengthens our faith in God because we become more dependent on HIM.

We can become so caught up in what is being offered in society through the power of media persuasion that we overlook what is around us. Happiness is not achieved through physical possessions any more than monetary gains makes us a successful person.  

What makes me happy? Knowing my needs are met and that I truly have no wants.

“… But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Noe the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, ...” (Galatians 5.16-26)

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.” (Matthew 6.21)

“… Again, I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19.24)

“The LORD preserves the simple; when I brought low, he saved me.” (Psalms 116.6)

“Therefore, I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his 
glory was not arrayed like one of these…” (Matthew 6.25-34)

A physical want can cause turmoil, to gluttony. God will see to our needs and we should make them known so that the truly righteous can assist him as instructed.  

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The neighbors I have recently met.

The neighbors I have recently met.

There have been new residents that have moved into the apartment complex in which I live. The two families that I have met have a story to be told.

The neighbor that lives across the way is Carmen and her husband. She is from Romania. I carefully listened to her speak and noticed she had a lot of Spanish in her dialect and very little English. Google translator may not be the best way to communicate but it does help. I was under the impression that she left her children in Romania with her mother. That was not the case.

The third time of she and I sitting down to have coffee, she gave me this huge folder of all types of paperwork. As I worked my way through it, I was dumb founded. According to her broken language, her two children were stolen from her by the State of Texas and are up for adoption two years ago. They were 5 and 11 when they were taken from her at Texas Children’s Hospital. As I started reading the paperwork in the folder, I just didn’t know what to say. The oldest daughter was admitted into the hospital with rashes on her hand and back. The medical testing revealed that this young girl had a bad case of untreated syphilis with evidence of sexual abuse. Of course, at age 11, the hospital notified the proper authorities.

The assigned social worker followed the proper channels and an interpreter was made available for questioning. It seems that the mother, Carmen, was claiming that when she was pregnant with the 11- year old, she had (the mother) had contracted syphilis from her husband and the child was born with it. The first flare up was in France in which she was treated. No determination as to who sexually abused the child was ever determined. Both children were placed in protective custody. The 5-year old had no sexually transmitted diseases and had not been sexually abused.

Further investigation revealed that the both did not have a stable home (address) nor had the children ever been registered for school.  The parents address listed was bogus and so were the school records. The state moved to seize permanent custody of the children and were awarded such in 2015.

Meanwhile, Carmen is sad because she honestly doesn’t understand why her daughters were taken from her. She wanted me to help her find them so she can get them back. I tried to reason with her explaining the laws in the state of Texas and in most states about this. I eventually agreed stating “I will see what I can do.”

I did nothing because I felt that it was in the best interest of her children. I did advise her, through using the translator, to get an attorney. She declined.

I don’t know the culture of the Romanian people; Carmen told me they were Gypsies. The term Gypsy was mentioned in the court documents. I cannot empathize with her over the circumstances because of my ignorance. Besides I am extremely sensitive to children period. I just explained to her that when her children turn 18, she would be able to see them. I can understand her sadness because as a mother, I would be sad.

I did realize that, as a society, we do not take the time to educate immigrants on the ways of our society especially pertaining to the law. All I can do is pray for the safety of those two girls. She had pictures of them with their foster family and they seemed extremely happy, well cared for, attending school, and look as if they are living the life of children.

The other family that I recently met, are born Americans originally from Albany, New York. They had been in Texas since 1965. In the home is a widowed Mother, Lucy, her two sons and her grandson that helps her on occasion. The oldest son works off shore. The youngest son, 43, stares in space.

From what Lucy told me, her youngest son, Shaun, was hanging around the wrong people when he was about 18 years old. Apparently, from what I am able to piece together it was a violent gang. They beat him so severely that it caused brain damage. He spent two years in and out of the hospital, with surgeries, and rehabilitation. He has never been able to work. His back was broken in multiple places, both hips fractured, both legs broken, and an arm. He took 22 stitches to his skull as well as a broken nose, and detached retina. The police never found out who had beaten him close to death.

Shaun’s father spent years working with his son to help get him back on his feet. Lucy’s husband died in his sleep one night. His heart gave out. Shaun never spoke again after the death of his father.

Lucy has to instruct him with every function in life. She puts him to bed, tells him to go the bathroom, etc. She even tells him to sit and eat. If she or her grandson doesn’t instruct him, he just sits there. I occasionally watched him pat his mother’s hand.  

After visiting with them, I did learn that if I acknowledge Shaun by shaking his hand, he looks directly at me in the eyes and nods. I had watched them for a while enough to know, his actions are an everyday occurrence of a man who is in nothing more than a shell.

Lucy told me when she had a bad auto accident, Shaun came down sick and she had to call an ambulance to him. No one was able to take care of him, so the hospital social worker released him to a group home, which he did not adjust to at all socially. He caused a major problem. She (Lucy) was finally able to get in touch with her older son, who was off shore, and had him come home to get him. 
Now, she lives closer to other family, and has a better back up system. Lucy is about 70 years old and is very concerned about the future for Shaun.

All I can do for them is listen and pray.

The reason I am sharing this is because I am fortunate than most. We each have a path to travel and we cannot travel in another person’s shoes. Life changes with every second that we live.

Do not judge them for they are strangers in this world of ours like all of us. We each have those unknown factors that affect the way we live. I am thankful that God is on my side. How can I get them to look toward God when all seems lost? HE (God) will show me the answer.