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Monday, March 10, 2014

Have you ever been called a loser?

Winning something is not necessarily winning a competition. It is a self perception. I received the news that I did not win a writing competition. Oh well, there were others that we better than me. I was sad. But here is the lesson I am trying to stress.

I wasn’t a good student when attending high school. I have all my life (on and off) entered contest and never won anything. I was told I would never be college material. I tried. If I never tried I would not have been doing something I enjoyed. I proved something to myself. I am getting my Master’s degree. While in undergrad I made the president’s honor list. I have good grades in graduate school which could be better but I am trying.

I am a winner to me and that is what really counts.  

I can’t possibly write down every rejection/failure that I have had. I wouldn’t want to. Just because we receive a rejection or failed at something doesn’t mean we stop life. We have to continue on. We have to try. The successes in life come with trying.

Look at so many people who failed but tried and in the long run, who was the winner. The people who tried are the true winners. Last thought: my body may be tired. It may totally give out tomorrow; but, it is not going to stop me from trying. Trying provides the enjoyment.

“From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.” (John 1:16)

When we receive a blessing, it is a trophy and the best feeling in the world that God is on our side. He always was, is, and will always be.

Keep in prayer each other; pray for D. Doolittle who has a torn rotator cuff and will be having surgery next month; keep in prayer those families and friends of passengers on Malaysia Flight 370 that hasn’t been found yet; keep in prayer family, friends, and Brandon Ingram for his pain to be eased and God’s will be done; keep in prayer A. Larson on her fight against cancer.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms. 

1 comment:

  1. It's one thing to be called a "Loser" but the feel like one on the inside is the worst.
