of people, including myself, have often asked, “Why does God allow bad things
happen to good people?” Today I discovered the answer. God has a reason for
everything. We do not know the answer as to why. We might think it is because
we have acted as sinners, but not necessarily. Life and death is not involved
in this equation because they are natural occurrences. What I am referring to
is sin—the death of a soul.
have always been of the contention that God uses sin to teach lessons. He does.
One person sinning can affect an entire society. Do not discount what I am
saying, but think very hard about the circumstances of the actions and how it
can happen.
person may plan his own journey, but the Lord directs his steps.” (Proverbs
does not make an evil will out of a good one, but he directs a will which is
already evil so that it may produce out of its own wickedness either good for
others or punishment for itself, though it does so unknowingly, intending
something quite different.” John Milton
evil denotes nothing more than sin which all men/women contain or a person
who has a comprehendible thought.
has turned their own wickedness against them. He will destroy them because of
their sins. The Lord our God will destroy them.” (Psalm 94:23)
all have choices in the directions to take because there will always be two
On March 13th in Houston, a daughter disobeyed her parents.
She snuck her boyfriend in her bedroom. A younger sibling came in to say
goodnight to his sister, and saw feet from under the bed. Concerned, he told
his father. In the act of protecting his daughter and home, he questioned the
daughter; she lied to her father and said “she didn’t know who he was.” An
argument broke out and the father killed the daughter’s boyfriend. The
boyfriend is dead. The father had to be rushed to the hospital because he was
not a well man before or after this incident. This is unfortunate, but could it
have been prevented? We have choices. We have to live with those choices with
every breath we take until we cease to breathe.
I let them go their own stubborn ways and follow their own advice. If only my
people would listen to me...” (Psalm 81:12-13) “For this reason God allowed
their lusts to control them. As a result, they dishonor their bodies by sexual
perversion with each other.” (Romans 1:24)
personal sins affect more than just us. Protect your soul from death. Do not be
so puffed up with pride in life to think it cannot happen to you. Humble
yourself before God.
as God incites sin He is nevertheless not the cause of anyone’s sinning, so
when he hardens the heart of a sinner or blinds them, he is not the cause of
sin. For he does not do this by infusing wickedness into the man; the means he
uses are just and kindly, and ought rather to soften the hearts of sinners than
harden them.” John Milton
in prayer those who received damage during the storm in Atmore; keep in prayer
Lesleigh Thames Morrison’s Mom who is not well; keep in prayer Brandon Ingram (via
Brandon’s Warriors) and his family requesting that God’s will be done; continue
to pray for Belinda Robert’s Dad who will have surgery on Tuesday for his
fractured hip; keep in prayer Malaysia Airline 370 – passengers--their families
and friends; keep in prayer each other.
all have choices; try to make them wisely.
bless you all and keep you safely in His arms.
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