Do you know me? Not hardly. Does anyone ever know anybody? Maybe and then again maybe not. Why ask this most precarious topic? Just because it is uncertain and can change at any moment. To begin with, no one really knows anybody until you live with them. Outside a few relatives on my social media page, there is only one other person who truly knows me and more so than my own children. And, you will never know exactly who that person is. It is not my ex-husband because of his job, we barely lived together.
You may think, "I know her because nothing to her seems sacred." You are 1/4th correct.
I know her:
1, because of her liberal views
2. because she is a christian conservative
3. because she is or was a major party animal
4. because she writes about her life and everything dealing with her
5. just because I have known her for years- her likes and dislikes
Partially correct but only 1/4th of truth that you may or may not know me.
Let me introduce myself:
I am a sinner. I believe in the individual person and not the political party ideology. One minute I am supporting liberal and the next conservative. The political part isn't important because over half of America has never read a true published political platform (ideology) in their entire lives. By the way, political parties are constantly realigning when they change their underwear, their wives, their girlfriends, or their sexual habits. I can name some people (politicians) who are exceptions to the standard rules because they are true leaders in every sense of the word and honest with themselves. Not everyone likes his stance because he is a republican but a very honorable family man with any hopes will take the national political stage in the near future. I know another political figure (a relative) of the democratic party that needs to be more in the political arena. He too is a great leader.
If I don't know a subject, I try to find out. I don't know everything. Due to medicines and illness, I am missing my entire upper teeth and the bottom are fast falling out as well. My left eye has trouble staying open and my right jaw line drops horribly when I smile. I may lose weight, but my chest always remains the same size. It just sags more. I have to wear a panty girdle to lift the lose skin around my hip area so I don't look like a weeble that falls down all the time.
I have gray hair and numerous scars from surgeries. I have extremely depressed days and cry when it rains. I live with my son. He doesn't live with me. But, not for long because he officially has a girl friend that he is engaged too. My daughter lives with her husband and their two children, so in October I will be truly living by myself for the first time in 35 years, Scary thought too! I look forward to it for personal reasons which will not be disclosed.
I believe in the second amendment in the famous Bill of Rights. I call an AR-15 and an M-16 assault weapons because they are associated with war and or riot gear. I do know they are by definition not really assault weapons because they are not modified to be sold as automatic weapons and that AR stands for ArmaLite. They are truly modern sporting rifles that can be modified by an intelligent gun smith or private individual that knows how. The most powerful weapon on the earth is the brain because it will kill you faster than a weapon of any kind. Weapons are tools. A shot gun does the same trick as an AR -15 or M-16. If there are three (3) home invaders and you shoot one, trust me the other two are going to "haul ass", run like hell and not wait to see if you killed the other one. They won't even notice the type of gun your have. Not using your brain and fear is the biggest cause of death. Besides we are all going to die anyway. If it is your time, no gun or self defense will stop it.
In the Bible it is written:
Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written for you. For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, ""There is peace and security," then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. (I Thessalonians 5.1-3)
I don't own a gun because I can't see to shoot them. I have been in one attack by a dog, (a pit bull), and three attempted assaults gone bad, propositioned for sex and thought by some to be homeless because of the way I dress while on the sidewalk on my scooter (a mobility device). Trust me not by my actions. I was very upset when propositioned because I always thought I was worth more than $20.00.
I have been in the position to physically protect my daughter from lecherous men yearning for her when she was 6 and again at 14 years old. I was offered $50,000 for her when she was 6 to raise her for marriage to a wealthy Vietnamese national. She was stalked by a neighborhood serious child molester when she was 14 years old. I won and broke my foot in the process.
I have worked with my son, when a friends high school mother took an overtly extreme liking to him. He never went down that path. He looked far beyond his years in high school and that mother had some highly active sexual hormones that needed be used on her own husband.
I drove a church bus full of horny little teenagers to church. I talked to many of them about life, hormones, lust, etc., and used the Bible to explain a lot about life. A few of them, now, tell me, "You were right, it was lust and hormones at that age." My nickname among the high school students was "Mother Cock-blocker."
Abortion is a sore subject with me. If a child can live with more than 40% chance outside the womb, do not abort it. Please. There are alternatives. Pray before you do anything about it. God will open the door for you including aborting the child if that is what he wants. The rest of you "Shut up about it." How do you know the parent (s) haven't already prayed and that this is the answer? God does allow murder to happen. Read your Bible. Stop being pious, high, and mighty. Besides, half of those against abortion never follow up to find out what happens or loan a hand to a mother who needs help. But, they will kick women when they are down.
Want equality? We have it already. We are all equal in the eyes of God as sinners. In humanity on earth, nothing is equal.
I have been homeless with my children two times--living in a shelter.. I have been broke. I have had money. I have been jobless. I have attempted suicide thinking life would be better off without me. I have failed and succeeded more times than I care to count.
I have been accused many times of lusting after men because I needed a friend. To a few men I know, trust me, I wasn't lusting after you. Some of you are in my social media group. Trust me I wasn't lusting after the four men who thought I was in 1985, 1989, 1994, 2008, or even 2013-- you five men flattered yourself way too much. Since divorce, I have had sex with three men. I was not true to my husband in my heart because of my thoughts, but honestly and physically have abstained (100% percent - 3% = 97%) 97% of the time since divorce until 2009 and 100% abstained since 2009. It is my choice and no other reason.
Do you know me? Not hardly. I am human. Our culture has a hard time understanding humanity nor does it comprehend the definition 1/2 the time.
I professed Jesus to be my Lord and Savior when I was 6 years old. I attended religious schools until I was a freshmen in high school. I was advised that I was not one to be educated yet hold three collegiate degrees. I come from a very dysfunctional family. I took child psychology 101 and 102 as electives to be a better parent, I am nothing more than a sinner.
Do I know everything? No where near enough nor do I want to know. Am I sarcastic? Heck fire yes!
Do I point fingers and or follow my own advice? The answer is no, not half of the time anyway. I said I was human.
Bottom line? I am a Christian because I have professed? No. I am a Christian because it takes faith and work, hard work.
This is one of many verses that can be found on the subject of true Christianity:
What good is it my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. (James 2.14-17)
Do you know me? No. But I will tell you this. Never label another person, until you label yourself first with a good hard dose of truth. Did I tell you everything. No.
Get up and ask yourself in the mirror... "Who are you?" Find out.
My opinion. Go with God and have a serious discussion.