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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

What is your secret?

Do you have a secret? Yes I do and I will never tell.  Funny thing about the south and secrets because we all have “skeletons in our closets” and sweep our cat pooh under the rug because we know for fact that our houses are never clean. That is what is called old time evangelicalism. Those antiquities of petrified cat pooh and fossilized bones are found years later by some descendant doing a genealogy research on the family. Our secrets do come out of the closet and blow out from under the rug eventually.

(1Timothy 1:15) “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.”

Those secrets are so often our sins.

Those secrets may be horrible experiences.

Do not fool yourself into thinking that you are not hiding something from anyone—you are only hurting your chances to be free.  Get it off your chest and forgive yourself and talk to God about it. Then it is no longer hidden.
The horrible experience secrets are the hardest to get off your chest. You might ask why forgive yourself? Well you just should. Deep in our hearts sometimes we feel responsible for bad things that happened to us. If we forgive ourselves, then we admonish any doubt in our conscious state.

I once recently spoke of a secret that I had kept for more than 21 years. When my son was 3 months old in 1990, I had a serious gallbladder attack. I rushed to the local hospital thinking my guts were being torn apart. They administered a very strong pain killer which sent my alertness into another world. I was wheeled into the imaging department. I was dressed in hospital gown. A man came over to me and pulled my gown open and felt my stomach to ask me where the pain was. I never saw his face but I heard his voice and saw the necklaces around his neck. I saw them enough to remember as he fondled my breast. I called for help and shushed me and said I was dreaming. I remember him putting his hands in between my legs and then I fought him as much as my conscious state would allow. He stopped because I started swatting at him and making a lot of noise. I wanted to kick him and felt that I couldn’t.  He covered me up quickly because another person entered the room. I remember him saying that I was fretful because of the medication they had given me in the emergency room. Everyone male that entered my hospital room for the next 4 day stay, I immediately looked at their neck. I never saw him again.  

I didn’t report it until the nightmare started about a week later. They were horrible. I was 2 months into being 30 years old when that happened.  Needless to say no one in my family found out about it until this very night.  I told my son (of course he is no longer three month’s old but in his 20s.) He was listened intently with a great deal of concern for his aging mother.

I remembered this incident when I started thinking about secrets we store. I had to forgive myself over this because I my ignorant mind I thought may I had provoked the attack so I asked God to forgive me. But you know what I didn’t provoke it or cause it.   But the ultimate solace came from the word of God.

So what secrets we have in our “closed door closet” or “under our rug” let them out. If you never tell anyone, confess them privately to God. The union of the Holy Trinity will ease your pain and suffering.

May each of you be blessed and nestled safely in the arms of God.
If you need me to pray for you, leave a message, or email at

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

You will be missed but never forgotten.

This I believe that the American Dream is not one of material success but to leave a legacy, some proof that we have been here, something so simple that we often overlook. The neat thing about this is a child’s touch, a mother kissing her babies check when they are 30. A father’s kiss on the forehead, when he covers his little one who is 20 and home for the weekend just to do dirty laundry. It is a dog or a cat running to see their human parent when they arrive from work. Sometimes jumping up and down, barking wildly or meowing to let their presence be known. These are the loved wonderful things that are truly ours, our memories. “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, may the name of the Lord be praised.” (Job 1:21) Our simple legacy is that we are the memory in someone’s heart and soul that will never be forgotten. Let us make sure that it’s a good memory that we leave in the minds of others—a pleasant memory that will wipe out all the “negative” parts of us that exist. Our prayers are simple today. Let us pray for everyone that needs a prayer—let us pray for each other.  Let us pray for eternal happiness and a settled spirit, for healing, for love, for strength, for perseverance.  From this day forward, tell someone everyday for the remainder of your life that you love them. God bless you all and keep us safe cradled in God’s arm.   

Mrs. Larry (Patsy) Keating went home on 4th March 2013. She will be missed but never forgotten for the love she shared on this earth. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Not Guaranteed Tomorrow.

Mathew 24:36—“No one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven nor the SON, but only the Father.” That is the most powerful statement that I have ever read about the life in which we live. We have children and we raise them to the best of our ability. We honor or parents and try to care them in their golden years. Then the cycle repeats itself. It is centrifugal because as stated HE is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega.  

We often sit at the sea shore watching the waves come in and reflect on the wonderful time of life in awe. GOD created it for us. We grow up, get jobs and become productive citizens. We are surrounded by all these wonderful things, bobbles I will call them (cars, houses, and utterly fantastic trinkets). There really is nothing that belongs to us here. We claim ownership but it isn’t really, not even our own bodies. To prove a biological fact, when our skin dies (not us but the skin), it flakes off and turns to dust. Therefore it returns to nature and who is the great creator of that nature?  None other than GOD!
In Genesis 2:7, “HE formed man from the dust of the earth and he breathed life into his nostrils.” What more proof is needed that GOD exists? We came into this life with nothing, and we go out with nothing other than our memories.

A lady that I know will eventually come home to God if it is his wish. It may not be today and it may not be tomorrow. I call her a lady because she has always represented herself as such in my eyes. The woman I speak of is the wife of a former teacher. They are in pain at the thought of loosing someone from the earth, as we all are. Yet the ANGELS of GOD dance around us more than what we think. Psalms 91:11.   We are not guaranteed tomorrow. We are just here in the now, this moment, millisecond of feeling and compassion we have for each other.

So…..before you take your next breath, think: why are you breathing? What is your purpose, your existence here on earth? Are you really doing everything spiritually you can do for that ultimate high...GOD’s high? Are you willing to drink up everything HE has to offer? Read his words and get closer to GOD. Give him your all. Turn it all over to the blood of the Lamb. Jesus symbolically dies for us every year. Now is the time.

If you are in need of a prayer, contact me, leave a comment. I will pray for you.
GOD bless you and keep you safe from harm.