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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The American Dream; what is it?

What is an epic? It can be a poem of reflection, tales passed down of ancient traditions, or the history of a nation. It has always been dependent on the people living during a specified time period, their idealism, their dreams, and what they make of themselves. One of the great cornerstones of the epic is that people have escaped from something to build on personal ideals somewhere else.

In 1931, James T Adams wrote a book, The Epic of America, on the history of the people who escaped from what they believed was tyranny, extreme government control, to travel to something new, a wild territory. They were in search of a new life. Some of the people in search of were nothing more than people emptied out of a prison somewhere physically or mentally. Some settlements faced the same problems in which they were escaping from, religious tyranny or extreme control. Those who felt this pressure went further into a wilderness to carve out individualism, a life of hard work. They built off the sweat of their brow, the pain from their bodies, and carved every inch of what they had accomplished by hand. Some survived and some did not.

But somehow, through the individualism of time, a nation was built. According to Adams, like the dinosaurs through the evolution of time, social and economic industry came into existence where large corporations and capitalism flourished. Further as he expressed, were corporations, a new type of dinosaur, monster? [1]  During this era of corporations and capitalism, dreams of individualism still existed. Some were rewarded by extensive monetary gains and others were not.

Those dreams of freedom, equality, and opportunity were still evident in 1931. Why? It was written as being evident in the Constitution of the United States. Therefore, it was evident to white men of property and means. It was soon later extended to all men; then to men of color; eventually to the opposite sex, women.  It took a Civil War to recognize people of color. It took more than 100 years to recognize women. This way, all of the shores of America had an equal opportunity at carving out their place for individualism.  In 2018, does that equality opportunity still hold true? The Equal Opportunity Act was just a passing dream, but somehow became a law. It also depends on who is enforcing the equal opportunity -- the powers that control. 

It is no secret, that this so called “American Dream” that was coined by James T Adams, has grown into something that truly is not real, but creative writing to make the history of the American discovery somewhat philosophical and greater than reality. Yet, in 2018, there are still others who are escaping from their tyrannical countries in search of that American dream which is nothing more that the dream of material opportunity. A hard lesson one should learn in a capitalistic society about dreams, they may or may not come true because there are winners and losers in life no matter how we look at it. It is a given. There will always be the haves and the have nots. There will always be the poor and the wealthy.

Life is up and down. Endicott Peabody said "Things in life will not always run smoothly. Sometimes we will be rising toward the heights — then all will seem to reverse itself and start downward. The great fact to remember is that the trend of civilization itself is forever upward, that a line drawn through the middle of the peaks and the valleys of the centuries always has an upward trend."[2]  Is that upward trend always feasible? Can rising toward new heights destroy what is natures ability to function with man? Caution will always be needed due to the element of the unknown, human thought.

Just as there were Hebrews who assimilated into the Egyptian society to eventually gain their freedom to help build pyramids for the empire, the Pharaoh, there are empire leaders and empire builders. Do not confuse the two. Hierarchy, the pecking order, is a part of humanity, or animal nature and inequality will always thrive in nature or nurture. The Hebrews eventually escaped to be lead by another. It matters not whether people are in a monarchy, democracy, republic, socialism, communism, or dictatorship, there will always be hierarchy. There will always be an order. One can argue this fact however, we must look to the answer within our own lives. Did we not have someone telling us at any point in life what to do and where to go as humans (not necessarily in a derogatory sense)? Do the animals battle for the leader of their habitat? Do countries battle for the power of principle?

In 2018, the American dream is just that a dream. If one escapes and comes to America today, there is no wild west to conquer, no undiscovered territory. There is not greatness to be had. Capitalism of success is a very slim percentage by chance. That same percentage exists in purchasing a lottery ticket. The American dream is nothing more than an epic tale written in a 1931 book of inventive writing, a creative choice of words. It is not materials that one can achieve that makes this country special. Material possessions are temporary measures in a life we are just passing through. Materialism is not a permanent fixture. Surely an economy, war, hurricane, tornado, flooding, or fire has taught many this lesson on materialism-- come and go. 

What is special about this country is the real dream is freedom to pray, freedom to speak, freedom to pursue, and the freedom of opportunity that prevails for each of us. Let us not abuse that fact. It does not ensure anyone of anything because there are rules and consequences to where our dreams take us always. It matters not the nation--rules exist. Man should definitely embrace not a national pride, but healthy respect of that land in which they reside. If anything, we should consider the self as “…a citizen of the world, rather than belonging to and being formed by a particular nation… [W]e should give our first allegiance to no mere form of government, no temporal power, but to the moral community made up by the humanity of all human beings. National attachments lead to the alleged evils of nationalism and factionalism, while becoming a species being will culminate in a gentle transnational togetherness.[3] 

God bless each and everyone in their lives to achieve “HIS” purpose and none other.

[1] Adams, James T. The Epic of America. Little Brown and Co. Boston, page 342.
[2] Meacham, Jon, “Keeping the Dream Alive.” Time Magazine. June 21, 2012, page 4. (accessed January 30, 2018),28804,2117662_2117682_2117680-1,00.html
[3] Milikh, Arthur. “Civility and Rebarbarization.” National Affairs. Number 34, Winter 2018. (accessed January 30, 2019)

Monday, January 29, 2018

The wall isn't what it appears...

“Anything worth doing, is worth doing well.”  G.K. Chesterton.

I tried to firmly implant this type of philosophy in my home while raising my children. When doing laundry, we should complete the task to our best ability. It means to follow the steps and make sure that it is completed properly which includes folding or hanging the laundry as well. 

I am currently looking at a window air conditioning unit. There is a board covering up the space and caulking to seal it in place. However, there are small holes that allow cold or hot air in to my house. It is very difficult to regulate the temperature at times. The installation was not performed in a manner that would depict a job well done.  

History is often forgotten in our country which includes short term historical memory. In October 2006, former President G.W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act 2006 (Pub. L. 109-367) into law. It passed the House, 283-138. It passed the Senate 80-19.[1] In 2006, Congress allocated $1.4 billion for the fence and $50 for maintenance over 25 years. [2] However, in 2017, studies show that “Since 2007, VISA overstays have out number undocumented border crossers by a half million.”[3]

Studies further show (source for listed below):[4]

Escalating cost projections, Homeland Security of $21.6 billion over 3 ½ years 

Former Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff and others argued “…that the wall does not add enforcement value except in heavy crossing areas near town, highways, or other vanishing points.”

Studies show in 2017, according to the White House that what is standing as part of a current wall, “as an enforcement tool: between FY 2010 and FY 2015, the current 654-mile pedestrian wall was breached 9,287 time.”

There is a dramatic decline in the US undocumented population between 2008 and 2014.

In 2014, studies “… find 2/3rds of undocumented workers did not illegally cross the border, but were admitted (after screening) on non-immigrant (temporary) visas, and then overstayed their period of admission or otherwise violated the terms or their visa.”

I have contended all along, that there are too many loopholes in the immigration policy period. Do we normally put the cart before or after the horse? Do we secure the front of the barn door, when the back remains wide open? In any effective job, one has to start at the top. What good is building a wall to keep out, when the top laws are vague, not secure, and with way too many loopholes? It does not good to enforce faulty laws/regulations/statutes.

The thought process followed here is on land. But, wait a minute. What about the water borders? Pablo Escobar (1949-1993) flew numerous shipments of illegal narcotics to the Bahama’s and crossed it into Florida by boat. Do we not have waterways that are protected by the US Coastguard? How easy is it to bypass land all together and take a water going vessel from Tampico to Corpus Christi or Port Lavaca? Much to my surprise the US Coastguard is under “Homeland Security.” At first, President Trump, it was proposed to cut the Coastguard’s budget $1.3 billion dollars to add it to the “Wall Fund”: however, through many objections, their budget will remain as is for another year at $9.1 billion dollars. [5]

It all needs to stop dead in its tracks before making these issues a worse cluster mess. (I wrote that so nicely.)

Solution: (a) Combine the US Border Patrol and the US Coastguard as a separate military branch that does nothing other than making sure our borders are safe from terrorist, illegal narcotics, and illegal entry and well as specialized rescue missions on land and or on the water. Outfit them with the best equipment, technology and weapons available for success. (b)  Look at all the laws in immigration and seal the loopholes. (c) Change the laws of venting for incoming immigrants. Improve the communications systems and detention between state, local, and national as a combined effort. Then and only then, pull a full enforcement that is sound, effective, and will not be kicked out by federal oversights in court.

This is just my opinion. No one has to agree with it.

Have a pleasant Monday and may God bless each and every one.

[1] “109th Congress Public Law 367.” US Government Printing Office. October 2006., (accessed 1.29.2018)
[2] Linskey, Annie. “In 2006 Democrats were saying Build the Wall.” Boston Globe Newspaper. 1.27.2017 (accessed 1.29.2018)
[3] Warren, Robert and Donald Kerwin. “The 2,000 Mile Wall in Search of a Purpose.” Centers for Immigration Studies. 2017 (accessed 1.29.2017)
[4] Warren, Robert and Donald Kerwin. “The 2,000 Mile Wall in Search of a Purpose.” Centers for Immigration Studies. 2017
[5]Horton, Alex. “The White House Almost Slashed the Coastguard’s budget.” The Washington Post. 9.14.2017. (access 1.29. 2018)

Sunday, January 28, 2018

To Wall or not to Wall....

Life is temporary because we are just vessels passing through. God joined our spirits with a physical body for a reason. Some of us never find that reason and many go on to share knowing their very purpose and very existence. The big question is why do we need a wall?

Walls in our mental capacity keep in what the subconscious fears the most. Walls keep in our most valued physical objects, which can turn out to be nothing more than borrowed garbage. I must ask what do we fear the most?

The wall of my house keeps others from entering. Does it now? If someone wanted in my house, can they gain access? If someone wanted to cross my mental wall, can they gain access? The answer is emphatically yes.

Why would we, as a society, want to put up a wall to secure our borders? What are we securing them from? Murders, rapist, and thieves? Those border walls to secure our safety is a farce because murders, rapists, and thieves are already existent among many of us who are considered natural born citizens. Are we protecting ourselves against foreign born terrorist? Why when we have our own true American groupings of home grown terrorists?

We cannot stop the inevitable, which is death. If our time has come, how we die is not left up to us. We, the living, will suffer regardless when our loved one’s do die and we shouldn’t blame the nature of death but embrace it because it is a fact of the life we have chosen to live.

If you are truly a Christian, then we should accept the will of God and stop trying to physically change it.  The more mankind attempts to change what is natural, the more we harm ourselves.
God place mankind over the dominion of the earth but instead mankind has not done what God instructed. We have stopped working with nature and started to control it for the benefit of who? Certainly not God. We have destroyed what he built. We have destroyed his nature his creation.

Let’s us stop in our foot steps and pray to get back on tract to what he intended and not man. Do not be mean or unkind to any person. Do not be mean or unkind to a Christian who speaks not your language. These are just simply truths.

Why put up a $26 billion dollar wall of mentality to ease our fears? To ease our fears is absolute free through prayer. 

All of it is written clearly in the Bible. May God bless each and every one.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Dietary Dirty Laundry --Quarters needed

So, this is a no political conversation weekend beginning Friday (January 19th, 2018) until Monday (January 22nd, 2018). Okay, so no politics. Abstination is sometimes best.

I want to have a fundraiser for prevention and assistance. In 2013, the last time we had a government "shit-down"[1] there was a severe shortage of clean towels in the congressional workout room and shower area. 

This was an inconvenience because so many of the senators and congressman had to wash their own soiled towels. I can just imagine after sitting for few days the smell of soiled piles of laundry must really be a ranked-smell of pointing opposable thumb crap due to many dirty uranus cracks. 

After all, we really wouldn’t want any finger pointing over whose turn it is to actually wash the laundry now. Would we? We also do not want anyone being overly zealous in thinking that the females of congress might do the laundry because there are females and have vaginas that can be grabbed because they're sometimes hairy but gravitational for the smell of tic-tacs. [2]

I would like to raise money for this cause. I will need a lot of quarters and at least one deplorable alien from another world with a really big pie hole.

We in the United States of America really want our congress-people to smell their very best better than any socially, economically challenged child with no bag of CHIP coverage in their pantry close to a pile of unwashed towels. We all honestly understand how hard it is to get those foreign smelling stains out of our laundry that is pristine; just like Colonel Sanders, original recipe or extra crispy.   

Please bless us all and remember our national motto:
Money in our pocket mean success! When you arrive on our beautiful shores, make sure you leave your garbage at home because we have plenty of our own. [3]   

[1] Absurdity, Absolute. “Words Microsoft Dictionary refuses to correct when being Facetious”. Yourguessisasgoodas (accessed 1.19.2018) (USC, Title XXX Chapter 9,227 Article 400 Page 1,735,001)
[2] Absurdity, Absolute. “Words Microsoft Dictionary refuses to correct when being Facetious”. Yourguessisasgoodas (USC, Title MXXX, Chapter 1,825 Article 69691, Page 1,942,002)
[3] Boona, Juna Buttmunch. “National Pledge of Dreamer.” (accessed 1.20.2018) (Chapter 1, page 27b) 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Immigration Reform -- A must

Why was Jorge Garcia of Detroit, Michigan deported?  He has been in the USA since he was 10 years old. He doesn’t have a criminal record other than his immigration papers are not in order. He has a wife and children with legal status. Why is his family being torn apart? The US no longer values men who work hard to support their family and pay taxes and who technically are law abiding citizens. His 12-year-old son will suffer psychological damage as a result from this.  What will happen financially to the family? Will they end up a statistic on some government assistance roll?

How can we as a family oriented country allow this?

We should no longer allow our government to put the “cart before the horse.” There are way too many governmental loopholes.

There is a problem with the laws, rules, and regulations controlling the guideline of immigration in Washington, DC… the big capitol hill! The Immigration and Naturalization Service is the bureaucratic agency that has become the fire breathing dragon as instructed by the powers that be.
I personally am tired of the words “Diplomatic immunity.” I am personally tired of seeing felons walking the street with “valid green cards.”  I am tired of people getting imported by businesses when there are many people with qualifications within our own shores.

Before our president was president, he imported seasonal workers from overseas rather than hire a US citizen. His excuse was that US citizens don’t want to work seasonally. That is totally incorrect. What about college students who will work seasonal jobs in a heartbeat.

One mistake that I see and hear from citizens is that immigrants break the law without papers and they entered into this country illegally. That is a catch all phrase. What criminal law did they break? They only broke a “status law” which honestly covers no jail time. It would be like a civil law. Technically, there is not a criminal penalty for being an illegal immigrant. A rule that violates status does not make them a criminal.

Solution: Before we, as a country, proceed in cleaning up the “unwanted criminal illegal immigrants”, the rules and regulations of Immigration and Naturalization Service has to be changed. The change has to come from the top down. It is called REFORM. I do not in the records of Congress see this actively happening. Oh yes, a word is mentioned here and there but what is actually being done legislatively. Families of good citizens should not be torn apart on the technicality of status.
However, a deportee should be any immigrant who breaks a criminal law like DWI, extreme domestic abuse, a felony of any type, etc. If they have a green card, it should be revoked. Employment imports of persons from other countries need to be monitored closely by field inspectors. 

Does INS employ any field inspectors? I have no idea. I called them and asked them and did not get any answers. I have called numerous office and it seems no one knew the actual laws or where I could be directed to other than make an appointment and come into the office. I had gotten hold of one of their forms, and it is absolutely ridiculous to the point it is hard for an average citizen in the US to understand.

In 1981, I personally witnessed a wealthy immigrant being put on a private plane for home to avoid prosecution for murder. Some calls were made when he was charged and the response was “diplomatic immunity.”  Diplomatic immunity my eye! He was a student in this country (parents were not even in the US) who happened to belong to a wealthy family in the middle east.

There are people in this country who are felons on green cards. Why have their green cards not been revoked? There are human traffickers and drug traffickers in this country illegally. Why are we not going after them? Don’t tell me we don’t know who they are. We have to deport a hard-working family man on a technicality.

The system has to change within before it can proceed. Immigration reform is a must. 

Keep in prayer for the Garcia family of  Detroit. 

My God keep everyone safe this day. Peace be with you. 

Saturday, January 13, 2018


I once read years ago, this was during the planning of the p Pan-Pacific Treaty, that Asian countries were concerned about midline American workers not being as intellect to perform. I believe the news article I read had the jest of the dumbing down of American Society. Come to find out there were documentaries made and articles written on this very topic. Many don’t buy it, but after the first year of this new president in office, I believe more than ever that the American society has dumbed down tremendously.

In the latter part of 2016, Paul A. Philips wrote a scathing article that rings very true. It was published on line Wake Up World. [1] Philips contends that average society is being deceived and we would not believe it because we wouldn’t understand it in the first place.[2]  Is he correct? I wouldn’t normally had thought so but he is. How so?

Think about it. This seems to be something that is lost, honest thinking skills considering facts and not media, political or troll generated propaganda. Ask yourself, over the past 50 years what is different in society? There are (1) more germs and illnesses, (2) more obesity, (3) more sedentary lifestyles, (4) over population, (5) more chemicals in the environment, (6) less natural habitat (7) advance technology and (8) lack of ability to determine what is real fact based on fiction.  We can further break these 8 ideas down into mainly two area which is population and advanced technology.

When I was a child we played in ditch water, with worms, drank out of garden hose, fished out of lakes, ate food off a stick, ran and played outside from sun up to sun down in a metropolitan city. Germs: what germs? Have we become so germophobic, that new germs and illness have manifested that are immune to modern technical cures? Would anyone like a mud pie from the dirt in your yard? 

In 2018 would you chew on a blade of grass and or maybe swallow it?
Are we really breathing clean air? It is said, according to studies, that cigarette smoke causes cancer. It is also printed on the side of the cigarette packages. Did anyone take into to account the air quality around the test subjects? Would a smoking person be more likely to get lung cancer having handle toxic material than not or living next to a petrochemical plant? How much carbon dioxide would a person inhale, sitting in traffic with the windows rolled down for thirty minutes? 

It is a proven fact that plants, trees or any type of green foliage filters out carbon and omits clean oxygen. If we cut down forest and remove the green foliage then we are killing natural habitats not to mention harming the ecosystems. Which through the structure of mother nature harms what? HUMANS.

More obesity is due to a more sedentary lifestyle. In 1970, if I wanted a soda, I walked down the street to the gas station and paid $.30 for a cola out of the ice box. One soda, once in a while never hurt anyone. In 2005, I didn’t own a car and lost a tremendous amount of weight and started on the road to health and recovery with a good balanced diet. When I saved up enough money to buy a car, the weight came back and so did a lot of my illness in full swing, much harder than before to the point it caused a stroke. I really wasn’t that over weight when I became ill to begin with.

Over population and advance technology has helped tremendously. Over population needs more places to live because people are living longer due to advance technology. Advance technology is also the reason people are more sedentary which assist in obesity to where children no longer go outside and play. I would also be remiss in not stating about the crime rate in America due to more multiple reason than I care to admit to.

Tie this all together and no one believes it. Why because the ability to think independently and examine facts are wipe away because of what? Advanced technology does it for us. A good example of this is the US election of 2016. If you needed a certified plumber to clean out and rework your home plumbing systems, would you hire an electrician? You would hire a plumber who specializes in this area. Would you hire a 17-year-old teenager to represent you on a traffic ticket or anything dealing with a court of law?  Then why did people vote for a president with no experience except in business? I never saw his tax returns or had his educational transcript verified like we did Obama or even the younger Bush. Furthermore, I hate to have to tell America that the government isn’t a business it is “We the people.” The government has never been and will never be run as a business. For that matter, there isn’t a country in the world run like a business.  Furthermore, success is not based on what is in a man’s pocket or what riches he has. A true faithful Christian or godly soulful person is knows this.

I happen to agree with Paul A. Philips in his article. In the history of the United States, we have more toxic foods, air borne chemicals, mental illnesses, mind altering drugs, etc., than any country in the world.  Why is that? Available on line is the Constitution of the United States. Under Article II of the Constitution: “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.” Why would American’s believe this about former President Obama? Was his mother a citizen of the USA? Did she give birth to him? Only one parent has to be a citizen of the US for a person to be born a citizen of the US, unless it is by some obscure ruling through INS (which there are some but not in this case.) (I don't care if he was born in Kenya, Hawaii, or Jupiter... the fact, bottom line, his mother was a US Citizen.) 

I recently shared the truth about what was going on the Senate floor through the official Senate record. I was told not to believe what the press wrote and that wasn’t true. On the 4th of January, a Senator from Georgia was more interested about the upcoming Georgia and Alabama game in Atlanta, than working on health care or veteran’s services. Well it is in the permanent record of Congress. Another false hood I was accused of was the famous Trump border wall.

It is in permanent record that the wall idea came about and was legislated during the former President George W. Bush administration. However, money wasn’t set aside for it because there were more pressing matters and studies show that it was not effective. I was considered to be a liar. It is legal records through the government to confirm this. It is available on the internet.

Yet, if I want to speak my constitutional right about our government and the current president I am accused of being a hater and disrespecting him. So, in thinking when is telling the truth disrespecting someone? If I want to burn a US a flag in my front yard, I am being disrespectful of our military? If I kneel during the national anthem, I am disrespectful to someone? If I tell someone that “God” wording was added to money and national pledge during the 1950’s I am lying?

I even corrected someone on NAFTA. NAFTA really isn’t totally a Former President Bill Clinton thing. Part one of NAFTA was a treaty with Canada during the late Former President Reagan administration. Part two of NAFTA was a treaty with Mexico during the Former President G H W Bush administration. Former President Clinton combined the two as is and added environmental issues and labor issues. It was a joint bi-partisan presidential/legislative approved treaty. I was told what? I was lying again.

Since we do have such great technological communication advancement; ever hear of internet research. All this information that is truthful is on line and not necessarily threw the press but through official government documentation. American’s wake up and learn something!

Let’s get one thing perfectly clear: why would I lie about it? I am not asking you to vote for anyone. My candidate didn’t win the presidential election, and I have no idea if their job performance would have been any better. Our military is paid to do a job which is to protect the rights of the US Constitution so I can speak my mind, burn the flag, and be free to think. One step further, I VALUE THE OPINION, in a humane speaking manner, of my fellow Americans because it is their right.
To the dumbing down of Americans, money isn’t just printed it is based on the GNP = Gross National Product not gold. (Late Former President Nixon and legislation changed that option.) Legislation doesn’t just happen but it is eventually filtered to a FOURTH BRANCH of government called the bureaucracy for further interpretation and for scrutiny to be enacted. If you don’t know this, learn it. The bureaucracy of America has more laws that the national employees don’t even know what they are because standard legislation has so much pork and bull in it, that it is almost impossible to figure it out.

No more believing what is false. Things are happening and Americans best wake up and smell the sewage just out your front door. America is in serious trouble. Get involved or shut and wonder at a later date, “WHAT HAPPENED?”

FYI: Average Americans, beware just because you have a little tax money in your pocket, doesn’t mean our government is running efficiently. Watch them… like a hawk. It is your job. If you are not registered to vote, your voice is silenced. No registered voters, can be heard but you didn’t get involved; so why should we?  

“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” John F Kennedy.

“America will destroy itself and not one shot will be fired.” Nikita Khruschev, late former leader of the USSR.

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms. It will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Abraham Lincoln.

***This is my opinion. My US Constitution Right. ***

I support the job(s) of the US Military. I proudly support my country. I support the US Constitution. 

Most of all before myself and country I support the peace and blessing that God has granted me. 

We are all equal international under the eyes of God. May he bless each and everyone of us all the days of our lives.

[1] Philips, Paul A. “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America:7 Ways the Ruling Elite Are Making Us Dumber.” Wake Up World. 10.24.2017  (accessed 01.13.2018)
[2] Philips, Paul A. “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America:7 Ways the Ruling Elite Are Making Us Dumber.” Wake Up World. 10.24.2017

Thursday, January 11, 2018

January 11, 2014- I wrote this.

I have already made a statement that I have trouble with the Pauline Doctrine. The doctrine is noted as the books written by Paul- the letters to the Epistle (about 13 or 14 books of the New Testament). There are some verses with really good value but I feel some verses are not totally aligned with the teaching of Jesus and the actual laws of Mosaic and/or Rabbinic laws of the period.
Men and Women in ancient society were just about equally yoked from what I have learned in my research. Viewing the Bible as a whole, you will notice that the women mentioned in the Bible are generally pious where as men were the basic sinners. In Judaism, if a child was born to a woman who was Jewish then their children were Jewish. Judaism is based off the maternal line and not the paternal line. These are just some of the reasons I personally question some of Paul’s writing.
You do not have to believe what I do; I make that statement all the time. The example I will use is one that I am torn on in a contradictory type feeling. I love part of this passage but have trouble understanding the other part.
“(31) For ye all can prophesy one by one that all may learn, and all may be exhorted; (32) and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets; (33) for God is not a God of confusion, but of peace. (2nd ½ of 33) As in all the churches of the saints, (34) let the women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but let them be in subjection, as also saith the law.” (1 Corinthians 14: 31-34)
I understand verse 31 to ½ of 33.
I don’t totally understand the other ½ of 33 to 34.
This leads me to question how much did the laws change between the Old Testament and the writing of the New Testament to the implementation of the churches and why?
I wrote my academic adviser, and posed some of these questions that I have. His response to me is: “These are very deep questions to answer. We will need to sit and discuss all of this.” I have prayed over this time and time again. God will provide me with an answer but I feel he is guiding me to do some more research to seek what is truth in my heart and soul.
One interesting things about this passage is that WOW! The answer hit me when I was reading parts of a text for my upcoming class. It hit me dead square and what a revelation it was. Russell Kirk wrote “The Roots of American Order.” (Quoting) “Our own society, like that of any other people, is held together by what is called an ‘order’…Order is the path we follow, or the pattern by which we live with purpose and meaning. Above even food and shelter, she continue, we must have order. The human condition is insufferable unless we perceive a harmony, and order, in existence. Order is the first need of all…If we lack order in the soul and order in society, we dwell ‘in a land of darkness, as darkness itself,’ the book of Job puts it; ‘and of the shadow of death, without any order, and where light is as darkness.” (pg 3) Kirk’s “she” is quoting Simone Weil (she is a French philosopher who was raised agnostic and converted to devout Christianity).
With God in our lives we will not be confused, we will not lack order, and we will live in his light. Without God in our life, we will be confused, we will lack order, and we will live in darkness. It is in Job and it is in 1 Corinthians—God is a necessity to order in our souls. HE is a need.
As far as women being silent in church, I can’t even comment on that because I honestly do not totally understand why Paul wrote this verse. I will pray on it and discuss it with more academically intellectual (as well as spiritual astute) people than myself.
I state this time after time, you do not have to believe what I say or agree with it, but I challenge you. Check it out for yourself.
Pray for each other.
God bless you all.