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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Choices we make

We have choices in life. Sometimes they are good and sometimes not. I have been thinking about atheists lately. I have always stood ground on the contention that to not believe in something, we have to acknowledge it first. For an atheist not to believe in God, they have to acknowledge His existence to disbelieve. Interesting how that works.

I was trying to think of something earlier in class and could not remember the exact phrase. Then I remembered it on the way home. Man left to their own devices cannot control their will because they do not understand the concept of the natural order of life. In natural law, which is universal, if nature is left unchecked  it can run rampant. Think of your garden. If we do not control our weeds it chokes the growth of the garden.
My son and I were talking about a specific belief that people have of how God can allow disease, pain and suffering to exist if he is a loving all powerful. The answer is easy. We do not live in a utopia. There are many unanswered questions. God left man in charge of the earth yet God is in control of the creation. Disease, pain, and suffering are parts of life since the beginning of 
creation. Death is part of the cycle of life.  
Be prepared and do not fear what our future holds; when I say be prepared, that is to be able to explain your faith, not only to yourself but to others if asked. Can you justify why you believe what you do? Furthermore, being prepared is also standing in front of God on judgment day to answer why we sinned as well.
My dear friend of many years, Jim Kiser, in years past has been working in China as a teaching missionary. He is planning to go back overseas with YWAM. Jim is a graduate of Johnson Bible College in Tennessee. They are accredited university and Jim was a student in good standing when he graduated. Currently he is planning on further training in (DTS) Discipleship Training School. “The purpose of this school is to help people better understand what God has in store for their lives. There are two parts; one is an intensive 12 week lecture phase where I will be learning from people all over the world. Then I will part take in an 8 week outreach phase where I will travel to China to reach people for Christ”, according to Jim Kiser.

Jim is asking if anyone would like to partner with him in his mission work. He is seeking at least ten sponsors to donate $10.50 per month which will assist in monthly expense. He is also asking for prayer support. If you are in a position to assist Jim in his mission, please email him at .  I know Jim Kiser and his parents personally to be a very fine example of a Christian family. They work in their community and help many people meet their needs. At one time, they helped me when I really needed it. I did pay them back even though I did not have to. I wanted to so they could be able to help others.
Keep in prayer everyone through these horrible storms lately in hopes that all are safe.
For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 1 John 5:4.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Don't mess with.....

I have been full of vinegar these past few days, because I honesty have not been feeling too chipper. Years ago, I learned if pain really gets bad to laugh, cut up, carry on with silly stuff. The last time I did this was when I had some really painful dental work. It was hard because every time the pain would really intensify, I would laugh at the dentist uncontrollably. 

I had to leave class last night, because of the pain, my smile wanted to cry and I could just feel the tears wanting to burst out of my eye sockets any minute. I just didn't think it was appropriate to cry during lecture. My professor might have thought it was because of him. Better to leave then disrupt a wonderful lecture. 

I have been good trying to manage to keep from killing someone over the pain that I am in. I haven’t had pills in a week and I might be reaching a level of proportion to where I want to choke that damn bird if he chirps outside my window one more time. I have spent the day studying and just trying to relax.  

I have been following the BLM who is now on the Texas/Oklahoma borders wanting to seize more private family land because 200 + years ago, the ancestors of the family who own the land were issued grants where they had no rights to be issued. They want this private land for some unknown environmental economic conservatory reason; of course this is BS in the highest form from the King’s coffers.  

There are only two things worse than messing with a home grown Texan and that is a southern belle from Alabama or Mississippi. A Texan will just shoot you instead of arguing. An Alabama or Mississippi southern belle will slap the teeth out of your mouth, make you suffer until the day you die and then some after you are dead. Those ladies from Louisiana will smile and take you to the swamps where you never come back. The ladies from Texas become violent and use their stilettos to make a point dead center in your heart part of your chest. I think that is what happened to Jimmy Hoffa. A woman from the south got their hands on him and he became gator bait, chicken feed, hog slop or buried in a deep hole dug by 8 inch high heel shoes.  

We need to have a southern woman as president that has the ability to nail a live catfish to tree and skin them alive while being full donned in an evening gown, nails painted, makeup on, and pearly white teeth. That is the type of woman that would mesmerize the deer while she walked up to it, shot it with a .45 semi-auto between the eyes point blank, then turn around, smile, and comment: “He was a buck and liked my imported French pheromones.”

Don’t mess with Texas, but beware of southern women. They talk dangerously slow, sweet, and smile a lot.                                                                                                                                                              

The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Psalm 118: 6

I have read this passage more than once. Man can kill me. However, only if it is your time to go and that is a decision only left up to God. God, like a good parent, brought you into this world and he will take you out. It matters not how or when, it is going to happen. Do not fear death. The only fear we should have is if we do not have a personal relationship with God.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


It is “D-day.” It is the closing of another fiscal season tonight at mid-night. Remember the long lines at IRS and then the post office? Of course that was before internet interface. Wow, we have come a long way baby?

Tonight’s discussion in my Constitutional Class came with dinner. It was absolutely wonderful. We discussed political alignment, strength of the presidency, and amendments to the constitution. Of course each time I walk into the class, I learn something new that I didn’t know.  At the closing of class, I commented that “I am anti-establishment.” Of course, I do enjoy this professor and have great respect for him. He commented, “Julia, you are anti-anti-establishment.” Well, I am and there is no denying it. He also thinks I pick on him to a certain degree. Well, I do. I want to pick his brain and learn everything. He knows I have read, studied political science, and love history. But, with each professor, I will pick their brain to learn. I just like picking brains in a comical manner.

Interesting though, this evening we discussed amendments to the constitution that went off into the sunset. One of them was Equal Rights Amendment. Congress did make it a USC directive even though it is not in the constitution. Yet it is really valid. It is not as valid as we would like to think. (Yes that is a contradictory statement.)

 Is there discrimination in the USA? Of course there is. How many see those poster signs posted in an obvious place from the (DOL) Department of Labor (something like): We are an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate based on race, sex, religion, or political affiliation. What a joke.

Get real. IRS is discriminatory as to who is the head of the house hold on joint returns. SSA is discriminatory toward “spouses.” DOL just recently started noting homemakers as non-paid wage earners. A male patient would rather have a male doctor look at his “Yoohoos.” I know some older women who would rather have men look at the “Beegaagaa” because they fear women doctors might get sexually turned on. Women still do not get equal pay for equal positions. I knew of this happening in some teaching positions a few years back. This is age old stereotypical hype. I mean hype.

A few years back, women would go to college to seek husbands. There are some people who still believe this like Phyllis Schlafly, who said in a statement today printed in the Huffington Post: “…providing women with equal pay for work would deter their chances of finding a ‘suitable mate’…Since a woman prefers to marry a man who makes more money than she does…decreasing the gender pay gap would leave women unable to secure a husband.” This article further contends that “…women typically chose a mate (husband or boyfriend) who earns more money than she does.” Schlafly is affiliated with strong Christian Pro-family groups.

Well she is 84 years old and according to many biological anthropologists, females are not important to the gene pool or the habitat when their reproductive years have expired. For that matter neither am I. We have to have something to do in our golden years, so we tell people where to go and when to get off. Well Mrs. Schlafly, this is not the end of the great depression, the time of Rosie the Riveter, or the time that Nancy Reagan posed for JennAir Appliances for the happy “little woman” homemaker. This is 2014 and there are many female and male homemakers who deserve to be equal in this day and time if they choose to enter the work place and perform equal jobs.       

So to define this: I would assume that all women want equality so they can marry for money…talk about female “Gold Diggers!” According to what Mrs. Schlafly indicated, they are.     

To combat this, former President Jimmy Carter, conveyed the other day, that women have received negative connotations because of the misinterpretation of some biblical content. He is correct. Think about it. The former President might not have been a good politician but he is an absolutely good statesman. This is not the first learned person I have heard state this. “Beware of Biblical Commentaries.”

I have now given you two respective view points from two very active Christians in society.

The point I am making, there is prejudice and discrimination as well as profiling and it will never end. It matters not what the government issues, decrees, proclamations, directives, or executive orders; it matters not who sits in the White House or what political party is in the powerful positions in Congress. People will always have likes and dislikes. There will always be crime; there will always be injustices; there will always be those whose treatment is less than humanitarian as they profess their faith; we will always have a complaint; we will always label; and we will always look up or down at our noses at every little detail we come in contact with.

Why? Free will is the answer to the question. I must start with me. I may not always get everything or anything right but I encourage people to learn, to try, to advance for you and for no one else.
To me this week denotes the most important times in biblical history: Passover and then the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Just as man is destine to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. Hebrew 9: 27-28.

Keep in prayer for each other. God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Impeachment! I have heard a lot about “Impeach Obama!” I do not belong to any political party because of my anti-establishment beliefs. But, I do want to clear the air. I believe in finding out the truth, and then people should make an informed decision. However with all the propaganda going around it can be very hard to separate truth from fiction.

There for this is what is in the Constitution of the United States:

Article II Section 6 states the different reason a president has been discharged from their office during their term. 20th Amendment Section 3 pertains to what happens if the president elect dies while acting as the president. 25th Amendment details a line of succession of the presidency in case they die or step down out of office.

Article II Section 4 states that the President, Vice President and all civil officers of the US, shall be removed from office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and Misdemeanors. 

Misdemeanor is defined as behavioral issues; misconduct; abuse of powers

Article I, Section 3 states that the senate shall have the sole Power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on the Oath of Affirmation. When the president of the US is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of 2/3rd of the members present. Judgment in the cases of cases of impeachments shall not extend further than the removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the US, but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment, according to law.

Since 1797, the house of Representative has impeached sixteen federal officials. These include two presidents a cabinet member, a senator, a justice of the Supreme Court and eleven federal judges. Of those, the senate has convicted and removed seven, all of them being judges.

Surely, there has been a president impeached? No there has not. Late President Andrew Johnson and Former President Bill Clinton were impeached only in the House of Representatives but, never in the Senate. In the case of Late President Richard Nixon there were 35 attempts and only nine went through. However, he resigned before any form impeachment proceedings.

So you have to ask yourself an honest question. What has President Obama done to warrant impeachment? The only thing I can personally find after researching him is nothing other than poor job performance and that is a matter of public opinion. In all honesty, the House of Representatives is primarily republican. The Senate is primarily Democrat. We have a democratic President. Do you think that impeachment would even be remote considered a possibility for any reason?

All I have to say is keep in prayer because our country is screwed up.

Romans 13:1-4
Obey the government, for God is the one who put it there. All governments have been placed in power by God. So those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow. The authorities do not frighten people who are doing right, but they frighten those who do wrong. So do what they say, and you will get along well.

I believe very much in God and Jesus Christ. However, I do have problem with the Pauline Doctrine in which many modern Christians take very seriously to heart. Paul wrote the letter to Romans while he was in Corinth. He was in attendance at a gathering for the church of Jerusalem. I believe in my heart that Paul was nothing more than a very well respected Preacher/Missionary. That is the reason I question his work. How far should we go to follow those ruling our government when we feel they do not hold the best interest of the constituency?

I will tell you this much, actions of terrorism is unwarranted and is not an acceptable form of behavior. When I make that statement, I do not care who you are and what your religion is.

So to close this essay for today, we make changes from (1) within us first and then (2) get involved physically with harmony in your hearts. Getting involved means to question ourselves and then to be educated so that we can make proper informed decisions.

Pray about it as well. God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


People sometimes ask me why I am anti establishment and so very hard on politicians. I answer, “Just because that is who I am.” Now this morning I did some research to find out if some specific older politicians, that I knew were still living. They are not. I want to share an incident but I will not ever tell anyone who they were or what state they represented.

 I was really big in local politics a million (+/-) years ago. I was all for welfare reform, sat on several PAC groups. I was approached by a “State representative” who was high up in the state political party and asked if I wanted a position in the state legislature. Oh how wonderful, I jumped at the chance. No sooner than me agreeing to it was when the condition of terms were presented.  The condition was that of numerous sexual favors. I declined. I am no angel; but, I was not about to get off into this mess.

At the time of my decline, I learned exactly how some state legislature representatives, the governor and several other political affiliates behaved behind closed doors while in attendance at the capitol. I was angry to say the least. I learned that the majority of these people were deacons and held other honorable positions in society. It was revolting to even comprehend that grown men and women behaved this way.

In public these were the same people who felt adultery and or homosexuality was perverted. Now I could go on in historical occurrences in the US that were similar to my personal experience, on a state and federal level. I will not. But, every time, I see people in their claims of “disgust over society’s perversions” -- to me is like the “pot calling the kettle black.” My first thought is: What are you hiding? 

It is best to remember history and learn from it. 

Since getting older, I am not near as trusting of politicians, political parties and their propaganda. If I support a politician it is a rational decision and not one of emotional choice. I have also learned to forgive and go forward as much as possible. I am far from perfect; I am just one old woman.  I still will hold my ground to anti-establishment beliefs where it is toward some politics, organized religious sects/doctrines, or religious corporations like mega churches. That is my choice. Many people have told me I need to attend church and be with like minded people. NO WAY. Because, I am liable to tell anyone at anytime--what to do, where to go, and how to get off-- in a Christian manner of course.  

When two or more are gathered in his name...

I have learned to ask myself over and over again, if we object or society objects to something then try to figure out why there is an objection. I also ask what would Jesus do or how would God handle this situation. I am not Jesus or God; but, I try to sit in prayer over any questions in my heart.

Jesus mainly kept company with sinners. He got directly in their path. He did not die just for the righteous; he died for the sinner—for mankind-- to save their souls. The worse thing that any Christian can do is criticize the sinners or their actions. There is not one person on the face of this earth who has the authority from God or Jesus to do so! Our job is to have strong faith and charitable actions of love coming from that faith. We are to stand our personal ground in our personal relationship with God regardless of what society does or does not do. 

Yes, I am taking this opportunity to criticize the actions of many Christians. Why, because I am tired of hearing it! Yes, everyone has the right to their opinion. Christians do not like things (hypothetically) shoved down their throat. Well the door swings two ways. Jesus didn't cram anything down anyone's throat.  

God will not judge nations; he will judge the individual. God does not have to destroy nations or the earth. Man has done a really good job of earthly destruction so far. Man is on a continual path of self destruction for materialism and that includes a lot of Christians that I know. 

Repair comes from inside the individual. Law makers are not going to repair anything morally. They cannot because they too are nothing more than like the rest of us—average sinners. Get that through your thick skull. Stop trying to Legislate morality! Legislating morality is not the job of politicians. 

Now I am not going to waste my time, quoting chapter and verse from the Bible. I know what I am writing is truth. I will challenge the individual to take the time, look it up, and figure it out. This way I am encouraging you to have that personal relationship with God and Jesus. Whether you do or do not, it is your decision, and not mine. God gave us the right of liberty, free will, and order.

God gave us all a purpose. That purpose is a physical act just as much as it is an emotional thought. We have to work emotionally to keep the faith and we have to be charitable, have love and compassion for everyone regardless of their actions. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Have we forgotten what truth is?

Wonderful evening in class…

Have we forgotten in our society what real truth is? Truth is supposed to be beautiful, yet we see people who are numb from pain.  It seems that pain has caused a fear. The pain caused from suffering, is not what is being referred—it is not in this equation. I am talking about hardening of the soul to where it is so numb that we can no longer feel the truth of life.

Our soul can have a diminished capacity and that we walk through the emotions of life like a “zombie.” We have lost our purpose and go strictly through the physical actions mechanically. Can we recapture the loving feeling of truthful beauty? Open your hearts, your minds, and here is a secret that can be shared.

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” (Matthew 6:24)

Do not let modern man pull your strings like a puppet, control you self worth, your soul, or your life. Materialism can be replaced, but your very soul cannot.

Have we become so wrapped up in surviving that we have forgotten how to live? Have we forgotten that simple loving touch of the Father toward the child?  We have to be willing to walk through the door. It is God our Father that lifts us up. We cannot get on a higher plain, plan, or level unless God picks us up. We have to accept the grace and be humble before him. We have to accept the ultimate act of Charity—Jesus died for us.

Keep in prayer the family and friends of those who lost their lives at Ft.Hood, Texas yesterday; keep in prayer each other.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms.

Honor among men, because there is no honor among thieves,

We would like to believe that men and women left to their own devices are honorable. However, where money and power are concerned, would the actions of those in designated positions be honorable? A few may be, but many will live like kingly rules of international proportions. 

The average person that I am associated with try to live without encroaching on anyone. But there are some who seek, thrive, driving urge for supremacy, power and control. They are called our ruling body. We have checks and balances’ within our country to prevent abuse by people in power namely our federal government. I have to admit painfully, they are slowing weakening giving way to a power of what seems to be forced by the veiled darkness of what could be considered evil behavior. For it is honorable, it is not just, and is seems to want to strike everyone of the liberties in which only God has delivered to the people on earth. 

The Supreme Court recently lifted a ban on campaign contributions. I would like to say I am supportive of this action however I see nothing but future problems and powerful despots taking the front lines in this country.  We haven’t realized it but our country has been already chopped up and sold off to powerful investors. You doubt me? Take a look around. What happened to all those repossessed homes where the papers were sold, re-sold, and sold again and to whom? Why are senior citizen’s homes getting repossessed on a government backed program?  Big corporations are hiding behind the "Catch 22" of contracts with hidden surprises in "jargon" that the average person would never understand. 

We the American People are being sold a bill of garbage. We the American People will believe anything. We are living in times where materialism trumps the harmonious soul of many people. 

We are losing a tremendous amount and we haven’t even realized the “writing on the wall.” You can sit there and state I do not know what I am talking about. Well I challenge you. I am 54. When I am 60, this will not be America? 

A crazy ex-prisoner that I knew from the State of Texas once told me something about our governmental affairs in 1999. I brushed it off as him being a crazy old blind ex-con. His words are echoing in my head because it is happening now.   Everything he told me has happened and is still happening. You know then, I was not living in Texas. He told me I needed to take a constitution class, watch, listen, and learn. I am doing that now and I am an utterly repulsed at society and the people that run our local, state, and federal government. I cannot speak for any other locality other than Texas at this time. 

We are forced to buy medical insurance to bail out the investors in the medical profession. We have learned that our government works on nothing more than “wood”—paper to back the financial institutions which are controlled by those ultra powerful elites with cold hard gold backing them. Those ultra powerful elites are not necessarily Americans either, but they also control the ups/downs of the financial community—our economy. 

We are in wars that will never be won. And now, if you have the dime, you can buy the federal politician.

Now, Mississippi just passed religious type of law allowing religious employers to discriminate against gay people applying for positions of employment. Talk about hypocritical. When did God put the Mississippi legislature and their dirty sorted secrets in charge of sitting in judgement? What gives them the right to question the private lives of any person? 

What next? The word “uniformity” has gone to the point that our bureaucracy does not even know what the rules and regulations are. Who is hurting? We the people because we the people have failed to watch our employees—our government. We the people have failed to protect ourselves.  

You might think I am judging people--the ultra elite, the politicians, etc. No, I am really not. I am making a point. 

(a) We do not sit in judgement on another person because that is God's job. Jesus would not have excluded anyone. 
(b) The only honor among men comes not from social power, but from their relationship with God. 
(c) We have to get involved with society and all the people that make decisions for us. 
(d) Tell a lie long enough and it becomes truth. 
(e) The first change comes from within us. 

We the people have to take charge of our lives and the lives of the future to make sure that evil doesn't flourish. Too much power in the hands of anyone person is dangerous. We have to pray and look to God for answers. 

I challenge each and everyone who reads this, to gather hands, do not sit in judgement on any man but pray for the future. Then with the power and strength of faith, get involved in our society. 1 person 1 action. 1 million people holding hands faithfully strong with the own relationship with God can make a difference. 

We also should beware of "commentaries" to make political points for they are nothing more than propaganda of the worse kind. 

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2: 6-7

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms.