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Wednesday, April 9, 2014


People sometimes ask me why I am anti establishment and so very hard on politicians. I answer, “Just because that is who I am.” Now this morning I did some research to find out if some specific older politicians, that I knew were still living. They are not. I want to share an incident but I will not ever tell anyone who they were or what state they represented.

 I was really big in local politics a million (+/-) years ago. I was all for welfare reform, sat on several PAC groups. I was approached by a “State representative” who was high up in the state political party and asked if I wanted a position in the state legislature. Oh how wonderful, I jumped at the chance. No sooner than me agreeing to it was when the condition of terms were presented.  The condition was that of numerous sexual favors. I declined. I am no angel; but, I was not about to get off into this mess.

At the time of my decline, I learned exactly how some state legislature representatives, the governor and several other political affiliates behaved behind closed doors while in attendance at the capitol. I was angry to say the least. I learned that the majority of these people were deacons and held other honorable positions in society. It was revolting to even comprehend that grown men and women behaved this way.

In public these were the same people who felt adultery and or homosexuality was perverted. Now I could go on in historical occurrences in the US that were similar to my personal experience, on a state and federal level. I will not. But, every time, I see people in their claims of “disgust over society’s perversions” -- to me is like the “pot calling the kettle black.” My first thought is: What are you hiding? 

It is best to remember history and learn from it. 

Since getting older, I am not near as trusting of politicians, political parties and their propaganda. If I support a politician it is a rational decision and not one of emotional choice. I have also learned to forgive and go forward as much as possible. I am far from perfect; I am just one old woman.  I still will hold my ground to anti-establishment beliefs where it is toward some politics, organized religious sects/doctrines, or religious corporations like mega churches. That is my choice. Many people have told me I need to attend church and be with like minded people. NO WAY. Because, I am liable to tell anyone at anytime--what to do, where to go, and how to get off-- in a Christian manner of course.  

When two or more are gathered in his name...

I have learned to ask myself over and over again, if we object or society objects to something then try to figure out why there is an objection. I also ask what would Jesus do or how would God handle this situation. I am not Jesus or God; but, I try to sit in prayer over any questions in my heart.

Jesus mainly kept company with sinners. He got directly in their path. He did not die just for the righteous; he died for the sinner—for mankind-- to save their souls. The worse thing that any Christian can do is criticize the sinners or their actions. There is not one person on the face of this earth who has the authority from God or Jesus to do so! Our job is to have strong faith and charitable actions of love coming from that faith. We are to stand our personal ground in our personal relationship with God regardless of what society does or does not do. 

Yes, I am taking this opportunity to criticize the actions of many Christians. Why, because I am tired of hearing it! Yes, everyone has the right to their opinion. Christians do not like things (hypothetically) shoved down their throat. Well the door swings two ways. Jesus didn't cram anything down anyone's throat.  

God will not judge nations; he will judge the individual. God does not have to destroy nations or the earth. Man has done a really good job of earthly destruction so far. Man is on a continual path of self destruction for materialism and that includes a lot of Christians that I know. 

Repair comes from inside the individual. Law makers are not going to repair anything morally. They cannot because they too are nothing more than like the rest of us—average sinners. Get that through your thick skull. Stop trying to Legislate morality! Legislating morality is not the job of politicians. 

Now I am not going to waste my time, quoting chapter and verse from the Bible. I know what I am writing is truth. I will challenge the individual to take the time, look it up, and figure it out. This way I am encouraging you to have that personal relationship with God and Jesus. Whether you do or do not, it is your decision, and not mine. God gave us the right of liberty, free will, and order.

God gave us all a purpose. That purpose is a physical act just as much as it is an emotional thought. We have to work emotionally to keep the faith and we have to be charitable, have love and compassion for everyone regardless of their actions. 

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