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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Immigration Reform -- A must

Why was Jorge Garcia of Detroit, Michigan deported?  He has been in the USA since he was 10 years old. He doesn’t have a criminal record other than his immigration papers are not in order. He has a wife and children with legal status. Why is his family being torn apart? The US no longer values men who work hard to support their family and pay taxes and who technically are law abiding citizens. His 12-year-old son will suffer psychological damage as a result from this.  What will happen financially to the family? Will they end up a statistic on some government assistance roll?

How can we as a family oriented country allow this?

We should no longer allow our government to put the “cart before the horse.” There are way too many governmental loopholes.

There is a problem with the laws, rules, and regulations controlling the guideline of immigration in Washington, DC… the big capitol hill! The Immigration and Naturalization Service is the bureaucratic agency that has become the fire breathing dragon as instructed by the powers that be.
I personally am tired of the words “Diplomatic immunity.” I am personally tired of seeing felons walking the street with “valid green cards.”  I am tired of people getting imported by businesses when there are many people with qualifications within our own shores.

Before our president was president, he imported seasonal workers from overseas rather than hire a US citizen. His excuse was that US citizens don’t want to work seasonally. That is totally incorrect. What about college students who will work seasonal jobs in a heartbeat.

One mistake that I see and hear from citizens is that immigrants break the law without papers and they entered into this country illegally. That is a catch all phrase. What criminal law did they break? They only broke a “status law” which honestly covers no jail time. It would be like a civil law. Technically, there is not a criminal penalty for being an illegal immigrant. A rule that violates status does not make them a criminal.

Solution: Before we, as a country, proceed in cleaning up the “unwanted criminal illegal immigrants”, the rules and regulations of Immigration and Naturalization Service has to be changed. The change has to come from the top down. It is called REFORM. I do not in the records of Congress see this actively happening. Oh yes, a word is mentioned here and there but what is actually being done legislatively. Families of good citizens should not be torn apart on the technicality of status.
However, a deportee should be any immigrant who breaks a criminal law like DWI, extreme domestic abuse, a felony of any type, etc. If they have a green card, it should be revoked. Employment imports of persons from other countries need to be monitored closely by field inspectors. 

Does INS employ any field inspectors? I have no idea. I called them and asked them and did not get any answers. I have called numerous office and it seems no one knew the actual laws or where I could be directed to other than make an appointment and come into the office. I had gotten hold of one of their forms, and it is absolutely ridiculous to the point it is hard for an average citizen in the US to understand.

In 1981, I personally witnessed a wealthy immigrant being put on a private plane for home to avoid prosecution for murder. Some calls were made when he was charged and the response was “diplomatic immunity.”  Diplomatic immunity my eye! He was a student in this country (parents were not even in the US) who happened to belong to a wealthy family in the middle east.

There are people in this country who are felons on green cards. Why have their green cards not been revoked? There are human traffickers and drug traffickers in this country illegally. Why are we not going after them? Don’t tell me we don’t know who they are. We have to deport a hard-working family man on a technicality.

The system has to change within before it can proceed. Immigration reform is a must. 

Keep in prayer for the Garcia family of  Detroit. 

My God keep everyone safe this day. Peace be with you. 

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