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Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day.

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. We often do not celebrate in my household because of "put away baggage." When I say put away, I mean things that have discussed in a prior time of my life that ended. Although I encourage my children to express their feelings on the day if they so wish. They do by being more respectful to themselves and to each other.

While they were at school the other day, I happened to wonder over to the store where I buy little things from, like cleaning supplies, toilet paper, odds and ends. It is a store called "$1.09" store. Great products that  a really inexpensive. Their jewelry is real, fake, expensive and inexpensive. Of course I am female and every female loves some type of jewelry. I am human and no different. My favorite of his bobbles is Brazilian Gold. The jeweler and I happened to strike up a wonderfully long conversation. This young Pakistanian and I spent an hour discussing God and humanity. The discussion was over the souls of people and how there is only ONE GOD. Where he is Muslim and chooses Mohammed, I am Christian and I chose Jesus. This was more of an investigation discussion whereas he nor I tried to convert each other but to learn about our different cultures in life. That is what is enjoyable about it. To be able to discuss God in HIS infinite wisdom and plans he has for each of us. There is nothing any finer than to discuss the love of OUR God. He is our personal God--there is plenty of him to go around. 

For what ever which religion anyone chooses to follow -- whether it be the path of Judaism, Muslim, or Christianity or any other ...we must never lose the sight that there is but ONE GOD. That is most important. 
It is up to us to decide from there whether or not we will treat our fellow man with humane treatment. To kill and make a point for religion is within the violation of the commandments. To spew hate harms ones eternal soul. To remember there is good and bad in every aspects of life is important and religion is not free of those good and bad aspects. For example there are Muslims, Christians, and Jews that will kill to make a point of their superiority. That is when they have failed to see that the only superiority is that of God. As King David, Job and many others have mentioned, HE knew us in the womb. He breathed life for the wonderful aspects of biology to take over the female vessel. Then he turned that soul over to earthly parents to nurture, and see to the part of raising that child. When we as earthly parents fail--when we get off track, we turn out a person who is misguided. This is where we often fail to openly talk to or discuss the horrors of life in general. 

Of course psychologists would say, only discuss what is age appropriate with the child. Well keep up with the appropriate emotional age of your child or children and not the physical age. I am a Christian and believe in Jesus but I have taught my children to respect their fellow man and make no jest or negative connotation toward any other religion but beware of paganism, witch craft, and Satan worshipers. Learn but never participate and never go into a darker side of life. I gave them an analogy on this subject. Put on all black clothing, long sleeves, boots, and hat. Go out and sit in 100 degree weather, no shade, no water. After 30 minutes tell me how do feel? It is boiling hot and your skin feels like it is on fire. It becomes difficult to breathe; think about living that way for eternity after we are deceased. Without God in our lives you soul will become very hot and unable to breathe and it will feel the heat and fire blaring on the skin. 

Now do you want to be in that position? Do you love yourself enough to make a change? Then do it now, without waiting or hesitating. The door is always open.

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