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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Let us play catch up

     It has been a while since I have posted anything on my blog. It has been a year. Let me try to catch up on everything.

     Of course, as the world knows, we have a new president, Donald Trump. I did not vote for him, but as a citizen, I will support the position and his administration because it is my tax dollars that help run the country. He is working for “The people “as a public elected official. Therefore, it is my job to respectfully voice my opinion if I feel he is making a grave error and support him even though I may not like his decision because of my idealism. 
     Burning the American flag and protesting really doesn’t get the attention everyone thinks it does in a positive manner. I am much older and have been there done that in the years of my foolish youth. I did learn something during this election year, President Trump did not cause all the hateful actions. People were hateful to begin with and they showed their true selves this election year. I am ashamed at some of the behavior and ignorant uneducated intellect that many of my countrymen have displayed. There used to be an old saying: “Did your mother raise you in the barn?” The actions of many were that of stubborn farm animals. Social media and the a few select news media added fuel to this type of mentality. 
    I also learned that many American’s do not know the workings of their own government as well, and neither does our currently elected President. He is getting a crash course and quickly. This election, whether we want to label it or not, is historical. Not because he is president, but because of the overall mood of the election and the way it was carried out. There was so much hatefulness, distrust, yellow journalism, poor speechwriting, the radical and racially abusive tones. America doesn’t need to worry about foreign terrorist because there are enough homegrown (born) and naturalized terrorist that we have cultivated all on our own. Dear Lord God help America heal. 


     I now have a second grandson. My daughter gave birth in May 2016, to a beautiful huge baby boy. He was almost nine (9) pounds. He is precious. When most babies are born, they have dark blue eyes. Well his eyes are still blue and they are progressively becoming a crystal blue with light green flecks. This is a mixture of my parent’s eye color. Mother had crystal blue and Dad had emerald/ grey green. I now have Aiden and Parker. 
     Meanwhile, Aiden is such a hoot! As he gets older his personality has just warmed my cold heart. (Yes; you heard it correctly, I have a cold heart.)  
    My son has finally fallen in love. Enough love to where he is getting a balance in his life. I am thrilled beyond belief. She is a very sweet Cuban/Caribbean young lady. She is in school aspiring to be a professional makeup artist. She is a good person and we (she and I) have a lot in common. Here comes the hard part! She is taking my oldest, my baby, my only son. How dare her! Like a good mother, I will cry and tug a bit, but I will let go. It is the right thing to do—time for him to go fly. He is 27 years old after all; makes his own living; does his own thing; I am really proud of him. He hasn’t popped the question, but they know in their hearts it is a deep connection of mutual like, respect, and love. The rest is only the mechanical part. 
     I will be living all alone again for the first time since in 1981. My daughter has her own place with her husband and two children. I thought about splitting the mother custody, six (6) months with one of my children and six (6) months with the other. I said NO! I want my own place with my eclectic style of decorating and living. In October, after two years in this apartment, I will be alone. I will be looking, starting in July, for a new place to live. Meanwhile, stay posted. I will start posting again (now that I have gotten a new computer) to my blog. I would like to write about the Gospel John in the next posts. I have really given some time and energy into studying about his life. 

"EVEN THOUGH, I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23.4 

     God has been one of the biggest comforts in my life. I know he is here guiding me. I honestly do not fear death because he is on my side. Go with God and be blessed.

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