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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Presidential Election Part 4

This is part four of the facts surrounding our presidential candidates who are running for that office. No personal opinion is used in these six parts on each candidate to date.

John R Kasich: husband to Karen Waldbilling, father of twin daughters.

Special Note: wife champions for reading, drug free future, exercise, arts, and after school programs that teaches leadership. (1)

Governor - State of Ohio (2011)
Priorities include the budget, common sense initiative, health transformation, faith based community initiatives, and human trafficking task force. (1)
Chair of the US Budget Committee
18 years on House of Armed Services Committee
Investment Banker (2)
Ohio State - Political Science (met with Richard Nixon in his freshman year of college)
State Senator at 26 years old
US Congressman at 30 years old
Traveled to Kuwait, Russia and Bosnia
Authored three books Courage is contagious, Stand for Something, Every other Monday.(3)

Electability- fact that Ohio is a bellwether State in the White House (definition of bellwether -- leading sheep of a flock with a bell around its neck)
Education: wants to impose states to set standards; raise reading to be set by 3rd grade; affordable colleges
John Kasich Action Plan -- revive America
Human Life -- end funding to Planned Parenthood, ban partial birth abortions, encourage adoption, women’s health initiatives, pro-life beliefs
Lifting Up most vulnerable Americans -- Making welfare work in America, setting work pay for low income families, lifting up mental illness/drug addiction, combating infant mortality
Defend the 2nd Amendment
Fiscal responsibility and balancing the budget -- cut taxes by $5 billion  to spur job creation
National Security -- defeat ISIS, challenge regional aggression (China, Russia) Increase Military, renew alliances
Health Care-- repeal Obama Care, make a new primary care system
Create Jobs and strengthen economy -- tax cuts, eliminate red tape, innovative approach to economic development
(Use same methods to promote Ohio in Washington) (4)

  1. Beth W and Tina T. “Biography of John Kasich” Westerfield Library Services (accessed 3.6.2016)
  2. (accessed 3.6.2016)

Again I will hold my opinion. These are just facts.

Changing lanes… new topic.

What beautiful Sunday morning. I am up and have had my tea, breakfast and am ready to begin. My faith in God allows me to have a new path each day. I have learned to regularly put all my troubles, woes, and worries at the base of the cross in which Jesus was nailed. There is no denying He, died for our sins. God raises us up like He did Jesus through His grace. He calms our fears. He lights the path in which we are to follow.

God bless and keep you all. Peace be with you.

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