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Monday, March 7, 2016

Presidential Election Part Two and "My stinky onion of an opinion"

Part 2

Republican Party candidates are Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, and Donald Trump.

Part two will be covering everything I could find about Marco Rubio and the John Kasich. Part three will be about Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.

Marco Rubio-- republican Jr Senator from the State of Florida.

He was one of the “Gang of Eight” that crafted a comprehensive immigration reform bill that passed in the Senate with very little opposition.  The bill was classified “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013.” It was a way for immigrants to gain citizenship if they are undocumented. However, it died in the House of Representatives in which it was promptly buried. The funeral was really great; I attended it. They put the bill of a miniature boat and set fire to it on the Potomac. It faded off into valhalla. (1)

There honestly isn’t anything to report-- everything is strictly rumored conjecture or statements taken out of context. For example: Jeanette Rubio is a stay at home mom that focuses on the family unit. I personally think it is wonderful. It doesn’t guarantee the children will be any better off than the children of two working parents, but at least she has a job. Trust me raising children is a job for any parent(s).

Harry Reid stated (D-Nevada): “He reminds me of John Edwards,” Reid said, referring to the former senator from North Carolina who flamed out in his run for president. “Not because any of the [personal] stuff. John Edwards, when he came to the Senate, man, he was good," Reid said. "He had been called by either [Al] Gore or his people that he was going to be the nominee, or at least that's what he thought, OK? And he called me and told me that. When Gore chose [Joseph] Lieberman, [Edwards] was so fixated on becoming a national figure that his Senate service was basically over. That’s what I see in Marco Rubio.” (2)

Then all the really ugly conjecture started meaning that Rubio was running around on his wife, a stay at home mother.  Is he hiding a love child? What does Jeb Bush have something on him?  Nothing. It is simply not true. All of these stories are strictly made up rumors.

The only other colorful information I could come up on Rubio was his tax plan. It is very similar to that in Florida. It leaves the middle and lower class out to pay for the country while the “rich and the stupid” are out vacationing on the multi-million dollar yachts in the Bahamas or Greek Isles or south of France.  I personally would like to see Italy, but that will never happen unless I hit the lottery jackpot! The most I can afford is to a free tour of the bathroom at Walmart. That is cheap too because the Burger King down the road from me charges $1.00 to tour their bathroom.

John Harwood stated: “Rubio sidestepped and answered that people “at the lower end” enjoy the largest gain under his plan, and he was also correct in percentage terms.  The study in March by the conservative-leaning Tax Foundation shows the distribution. Rubio's plan would lead to average after-tax income gains of 27.9 percent for the top 1 percent of earners, considerably more than for middle-income earners. It would also lead to an average gain of 55.9 percent for those in the bottom 10 percent of the income spectrum, under “dynamic scoring” assumptions, the study says.” (3)

Now onto the next candidate:
John Kasich -- Republican Governor from Ohio

Oh wow, I am disappointed. I thought with as much experience that this man has had I would have found something, to say the least. The only thing I could find negative was that he voted in 1994 in favor of the assault weapons ban according to CNN. He did very much regret that action later. (4)

Now there is an impeach John Kasich on facebook in which 323 members have liked since before 2011.(5)  Well considering the population of Ohio is 11.54 million people and increasing I would say not bad. But, there are 300+ people unhappy with his job performance and call him nothing more than a “hypocrite.” (6)

I will say this much, he attended at retreat hosted by the conservative PAC, led by Koch Brothers. “When a donor questioned the decision at a retreat sponsored by billionaire conservatives Charles and David Koch, Kasich angrily responded, "The governor's response was fiery. "I don't know about you, lady," he said as he pointed at the donor, according to Politico. "But when I get to the pearly gates, I'm going to have an answer for what I've done for the poor." (7) Kasich must have not needed the money that  bad to run for political office. According to CBS, he may be a conservative but he doesn’t necessarily agree with the entire Republican platform. (7)  I did run across numerous articles where Kasich admitted he once considered become a priest but became an Episcopalian instead.(8)

John is on his second marriage. The ex-wife stated that "The fun of politics was wearing off," Mary Lee Irwin, later remarried and moved to Texas, told The Plain Dealer in 1998. "I was ready for a family, but he wasn't.”(9)
Other than what I have reported on Kasich, I see why he is so quiet. He is well respected for his opinion except for 300+ Buckeyes. Some of his nicknames are alterboy pope, maverick, hyperkinetic, backwoods redneck, hypocrit and conservative hybrid. I sort of understand why the other candidates don’t take him down in the verbal sparring like Rubio, Cruz, and Trump do to each other.  

  1. US News and World Report - opinion. (accessed 3.7.2016)
  2. Stein, Sam and Ryan Grim. “Harry Reid sees Marco Rubio as the next John Edwards” Huffington Post. 10.26.2015 (accessed 3.7.2016)
  3. LoBianco, Tom and Cassie Spodak. “John Kasich pans Jeb Bush PAC dirt diggers” CNN Politics 10.2.2015 (accessed 3.7.2016)
  4. 2016 US Census Demographics.”Ohio Population” World Population Review (accessed 3.7.2016)
  5. Kaplan, Rebecca. “5 things to know about John Kasich.” CBS News. 7.25.2015 (accessed 3.7.2016)
  6. Taylor, Jessica. “5 things you should….” NPR. 7.21.2015 (accessed 3.7.2016)  
  7. Gomez, Henry J. “After some lean and mean years…” 5.13.2014  (accessed 3.7.2016)

Changing lanes:

Hope everyone had a great day. If you are in the State of Texas to the south, the weather is suppose to be really rough over the next few days with land storms. Be careful and do not drive through the flood waters. I don't care how late you may be for work; drive through those waters and you may not be on time or in line to be rescued.

God bless you and keep you safe. Peace be with you.

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