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Friday, May 16, 2014

History and critical issues

Okay I have done my rant for the week. I have picked on the democratic and republican parties…I picked horribly on the “Tea Party” which of course I think is a joke. Speaking of Tea Parties—I like that term—it denotes historically a club of smugglers.

Let us walk down history lane for a minute.

The Boston Tea Party really was not about taxes because the British Tea Act was a colonial reduction measure of the imported tea. It was about John Hancock’s illegal tea trade. That wasn’t the only illegal smuggling act. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! One of our framers ran an illegal business?

I have one better than that!

Warren Delano, grandfather to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, help China get addicted to opium. When it became complicated they decided other methods of trade; but, they sure made a lot of money off the wonderfully euphoric narcotic.  (Warren Delano's daughter was FDR's mother.)

The midnight ride of Paul Revere …well not exactly. He and Mr. Dawes were detained after they had already warned some of the sons of liberty. It was Dr. Samuel Prescott who actually made that midnight ride to Concord because when Revere was detained, they took his horse. He was on foot.

Earlier today, I was really ranting about “Rush Limbaugh” getting an award for a historical children’s book he had written. I am conservative in my own way. I am not affiliated with any part I am affiliated with truth. Period! I have already read too many reviews of this book.

I will quote Vicky Smith, a teen editor, in a comment dated May 2, 2014:  

The illustrations comprise semi-relevant photos, archival images and thoroughly amateurish digital collages that look starkly out of place against the faux parchment backgrounds. (One is a gratuitous image of Rush holding up a bottle of his Two If by Tea iced tea.) The writing is just as rough. Take for instance this scene, in which Principal Sherman preps Ms. Borrington’s honors history class for their substitute teacher, Rush Revere, who waits outside the door… I don’t hold Limbaugh accountable for these poor excuses for literature. He has a point of view and the right to express it, and he is not a professional writer…But to convey those politics and that history with such disdain for even the most rudimentary standards of storytelling is a wrong just as staggering as the awfulness of Limbaugh’s books—though not nearly so laughable.”  This critic also placed a responsibility on the managing publisher/editor for all the misspelled words. She also mentions that there seems to be a trend with media personalities writing really bad children’s books and she was very surprised that Rush Limbaugh received an award for this poorly written material.
It was not only a shock to her but to many in the literary community that Rush Limbaugh received this type of award; I was able to find at least five critics who were shocked!

Note to future authors of children’s books: if you are going to write about history—get it right. If you are going to write about make believe make outlandish enjoyable.

There are many who are not well this evening. Please keep them in prayer. Pray for each other.

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. 

And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. Mark 11:24-25

Remember what I said, if you don’t believe me not a problem. Find out for yourself.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms. 

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