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Saturday, May 17, 2014


LeVena Johnson

We all have different aspects of the abuses of social justice in which we stand ready to fight for. I would like to take a moment to discuss “abortion.”

In 2005 LaVena Johnson sometime after she called home was aborted from this life. 

Life was cut out of her in a brutal attack in Iraq. She was in the Army, on base, and not in harm’s way. “Who did this and why” are the only questions that Dr. John and Linda Johnson is asking. Press Television news source wrote: “26,000 service members were sexually assaulted in 2012, a 35-percent increase since 2010 when 19,000 such cases were report.”(Press Television) Contrary to popular belief sexual assault is not an act of mutual sexual consent but an act of power, control, and abuse in its worse form. According to all the sources I read, the murder of Johnson wasn’t done by just one person or covered up by one person, either.

April Dawn wrote: “LaVena’s story isn’t the only tragic tale of military sexual trauma and murder.  Activist and retired Army Colonel Ann Wright says that there are 20 plus non-combat deaths of female soldiers under scrutiny; nearly all have occurred on base in Afghanistan or Iraq.  Of these 20, the military reports 14 as being suicides.” (The Source) Who are these 14 suicides?

I have a question for the leaders of the vast and great country of ours: Why has nothing been done to curb problems of this magnitude?
On the Press Television web site, a James Brenner (John Q Public standard citizen) wrote on May 10th of this year: “Women in combat? It doesn't require a genius to foresee that this was a bad idea.” (Press Television) Here is a poster idea for women who want to join the United States Military: 

“Women be all you can be. Join the military and get rapped!”

Yes, we wanted like equal military rights, but I don’t ever recall rape and murder being part of that equation. Yet LaVena’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Johnson, have looked for answers since then and all they are getting is stonewalled from the United States Army. It is sad, truly sad that they have had to turn to another country, Australia, to get some type of assistance because our own televised news media gave then 60 seconds of transmission once a while back because this just wasn’t an interesting enough story. There have been some congressional members who have looked into this matter and they too have been “stonewalled” by the Department of the Army. Well what did they expect, because they are not in control of the United States Armed Services?

Our President is commander in chief of the Military. Dr. and Mrs. Johnson have served this country honorable as retired government employees yet the probably feel that their country has turned a deaf ear to their plight. I can’t even begin to imagine what they must be feeling. Yet, as good citizens were are suppose to support our Military and their commander in chief. Well Mr. Commander, what is your “Damn” problem as to why you can’t pick up the phone and get a legitimate answer as to why LaVena Johnson was murdered while serving this country?

Mr. President don’t you have “daughters”? How would you feel if one joined the military and while on assignment was sexual brutalized and murdered? Wouldn’t you want answers; furthermore, wouldn’t you want to see those responsible to pay for their crimes? AND please do not use the excuse of National Security: “The information cannot be released.” It is true that no matter amount of truth and punishment can bring LaVena back however it will lay her memory to rest.  

To our National Congressional leaders on Capitol Hill I ask: Where is your backbone of moral propriety? 

Many Christians want to stamp out abortion. Well here is your chance? Oh wait that is only for the unborn that is in need of help. If we as a society cannot take care of the living and their rights, what makes anyone think we as a collective society can see to the needs of the unborn? It just doesn’t make justifiable sense!

This is a sad part of what Press Television conveyed: “On May 6, authorities said Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Krusinski, director of the sexual assault prevention program for the US Air Force, has himself been detained for sexually assaulting a woman not far from the military headquarters in Arlington, Virginia.  In 2012, over 30 male Air Force boot camp trainers were cited for sexually harassing, abusing and raping at least 59 military recruits at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.” (Press Television) Is this true?

I am not saying that all rapes reported to in the Military are founded to be accurate using some examples of women reporting “rape” to save their Military career and marriage, however, LaVena was beaten, raped, set on fire, murdered and then had body parts removed post mortem like parts of her anus and vagina. There are other reports founded reports of sexual assault too many to be ignored.

I do not wish that “Justice is blind” or that Lady Liberty is not acting in this case on the morality and the ethics of this entire situation. I am a true American Mutt and still believe that all have rights of equality even though we all have our doubts and know the real truth that “Not all men/women are created equal” except in the eyes of God.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Keep in prayer each other.

God bless you all and keep you safely in His arms.

Carpenter, Mega.  “LaVena Johnson: Murdered by her colleagues, Ignored by the Army.” Jezebel. 30th June 2008 (accessed 16th May 2014)
Dawn, April. “Justice for LaVena Johnson: Raped & Murdered or Suicide? The Evidence says one thing; the US Military says another.” The Source.  21st January 2014. (accessed 16th May 2014)         says-one-thing-u-s-military-says-another/
Lowe, David A. LaVena Johnson: Raped and Murdered on a Military Base in Iraq.” The Alternet. 2nd March 2009. (accessed 16th May 2014)
“Three rapes happen every hour in US military: Report. Press Television 9th May 2013. (accessed 16th May 2014)

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