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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Learning from mistakes- A short story.

I wrote this in May 2014. It still holds true today. I just have one question, will we ever learn from our mistakes?

Is the state of our nation at peace? It is necessary for the public safety to have a good body of veteran soldier ever in the state of readiness. Our veterans are tired in spirit, our wounded are not repairable, and our reservist are dwindling. Yet, our nation strives for excellence only for riches, the world properties that will remain after the separation of the spirit and not for the true moral fiber.
In 1516, England there were many nobles who sat idle and made their fortunes off the other man’s labors. In 1846, the American government had lost its vitality because a single man had been able to break the rules of checks and balances—to bend it to a will of confusion. Government is supposed to impose of its citizens what is to their advantage but not to force the wills of doctrine that breaks their spirits. Still in 2017, we have learned nothing from our past except to continue in the same errors of our many predecessors.  
There are many men who were sitting in the wings, to become “noble men” and make their wealth off the backs of men’s labor. These American nobles will occasionally throw a crumb of charity to keep the average man off their door steps and in the world of begging for food, clothing, or shelter.
Our soldiers return from service injured and in many cases with no hope.
Our government has let its own employees down. The employees are also the employer, they are “we the people” who formed the government. We have become contradictory within itself, like a serpent who is biting itself, the enemy fighting itself, to destroy itself.  
In recent years, I have seen more and more revert to the streets. There are men, women, and children with worn tattered health and clothes that wonder the nights while we sleep. Some of them take the life of criminal activity just to survive. They have lost all hope and even a padded jail cell with three meals is better than sleeping on a street where people still throw their trash—their discards. The shelters are overcrowded with no room for the weary human cast-away. Yet so many have lost all they knew at the hands of the society in which we all live. Very few recover, because it has become a way of life.
While doing a comparison, in history, why has there been so little change in 498 years? In the 1700's we Americans wanted to be different than the suppressed society of England, yet are we? Have we not learned anything from History?  Now we try to remove the memories of our histories, remove the statutes and memorials, wipe the slate clean. It makes no sense.
In 2013, there is an estimated more than 100 million people over the age of 18.  In 2013. In January of 2013, there are at least 600,000 people homeless. That means that it may be possible to rise in one day $99,400,000 to fix the problem without government intervention. That means everyone who is not homeless must give $1.
WHY IS THERE A PROBLEM? I fail to understand. We can make bigger weapons, cut the financial assistance to our sick, our poor, our elderly. We can dine on expensive foods, why many dine on the scraps off the floors and out of the sty of American waste. Why should the individual help, when the government sets the example by not being tentative to the needs of its own people? Why our government lives lavishly, waist the peoples hard earned money, plays with the many coffers of our country and others? It is a definite problem.
Until this problem is fixed, our nation will never be at peace with itself. I am thinking of how this can be done. So many give tithes to their churches. Tithes equate to a tenth. $1 is far less than a tithe. What else do you do as a Christian? The war is actually an internal structure of so many not listening to what God’s intentions really are. Physicals needs are not being met. To spread the word of God the physical needs must be solved, then the word is understood more easily. Feeding the word of God comes physically and then spiritually. The lack of physical needs can create a confusion among many and it can block the spiritual needs from being met.
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. Proverbs 19:17
Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you. Matthew 5:42
Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor. Proverbs 22:9
He said also to the man who had invited him, “When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just. Luke 14: 12-14.

The clouds are rumbling outside. The sky is dark. There is a war somewhere in the world. 
Keep in prayer each other.

May God, bless you all and keep you safely in His arms

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