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Friday, May 5, 2017

What is religious liberty? That "Wall" of separation between Church and State.

When I was in 1st grade, I attended a very well to do private religious school here in Houston. This was around about 1966 which I do well remember. We were supposed to remember two verses a day. Once when it came my time to recite my memory verses, I couldn’t remember what they were. My punishment was to sit in the quiet room. I did not know what the quiet room was. I learned that day at just 7 years old. The teacher asked me to come with her knowingly that this was the trip to “the quiet room.” I was locked in the broom closet, in total darkness, and told, “The bugs and spiders in this room get little children who don’t remember their verses because they are the instruments of evil.” 

This blog today is about religion in schools and why we have that wall of separation between church and state. It has nothing to do with being faithful to God or the removal of prayer out of school, like everyone is so inclined to think. It is about government(s) of the past, influences of religion in both church and government, and about people(s) actions—protection and prevention.  It is that simple.

Would you like to be told what religion you are supposed to worship by the government? I don’t think so. The people in our history books didn’t like either. What makes anyone think that forcing religion on society(people) works? In the famous annals of history, if one was not Catholic in France then let the persecution begin. In Ireland, if one was not Anglican, then let the persecution begin. The entire case and point of Martin Luther was for religious reform. The point of why people left the pre- colonial settlements was two-fold. If one were of the Jewish faith in Nazi Germany then they were just simply murdered. During the civil rights era, if one were Jewish in America, in many areas of this country were persecuted. In pre-colonial America people in settlements were not allowed to worship freely for fear that one would be exiled into the wilderness for not wanting to follow the church’s dictates or possibly executed for heresy and/or the denial of God.

I also hear often that if prayer were allowed back into schools, the youth of today would totally 
behave in a more suitable manner. Are you so 100% sure about that? 

I am about to burst many bubbles.

We have freedom religion in accordance with the Bible.

“And, if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the river, or the gods of Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24.15) Note the hi-lighted words, “choose for yourself.”

“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge in flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.” (Galatians 5.13) Note the hi-lighted words “were called to be free.”

God affords us the freedom to worship as we see fit. No man on this earth, nor government should intervene with those wishes. Furthermore, I don't care where you live. 

There truly is no persecution by the US government over freedom of religion because it is guaranteed in the US Constitution. I can only speak of what I know as a proud American. I have never resided anywhere else except in the country of my birth. Persecution does however, exists in America perpetrated at the mouths and actions of sadly misguided people who think they correct. They are they are the living perfect with no sin who wants to correct us all in the perfect way of life.  They are the people with many, many skeletons in their closets hidden behind lock doors. Those are the people who have used their freedom, as mentioned in Galatians 5.13, to indulge in flesh rather than serve humbly in love. Some of those people are members of our government as well.  

Now I have many relatives, friends, and acquaintances who are teachers. I respect them more than what they know. The educational systems are government controlled. Therefore, the employees in government run schools are employees of the government. Those employees are made of a wide variety of religions. Employees of state (government) were prohibited in conducting forced prayer on anyone while in an operating capacity in any engaging manner.

To go a little bit further, public schools cannot preach religion or engage in prayer, but they can teach it. All religious activity by a student must be voluntary and not forcibly engaged on others unless asked. It is a sad misconception among some government employees, parents, churches, and students to think one cannot pray or read their Bible in school in school. They only draw-back to this statement is that they must not be disruptive nor forcibly engaging while doing so and that means in class during instructive times.  Government employees are allowed to teach religion not preach it. Preachers on the other hand allowed to teach and preach at church but if they are government employees, they can teach it but not preach it while at work as (repeating those key words) a government employee.

My deep personal thoughts:
My children are adults and both believe in God/Jesus Christ (incarnate) and prayed in their public school during their time and no one said anything. I would have and still believe that prayer and religion forcibly engaged in schools is a NONO. I will fight to keep it out of schools except in an academic manner. I do not feel that being forced to pray or learn someone’s perspective, as a parent, was or is beneficial for young people. If you want your children to learn your religion, your method of worship, etc., then put them in a private religious school of your religion. I also took the time as a parent to express to them my concerns about their spiritual being. I discussed God/Jesus Christ (incarnate) with them form the time before, after, and to this date.

As far as prayer in schools making a difference, not really because of the society in which we lived in during my youthful days and the society in which we live in now. What does make a difference is to allow it be taught in History, academically. The child gets an exposure to religion culturally. It makes a really big difference if the child is introduced by their parents to religion. Even that percentage that any child will be a semi-functional part of society, only remains to be seen because to each his own in their thoughts and beliefs. Just because a child is raised religiously doesn’t guarantee the future of that child. That child has “free will” the “right to choose” which path they take in life with or without the parent’s involvement. We can only hope and pray. There are no guarantees in life on anything other than we are born, live, and die—whether it be 90 years or 15 seconds.

“No one can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.” (John 6.44)

“We love because he loved us first.” (1 John 4.19)

These two verses prove that we should not be forced, because He (God) loved us first and He (God) draws us to him through Jesus Christ (incarnate), through His grace. Always remember that.  No individual person should be forced in faith and religion for fear of retribution or persecution by a government or anyone else. It is the word of God that we choose to believe and believe in him freely. In making that choice, He (God) lifts us into his arms and protects us. 

Have a blessed day. May God be with you always.

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