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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The discriminating joys of .... (free verse)

White discriminates against blacks.

Black discriminates against whites.

Black and Whites discriminate against brown.

Brown discriminates against black and whites.

Black, white, and brown discriminates against yellow.

Yellow discriminates against black, white, and brown.

Black/white/brown/ and yellow discriminates against yellow/brown/black/and whites. 

I believe that when you mix the colors together it is a gray matter of unknown substance, confused.

Are there any discriminating joys of equality?

No, there is no equality because the United States was not formed equally unless you were white male of substance.

Later the substance was dropped just to be a white male was enough blinded and not able to accept the truths of offerings.

Who built this country?

Men, women, children, white, black, brown, and yellow. 

Moral of the story:
Damn white man shouldn’t have given the bottle of whisky to the Indian and a flaming case of venereal disease to some black, yellow, white, or brown female.
From there on it has been nothing but gray lives that matters.

What denotes the true morality?

The answer is what morality is true only to you.

The cultures matter not any more.


We are all hungry for the same generic food.

We thirst for the same water.

We all have two legs and yearn for pants that fit.

We all fail in the share.

The only difference is the shoe size.

To each his own or we can walk in discomfort because we try to wear too many of another.

How do we know what is true and what came first in culture or color?

We don’t because bones have become dust and they carry not color except gray when dried and left unattended--they have scattered to the wind-- without soul, shape or form. 

Dirt is black rich in soil and fertile for growth.

Bone is white when dried and pulverized rich in calcium deposits.

Sand is brown with minerals by the sea.

The crescent of yellow gives light for growth.

Gray is null and void—without shape and without form.

We have attempted to melt together equality that which cannot be. 

For singularly and separate the equality is greater and has merits to attribute.

If you take the richness, the calcium, the minerals, and the growth equality – we flourish.

What does it mean?

We must tend to our gardens to flourish and grow with much care for all the ingredients involved.

God has blessed us. Let us take not advantage of that blessing. 

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