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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Can't change history-Bull Crap

Can't change history. In the US we have invented a lot of it. We are changing it to reflect the truth more so in the past 50 years than ever because our predecessors invented too much literary garbage in attempts to make it reality;  absolutely astonishing!

I once read an article where the Jewish sect was laying claim to building the pyramids. The Egyptian sect said "NO WAY." 

Simple stupid solution. They were not Jews at the time the pyramids were built. They were Hebrew assimilated Egyptians slaves that worked for their freedom and were eventually counted as Egyptian. Everyone should remember that word "assimilated." Hence, they were Egyptian of Hebrew descendents aka Egyptians, Egyptian Hebrews, Egyptian Jews, Jews. Low and behold they were not pure Hebrew. What a shocker! The thought of an impure race. I still feel that being a Jew is not a race but a religion. Hebrew is the race and the word Jew comes from the regional area Judaean Sea and desert region. Of course, no one will agree with me on this. 

My DNA (a noticeable percentage) is north African. I do not know which part. It explains the dark skin and kinky hair in the genetics.  I was born dark skinned. Yet my classification is caucasian.

What is the blog about?  Bull Crap. Well let us walk down memory lane. Everybody has ancestors that were mistreated at one point in time--rich or poor. Well one didn't always get "their little pony" and the other got the "heck fire" beaten out of them for not producing "their little pony" in a timely manner.

What is this? It is a confederate flag. Infact if one were to research this is just cloth and a generalization. Each state pretty much had their own and then each division who fought in the Civil War had something similar.  Nicola Marschand (a well renowned artist) had designed one for his regiment. (I believe it is in a museum in Montgomery or Birmingham. I am just not sure. ) So are we going to remove all his famous art work because he designed a flag for his regiment he fought with?  

The Civil War, like every single war in the history of the world was about what? Money, power, and control. Slavery was a small fraction of the issue. It was about the wealthy spreading hatred for a reason to get people's dander up to fight their cause. Does this sound familiar?  Apply it to today. There are rich people who are trying to get the unlearned or uneducated people's dander up over the USA to fight for their cause of what? MONEY, POWER, AND CONTROL. Hey, money, power and control is the American way, or is it? 

We can't right the wrong once it has been done meaning, we cannot ever undue the past. If we could, then I would right a lot of wrongs done to my family. For example, I would find out who the man was that shot the brother of my Lewis grandfather and stomp on his grave. Not only for shooting my relative but for shooting the hand off of my grandmother Lewis hand off.  They were tenant farmers in Ireland and didn't produce enough yield. Grandfather Lewis fled to the US to keep from being hung in very early pre- America. Incidentally, he would have been hung because he killed the shooter, an English Lord who was drunk. 

I would go to the Burns state legislator post civil war and horse whipped the SOB because had stolen land from the Freedmen. He used their lack of education against them.

I would go to the Plantation Owner who whipped my grandfather with a riding crop and evicted his family (him, my grandmother, and two small girl babies) from their home in the middle of the night during winter. The stuffed news papers in the holes of their tenant house. The owner also broke all their food jars that my grandmother had put up. Why? Well they just didn't produce enough. 

I would have dried the tears of another grandmother who was extremely dark when she lied about her North African heritage while trying to escape slavery. 

I would have checked "other" in a box to get a job as a minority in the 1980s. I am a minority. I am female, I am dark skinned, an exclusionary, believer in life, gentle and simple as well. I believe in people and innocence. If that isn't a minority, well I don't know what is.

My DNA tells me I am a mixture of a lot of races. SO what am I? I am an American. I am not black nor white. I am nothing more than a mutt. I cannot fix the past period. I cannot right the injustices that were done. I view what happened in slavery as a reminder. It still exists. It exists in New Orleans, Houston, Miami, New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, and other major US cities. It affects children, young teenagers men and women alike. Sex slaves and domestic slavery is still alive and well. Yet I find that we are more interested in the history of the dead than we are of the living. It makes no sense. 

Why are we destroying the work of artists? Why are we removing artist work of Frederick Volck or Alexander Doyle?  Is Doyle's work as an artist that offensive to the eye?  Are we not violating freedom of speech? Offensive in New Orleans?  A place where women go to show their breast for beads? A place that millions gather each year to act stupid and stay drunk for three days and sometimes longer?  A place that claims the origin of Mardi Gras but in truth that origin is in Mobile, Alabama. So what? New Orleans has some commemorative statutes. Who cares?  I remember New Orleans pre-Katrina, a region seat of Maritime licensures, massive shipping center, another Mardi Gras town, French Quarter, fresh wares, voodoo, a wonderful world class zoo, great food, wonderful people, origin of Jazz, first Indian tribe that helped run-a-way slave hide, the cultural seat of Black Society, fabulous cemeteries, a ward (in ruin) of wonderful architecture where the city refused to update for its residents, port for immigrants, and much more. That is what I see.  I don't see slavery. I see suffering. Every city has pains of one sort or another.   

I heard some man speak on a YouTube video stating what if it happened to white people? I cannot find that video this morning, but I want to know who he is. Because I am personally tired of profiling. I don't care who it is or color or nationality, I am tired of profiling. My entire life I have had a label. I am whitey, cracker, bitch, turd, fatso, nigger, idiot, stupid, dick, pussy, whore, ignorant, fool, dog, barker, and much more. I am tired of name calling. I have been profiled for being a prostitute because I was female waiting for a public transportation. (You are thinking, I must have been dressed provocatively--wrong. I was dressed in a blazer, blouse, and slacks on my way to being a middle manager in a hotel.) I AM TIRED OF PROFILING. 

I don't see color on people, I am more interested in what contribution they have made to society, right wrong or indifferent. For example: Ted Bundy made a tremendous contribution to society. He was instrumental in women learning how to protect themselves. He was instrumental in new security systems being put into play on many college campuses.  He was instrumental in law enforcement becoming more connected. Another example: 9/11. It was instrumental in changing the face of America and their thoughts. It was instrumental in many people taking a look at the policies that govern this nation more than ever before. 

Another example is the comparison of Louis Armstrong and Harry Connick Jr. What great accomplishment have they made to society or to New Orleans for that matter?  

I once wrote a paper on Nat Turner and compared him to Charles Manson. In truth did either man kill anyone? Think about their horrendous crimes. Unless I totally missed something somewhere, neither man killed a single person but were both ring leaders in horrible multiple murders. 

Unless History was grossly misstated (in error) it needs to stop and be put to bed all of it. There are more important issues to be dealt with today. More so especially in the south like education, employment, affordable housing, etc., all up and down the gulf coast not to mention the pollution in the water and on the ground. These issues do not hold a color but just issues in need of solutions. Time and energy would be better spent if these issues were addressed. If the governors on the Gulf Coast (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida) don't have the time to improve their state area (no excuses) then "screw them" because they are in essence screwing the people out of improving lifestyles of the southerners. There is no color on these improvements period, If there are then kick them out of office. Don't wait for Washington. These are heavily taxed states with money that needs to be used properly. 

Do not let profiling or trivial matters overcome intelligent thought to improve in our southern communities. There will always be a "faction" that we disagree with, prejudices that will be had, and we wonder why? Because, man (within himself) is contradictory, lacking in overall willingness to change. Prejudices are inevitable because everyone likes or hates something which is the definition of prejudice.  Races came into play during the Tower of Babel and we can't change that.

What does everyone want? Humanity? Equality? Rights? Well don't we all. It doesn't mean that it will happen even with the removal of statutes or a piece of cloth. Why? Simple, we can't change history and it's Bull Crap. 

Pray for our men, women, and children to be able to let God guide them in everyday decision making. We cannot revert back, we can only live for the now and strive for a better future

May God bless everyone. 

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