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Monday, April 3, 2017

Festival -- Passover (Pesach), Palm Sunday, Easter

I am a Christian by nature of it truest existence. I believe in Jesus as the incarnate son who is acting on behalf of his heavenly father as one in the same. This is the basic premise of Christianity. Just because a Christian is supposed to use the New Testament as its authority with support of the Old Testament, we view the Old Testament as historical information leading up to the birth of CHRIST (LORD), the subsequent crucifixion and bodily ascension to heaven to save by literarily washing the sins away of humanity. He cleansed our souls.

Christian’s do not in essence celebrate the crucifixion or memorial of the ascension because it is not deemed as a religious holiday; we do have some memoriam tradition. This tradition is by church services that are extremely reverent beginning on Palm Sunday leading up to Easter, one week later. 

This year Palm Sunday is the 9th of April and Easter is the 16th of April.

The Hebrew tradition is more Biblical than the Christian tradition and should be honored because we all have the same parent, GOD. Furthermore, we, the human race, come from the same bloodline. The Hebrew tradition is call Passover or Pesach. It is an eight-day festival celebrated during early spring to commemorating the exodus of the Hebrews from ancient Egypt. “It is observed avoiding leaven, and highlighted by the Seder meals that include four cups of wine, eating matzah, and bitter herbs, and retelling the story of the Exodus.” [1] 

Passover this year the Hebrew month of Nissan is from sundown April 10th thru sundown April 18th.

Many so called professed Christians would disagree with my view point because deep in their hearts they are anti-Semitic. They honestly believe that Jews are a low form of what is wrong with society. First off, let’s get something straight. A Jew is a religion a Hebrew is an ancient to present day culture stemming from the tribe of Judah. There are two sources around 2 Kings period that still exist to loan historical significance and truth to what I am talking about. It is in the form of Babylonian script and Hebrew Scrolls. The word Jew did not show up until 2 Kings, a book in the Old Testament of the Bible. It is as simple as that. Many believe the word “Jew” is an off shoot from the word (tribe of) Judah which means “thank GOD.” Judah is the 4th son of Jacob and Leah. [2] (See Genesis 29.35)

We should all be thanking and honoring God for the very breath we take. In doing so we should honor his request to keep his festivals in accordance with the word, which is the light of life. In the footnotes (of this blog) there is a link to The article, I used as reference, has a world of resources and explanations about the Hebrew Passover. It is very interesting.

Until then, go with GOD.

[1] “What is Passover (Pesach)?”  Chabad – Jewish Practices and Holidays. (accessed 4.2.2017)
[2] Gilad, Elon. “Why are Jews called Jews?” Haaretz News. Original 10.19.2015, reprint 2.15.2017. (accessed 4.2.2017)

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