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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

To Watch or Not to watch--it all Depends

I am getting to the point I so dislike television viewing. I am, after all, a creature of habit. I like certain shows on certain nights and that is all there is to it.  What sells as far as viewing is concerned: Sex, Violence, Drama, sometimes Religion or something along the illicit nature. This is also true for politics.To watch or not to watch, it all depends. I personally use depends theory and concept. Do you want your soul to remain fresh and dry, well do not watch television, the news, or anything else for that matter. Do something entirely different, use your brain. Read for a change the information instead of watching it. 

BUT...(Sex is the root of the word that Trumps all.)

Lately in the news is this sex and toilet thing? I wouldn't use a public toilet to save my soul because they aren't that clean. I have seen friends bathrooms even dirtier as well as mine. I am talking about the ladies room. Hate to be honest and break it to many Americans, that naturally born women do stand and pee on toilet seats just like men do. Why? I honestly don't know why; they just do it. Fear of catching something I suppose. Might be some left over sperm on the seat; before you know it, it has crawled up that leg and then it becomes another welfare issue. 

Sex. Sex. Sex. All over everything and it is the height of discussion and related topics 24-hours a day seven days a week. Women's sexuality is really more discussed than anything else, then a man's priapism, transgender, transsexual, sex neutrality, birth control, abortion, control over bodies, viagra, dry vagina, lubrication is a must, sexually transmitted diseases, homosexuality, bi-sexuality, etc. Just thinking about all these stupid discussions makes my head ache. 

HOWEVER, there is always memory lane to remind us......

I am of the youthful adult generation that went to sleep with Chet Kincaid, Coach, and woke up to Dr. Cliff Huxtable, Obstetrician, to find maybe Bill Cosby was conducting a little more than coaching private obstetric examinations among a variety of ages. We often forget, even though he has a zipper problem, he actually did a lot of good in promoting the black male youth of America to become educated and step out of the crime of the streets. He called for black men to step up and take charge in the communities in a positive manner and to break the jail statistics. Something many seem to have forgotten. But we should forgive him at least for having sex with Janice Dickinson...ewe! 

In another end of the world, while he was being judged, we can tune in to some really wild shows like "The Ballers." This show portrays sexual activity on a pool table while conducting contract negotiations of top dollar football deals in the next room. Let him "finish" his banging pool game and then he will sign his contract post haste. Well, on a positive note, anything with Dwayne Johnson will be watched with great intent because he is a 'SEX SYMBOL' on the old "Boob tube." (Even our television has sexual connotations like ships -- she is a beauty.)

Oh yes there were many illicit activities of the sexual nature. After all, we really didn't judge JFK, LBJ, Clinton, Trump, many of the politicians that had sexual activity in similar situations like the press and society did with Bill Cosby. Well what can I say? After all, if Trump grabbed it, it must have been worth grabbing? Was there gold in those valleys past the heavy foliage?

The 1983 Congressional Page Sex Scandal was a life saver for many congressmen long away from their home considering the age of consent in Washington, D.C. Momma don't let you babies grow up to be Congressional pages. Let them be a cowboys instead. After all it is an honorable old time profession just like prostitution. Or was that profession more like the stripper Fannie Fox and Wilbur Mills in 1974.  They had a really ongoing game of called undercover. Then in 1981 Thomas Evans invented "tactile golf game in 18 holes" with Labia's nude expert Paul Parkinson. Tiger Woods is really great at this game.  That must be why the President(s) enjoy golfing so much? Rolling, rolling, rolling, must keep those balls rolling right over the "little black book" of the D C Madam. 

I clearly fail to see why Robert Packwood isn't in the current administration. He just had to wait out the storm of his boasts in his personal diary confirming that he sexually harassment, abuse and assaults 29 women during his political career in 1995. He would have been a great aid in this administration along with his field of documented expertise.

Where am I going? Men stay out of the dealings with a woman's body and women should reciprocate in staying out of the dealings of men's bodies. Sex is activity to procreate naturally. It really has nothing to do with love which is an emotion.  Emotions and physical activity are two separate creatures. Sex is a physical activity that creates physical changes within the human body. One does not have to think to have sex or anything really dealing with it. If the brain were involved, then maybe Clinton wouldn't have committed adultery.  Maybe many congressman would not have had sexual contact with 17 year old young men and women.  If sex was a thinking thing maybe the social assistance programs would be at an all time low or maybe many sexually transmitted diseases would have been eradicated. 

The physical topic of sex is dangerous. It causes economic stress issue, pain, divorce, and the ultimate of death quicker than a person carrying an actual assault weapon.  The brain is a very mighty weapon in which society seems to forget to use.

Whether we watch it or not -- it all depends on the what? "THOUGHT PROCESS."

God is always with us. Go with God in his direction not yours.

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