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Sunday, April 30, 2017

The First 100 days of Executive Orders gave me an extreme headache.

I thought I could cover the first 100 Days of Executive Orders dealing with the Trump administration. What I did get instead was an extreme headache of “HOG WASH” only in my opinion. You have to realize that my opinion honestly only means something to me. After all this is my blog and it is all about what I think and how I have to answer to the God Almighty for my actions.
All I was able to cover was the month of January. Now I may follow up in parts on this blog information by doing February then March; then, again I may not. Below each Executive order, I have my opinion posted in red lettering. Enjoy it because it may very well be comical.

1.       January 20, 2017

Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal. This means that the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act – Public Law 111-148 is to be repealed and replaced with a comparable solution of free and open commerce not to cause burden on any state, corporation, or patient. 

Well if you are not insured, you may very well be SOL. So far to date, nothing has been done. The children on Capitol Hill, the Congress, cannot play well together nor come up with a solid comprehensible working plan.  Consider the fact, our government could care less as long as they get their money, and in office. They may be our employees or want you to think that but there must be something in it for them first.

2.       January 24, 2017

Executive Order Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals for High Priority Infrastructure Projects. This means that it will increase competitive jobs, increase wages, reduce costs of goods and services for US to compete better on the international market. This intent is to update the infrastructure to improve US Electrical grids, telecommunications systems, upgrade critical ports facilities, airports, pipelines, buildings, and highways. To identify high priority projects within 30 days to establish a manner within the law to the relevant agency so that it can be placed in a budgetary manner.

Well I wonder if PG & E (San Francisco Black-out of 2017) was wanting grant money via identifying a poor grid this past month? Good Lord and Heaven sent high water it closed everything down and caused a big problem of inconvenience not to mention all those people stuck in dark elevators groping each other.

Talk about improving the airports. Does this mean that Homeland security will come up with a better system of checking the groin area of children to get past security? We do have a problem with 10 – 12 year- old terrorist in puberty age.

Does this also mean better phone service so that the NSA can monitor US citizens in a more efficient unfounded manner? I really though President Obama did a great job of bugging the Trump Towers. It was so good that the information, tapes, transcripts and equipment just “poof” vanished.

What about the continual repair of pot holes and sidewalks in Houston? The same repair has been going on over and over again. You think they might have fix the problem.  When I left Houston in 1986 and returned in 2011, the same repair is still going on.

Repair Pipelines? (I hope he isn’t referring to the one in Russia or Syria.) We just destroyed Indian lands to put one in America. Now it needs repair? What about the wetlands it ruined in Alabama and other areas throughout the south?  Would it just be easier to increase and improve public transportation inside and from state to state?

3.       January 25, 2017

Executive Order Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States. This is pertaining to the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) 8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq. to insure public safety, it is to that the immigration laws are faithfully executed. It is pointing out that many aliens who illegally enter the US, those who overstay and violate terms of their VISAS present a threat to the national security and public safety—particularly for aliens who engage in criminal conduct in the US. 10K + of these are removable because they have served time in our jail are their countries refuse to repatriate them, many are being illegally protected in Sanctuary Cities. This gives authority on the INA to remove aliens consistent with Article II, Section 3 of the US Constitution and section 3331 of title 5, U.S.C. Jurisdiction that do not comply will not receive Federal Funds except as mandated by law; and, that Homeland Security shall prioritize for removal those aliens as described by the Congress (all laws and regulations pertaining to this action and those who have been, convicted of any criminal offense, charge with any criminal offense not resolved, committed acts that constitute a chargeable criminal offense, committed fraud or willful misrepresentation in connection with any official matter or application before governmental agency, abused in program of public benefits, or who just pose a public safety risk.  

Mr. President must really have it out for the Hispanic Communities in the USA and it seems so does AG- Jeff Sessions.  The whole purpose of “Sanctuary Cities” has no legal definition that is unified in regulation of its jurisdiction.

In 1989, cities like San Francisco have laws called “City and County of Refuge Ordinance” which prohibits city employees from helping federal immigration efforts unless compelled by court order or state laws.” There are at least 200 of these types of laws throughout the USA in different cities and states.  According to the US Government, these are mainly ordinances and laws that help drug cartels, gangs and terrorist cells mainly in the Latin American communities.[1] Of Course Jeff Sessions threatened to withhold federal grand money but not in the same exact wording in accordance to the law.

All of this part was brought about because a San Francisco woman was murdered. He (alleged suspect) was in custody awaiting Federal Agents to pick him up for deportation because he was a convicted felon. The city had actually no reason to hold him under city ordinance and turned him loose. He then goes out and allegedly murdered a woman. I will say this much. He should have been detained because of this possibility. But in all honesty, there is no way to tell period.
As of 4/26/2017, a Federal Judge blocked the Sanctuary City part of this Executive Order.[2] Well now that it is in the court section, how much will it cost the US taxpayers? Assuming that the national government was totally aware of the functions of the purposes of sanctuary locations, then why are they mainly concerned with the Hispanic population only? Are they all terrorist and pose a threat to the national security?

4.       January 25, 2017

Executive Order Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements.  This is about Immigration and Nationality Act (8 USC 1101 et seq.) (INA), the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-367) and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-208 Div. C (IIRIRA). Aliens at the border, particularly at the southern border with Mexico, who enter have place a strain on Federal resources and overwhelmed agencies.  Those who are with Transnational criminal organizations operate sophisticated drug and human trafficking networks and smuggling operations on both sides of the southern border which is detrimental to the USA. Policy is to secure the southern border with a wall that is to be monitored with adequate personnel so as to prevent illegal immigration, drug, and human trafficking and acts of terrorism. Identify federal funds for the planning, designing, and construction of a physical wall along the southern border and preparing It for a congressional budget request for the current and upcoming fiscal years within 180 days of the signing of this order. All departments are to gather information from the last 5 years of direct and indirect aid to Mexico—no exclusions to the Secretary of State in 30 days. In 60 days, the Secretary of the state shall report to the President reflecting all the aid and assistance from the past 5 years. (And all the laws/regulations under the USC pertaining to this order.) 

Here it is! The famous “WALL” on the southern border of the U.S.A. Well low and behold it really wasn’t President Trump’s idea to build a wall. Talk about taking credit for an existing law in place. That is funny. The American People fell for it! What a hoot!

Nowhere in this entire order does it mention what will be the outcome of the study of the past 5 years of aid packages to Mexico? I actually am assuming that the President or State Department will use the cost of the past five years and the next 50 years in economic aid packages to pay for the “WALL.”  Or, it might just be a bargaining chip called “CUT OFF” and break NAFTA time. (That sounds like a really cool idea to a new dance. Instead of “Hammer Time” it is “Cut Off” or “break NAFTA Time.”

If it does great; if it doesn’t great! Regardless, all Mr. President has to do is withhold those economic packages to Mexico which is tax-payer’s dollars to pay for the “WALL.” After all, don’t all the terrorist, drug cartels, human trafficking that are mentioned come from Mexico? Well as far as human trafficking is concerned, Mr. President is correct in the fact he is probably accessing intelligence information from 2015 or older. Tenancingo, Mexico (about 2 hours southeast of Mexico City) was deemed the Human Sex Trafficking capital of the world in 2015.[3] In fact, in America, Houston, Texas is considered the largest nationwide as of 2016.[4] I always knew this city would be great again in something other than the Astrodome (storage facility), defunct Astro-world and NASA—which most people think is conspiracy theory and really didn’t happen.  We can rest assured that Mexico was # 1 in sexual flesh peddling. The late Mickey Leland would be so proud of his hometown for sex trafficking.

I am still of the personal opinion, just buy out Mexico as a country and incorporate it into the U.S.A. Then we go in with troops, clean it up. They have enough silver mines to be mined, as well great tourism, and other natural resources that will be beneficial to the great old Glory. Then, (I am relatively sure) there are really great antiquities sites for archaeology as well to be discovered in that of the back country of Mexico. Investors, just think of Acapulco as a great of the Riviera of the middle Pacific as well as places like Cozumel and other tourist attractions.
NASA, well, the conspiracy theories are correct. It was a series mentioned on “The Twilight Zone” starring Rod Sterling from 1959-1964. The series ended because they were getting too close to the “truth.” Late President Johnson and Late Nixon were investigating them. They had Elvis looking into it. That is why Elvis is now late.

5.       January 27, 2017

Executive Order Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into The United States. This is pertaining to Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 USC 1101 et seq., and section 301 of title 3 USC and to protect the American people from terrorist attacks by foreign nationals admitted to the US. Since 9/11/2001, State Department policy prevented consular officers from properly scrutinizing the VISA application of several of the 19 foreign nationals who went on to murder nearly 3,000 Americans even though the VISA issuance process was reviewed and amended after 9/11/2001, it totally didn’t -attacks by foreign national who were admitted to the US. These attacks after 9/11/2001 were terrorist related crimes including foreign national who entered the US after receiving visitor, student, or employment VISA’s or who entered through the US refugee resettlement program—because of their countries deteriorating conditions due to internal war or strife.  The US cannot, should not admit those in acts of bigotry, hatred (including honor killings, or other forms of violence against women, persecution of those who practice of religion different from their own) or those who would oppress Americans of any race, -gender, or sexual orientation.  This is to suspend all VISA’s until the Homeland Security, Secretary of State and Director of National Intelligence convenes to determine the information needed to approve VISA’s. Time limits are mentioned and the Syrian refugee program of 2017, with a proposed admission of about 50,000 refugees be suspended immediately and considered on a case by case situation. It is also to Rescission of Exercise of Authority Relating to the Terrorism Grounds of Inadmissibility and consult with the Attorney General pertain to this repeal. This is to expedite completion of the Biometric Entry-Exit Tracking System for all travelers to the USA.  This is to suspend all VISA interview waiver programs and to review all nonimmigrant VISA reciprocity agreements. All reports have a time limit and mention in respect to the laws and regulation in place as well as the codes in any and or all agreements within the confines of NATO.

Let’s do a little reality check here. INS had really been put on the firing line when they approved the students in Florida as students six months after 9/11/2001. As of the 2002 no actual investigation was done as to the breakdown of the Immigration Systems; all of the hijackers were issued VISA’s. [5] Later, much after the fact the 9/11 Commission was formed. The hijackers entered the USA through Canada, Caribbean (Bahamas), Ireland and Bahrain. Of the 9/11 terrorists, 15 were from Saudi Arabia, 2 from the United Arab Emirates, 1 from Egypt and 1 from Lebanon and the common features were they all were trained in an Afghan camp set up by Al-Qaeda.[6] Only one of the was in the USA illegally until further investigation presented many of the passports were documented fraudulently.[7] This just goes to prove that there was a lack of training only in the system or “I don’t care” attitude among the national government employees at the entry points. So, with all these studies going on, why is Mexico being made to sound so terrible? Why is it’s borders so insecure? In this 2010 Study, it was mentioned that “...southern borders are suffering from a near national security crisis due to a Mexican narco-insurgency.” [8]

The Biometric system of tracking may or may not work is a something that needs to be seen in the studies. I wasn’t familiar with it until I saw what it was and understood it. It is currently being used in the US in many medical complexes and we just didn’t know what it was called. Harris County Health Systems has such a device in place. A picture of a valid identification is obtained by the holder presenting it. Then their fingerprints and palm are placed over a raised device for verification from the first time a person visited the medical facility. The information is then stored.

In 1996, Congress requested 9 studies throughout the U.S. It would cost $400-600 million to implement on all borders. The only thing holding it back is the executive authority to do so. As it currently stands, each land entry and exit point into the U.S. is handled differently. Other countries are using this method as well. [9] There is no consistency and no uniformity. The only problem I see is will this be followed through and implemented. Foreign visitors into the USA are treated better than its own naturally born citizens. This method is not allowed for potential terrorist but is allowable to U.S. citizens who go into medical facilities? Besides, there are still other ways of potential entry besides land via air and or borders. There is such a thing called jumping ship while awaiting customs clearance and or tunneling under the border.

On March 15, 2017, NPR reported that a Federal Judge in Hawaii and Maryland blocked President Trump’s travel ban as issued in this order.[10]

Well there is no sense in having a Syrian refugee program if we are going to bomb the heck fire out of them after they allegedly released poisoned gas on a small fraction of their population. Let’s do this a few more times and we honestly won’t have to worry about the Syrian refugee relief program because they will all be dead. Besides, no system anywhere is 100% fool proof because there is no perfection anywhere especially when dealing with humans.    

Want this problem cured, buy Mexico and send in the Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, and Louisiana National Guard to “clean it up all the way to the Panama Canal.” Better yet, send Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’s brother, Erik Prince, and his organization to Mexico to clean her up. Blackwater would relish at the chance of a government contract.

6.       January 28, 2017

Executive Order Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Appointees. This is about an Ethics Pledge of the Appointed Executive committee on or after appointment to the position on January 20, 2017.  They cannot engage in lobbying activities with respect to the agency for up to five years after their employment as an appointee is terminated. They cannot have communication with employee of former executive agency. They cannot engage in any activity on behalf of any foreign government or foreign political party. They cannot accept gifts from registered lobbyists or lobbyist organizations during the duration of service as an appointee.  For a period of two years from date of appointment participate in any particular matter involved specific parties related in any manner to former employer or former clients including regulations and contracts. There are laws and or procedures supporting this decision, applicable rule supported exclusionary rules and exceptions as well as breach of contract violation of this executive order which is placed in a civil manner to the Office of Attorney General.

Oh, really big woo! Take me to court and put an injunction on my behind that this is really going to stop me. Do you think if I had that kind of money, I would allow anyone in the government to tax it let alone find it? That is why Mr. President won’t produce his tax returns. Chances are it is with his cash. He left home without it. He probably has no idea where it is.  (His cold hard stuff as well as the tax returns. Looks like he forgot to snatch and grab.) Most presidential personal possession are put in government storage. Well guess what mot this one! He has to be able to go to Trump towers or Mar-a-Lago for serious concentration or compilation on the knighted 24-k throne at least once a week. Cold porcelain or bone china is just not his thing. $9.99 Dollar Store Throne would be an insult.

7.       January 30, 2017

Presidential Executive Order on Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs. This is about financially responsible funding of tax payers and private source funds to manage the cost of dealing with Federal regulations.  For 2017, this is calling for Regulatory Cap and to identify two existing regulations to be repealed unless prohibited by law. Any agency eliminating existing costs associated with prior regulations under this subsection can do so in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act and other applicable laws. Identify any action regulatory (Unified Regulatory Agenda) otherwise from September 1993 required under Executive Order 12866 as amended or any successor order. No regulations exceeding the agency’s total incremental cost allowance will be permitted in that fiscal year, unless required by law or approved by the Director in writing. (All laws and administrative procedural codes are listed accordingly.)

It was regulatory to put special filters on the discharge water of most plants, like the Masonite Plant in Laurel, Mississippi, to keep from polluting the natural waterways or not to pump bilge water from ships or supply boats like they do at night in the Gulf.  Bilge water is human waste. Honestly, what would you do if you are the beach and step on a naturally formed seaweed encrusted turd? It is bad enough that we consume fish that eats the pooh of other fish or chicken eggs that plopped out the butt of chickens who also eat their own excrement.

Of course, there is the air quality filters that were placed on many a smoke stack in that deal in refinement of fossil fuels like Exxon-Mobile produces here in Pasadena, Texas and or plastics chemical pellets like what the Borden Corporation produces just outside east of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Well least of all we should forget about the costly change of paint products containing lead or companies that had to pay out millions on top of millions of dollars when their former employees died from mesothelioma or extreme asbestos exposure.  I would be remiss in not mentioning those who died because of improper costly regulations in coal mining. So, we really do not need regulations what so ever. Do we actually do not need any regulatory measurements on nuclear power plants either? It would seem that a melt-down or two would keep the population in check.   

Although, it is true that the lack of regulations will bring about jobs because all the regular workers will die off very soon and new jobs will be created. We need to applaud Mr. President for the creation of jobs in this area.

Now to get to the bottom line. These red areas are just my opinions.  All Americans have so much in common, an opinion and a butt hole. Some of it sounds extremely down right facetious. It really is because the executive orders, again in my opinion, should have been thought through just a little bit better.  They are lacking in organizational structure. Mr. President, you are at the top of the food chain ordering so much you have forgotten the process of following through with all details of all the mechanics involved in doing any type of job.

A good leader in an auto body shop knows pretty much the mechanics of how to implement and perform and cost of the job of redoing the body of a car. Same principle in all businesses. Somewhere in your upbringing, Mr. President, you did not receive this type of education or if you have received it, you apparently have forgotten it.  Knowing the operational aspects is needed to make a great manager. You have also surrounded yourself with people in your cabinets that honestly have no clue as to what it takes to run this country. They have never step out of their gilded cage to experience what life is like in the pits.

This is why your approval rating on March 30, 2017 was 34% with 59% disapproving of your services.
This is why your own party won’t give you an “A”.

Stop being so (what I would refer) egotistical that you cannot see your faults. You are, at this juncture, taking the defensive. It is time that you own up to the truth. The people are not happy with your job performance. You can turn this around if you stop all this and wipe the slate clean. 

Start over again and only this time, draw VP Pence closer to you for advisement. You need some really seasoned trustworthy bi-partisan advising. I suggest you start with Jimmy Carter George Bush, George Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Mike Pence. Take and remove anything out of the “nepotism” equation and start with sound colleagues who have been there and done that.

God bless us all and the United States of America. We are going to need it.

Additional Source:
The White House – Briefing Room – Presidential Actions— From the Press Office – Executive Orders


[1] Pearson, Michael. “What’s a sanctuary city, and why should you care?” CNN. 8th July, 2015. (accessed 4/30/2017)
[2] Kopan, Tal. “Judge blocks part of Trump’s Sanctuary Cities Executive Order.” CNN. 26th April, 2017. (accessed 4/30/2017) 
[3] Bertrand, Natasha. “This Mexican town is the sex-trafficking capital of the world.” Business Insider Magazine. 10th February 2015. (accessed 4/30/2017)
[4] Rickie, Claire. “Houston has the highest number of human trafficking victims nation-wide.” KXON News. 28th March 28th 2016. (accessed 4/30/2017)
[5] Camarota, Steven A. “How the Terrorist Get In.” Center for Immigration Studies. September 2002. (accessed 4/30/2017)
[6] Kephart, Janice. “The Complete Immigration Story of 9/11.” Center for Immigration Studies. September 2010. (accessed 4/30/2017)
[7] Kephart, Janice. “The Complete Immigration Story of 9/11.” Center for Immigration Studies.
[8] Kephart, Janice. “The Complete Immigration Story of 9/11.” Center for Immigration Studies
[9] Kephart, Janice. “Biometric Exit Tracking” Center for Immigration Studies. September 2013. (accessed 4/30/2017) Special Note: AG Jeff Sessions worked very heavily in getting this program pushed through. It was one of his special projects while he was Senator (R) for the state of Alabama.
[10] Gonzales, Richard, Joel Rose and Merrit Kennedy. “Trump Travel Ban blocked by Federal Judges in Hawaii, Maryland.” Houston Public NPR Media News-All Things Considered. 15th March 2017. (accessed 04/30/2017)

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